Alright, I played the demo a bunch:
+ Basics are very good. I had fun moving and using special abilities to my tactical advantage.
+ I agree that you're pressed to win fast, but the game also suffers a bit from the "HoMM-sickness" of "press space and wait for dumb AI to advance so you get first strike."
+ Kinaesthetics are fantastic. Sound effects and the miniature's response on getting hit feel real and really complement each other.
+ Most visual markers are great. The range indicators for example are simple and unintrusive.
+ Tooltips as well. They show fast, provide all the info you need, and are, again, unintrusive.
+ So far, documentation in the combat itself is great. I hope you will be providing a good "player's handbook" to let your players know about the deeper mechanics?
+ The game is very pretty.
+ Execution of actions is swift and animations are quick. I expect this will be insanely important as the number of actors ramp up.
+ Terrain differences are cool, and unlike many other games that use them, your graphical representation is, again, very clear and the tool tips remove most doubt as to their effects. I was a little in doubt about height of terrain though, does that play into combat?
+ Inventory screen looks nice! I can't wait to actually play these fun matches in context and with customization out of battle.
~ My main worry is content, but you guys can't say much about that right now, obviously.
~ I fear combat could become monotonous quickly unless the cutomization between fights is good and you keep introducing new enemies, terrain, and encounter structure. Goes with worry about content.
- It's a little awkward that you have to Click + Drag to move the screen. Why not just have the screen move as you move the mouse to the edge of it?
- After playing this, the decision to abstain from floating numbers baffles me even more. This game
screams for health bars and floating numbers. In fact, I can't remember seeing many games that would benefit more from that than this one. If you're so worried that some players might find it aestaethically displeasing, why not just include it as a toggle?
- The combat log is pretty obscure honestly, placed out of sight with small letters in the top left. But then, the game wouldn't need a superhandy, always-on combat log if every decision you made was clear in terms of choice and outcome. It will be once you implement floating damage numbers and health bars
- Due to the lack of health bars, getting a quick overview of the battlefield is very difficult. This is my biggest niggle. Half-way through a fight, you have to hover the mouse over each character (enemy and friendly) if you want to get an overview of things look. Visual degrading of characters with low health is not precise enough to make a decision.
All in all, I am cautiously optimistic. I liked what I saw, and it was fun to play.