Got bored and left
I'm not yet sure how to use archers effectively. They frequently miss and act as delicious meat pies for any enemies who flank or break through. From some cursory Googling, randomly-occurring terrain advantages can help them a lot, and they're good from late early game through mid-game until the enemy starts constantly sporting beefy armor.
Yeah, a bro needs to have some pretty high ranged skill to be able to use bows effectively, but when an arrow does hit, it usually hurts. My archers tend to have high initiative, but instead of shooting right away, I let the enemy come closer, makes it much easier to land some early hits. I always take the perk that increases armour penetration (Sundering Strikes, I think?), it helps a lot. They're a good way to take care enemy archers as well - I've found them to be some of the more annoying enemies to deal with in encouters vs humans, in my limited experience. And crossbows are even better - they don't require as much skill and hit like a truck, at the cost of decreased fire rate and range. Witch hunters start with them equipped, they're some of my favourite bros.