is Battle Brothers supposed to be pretty good? I tried a bit out but the battles and movement in them don’t seem like much but maybe I have to invest more time in it.
It's good, grindy and with some annoying mechanism like sending you for a round trip on the other far side of the map to fight orcs.
Mods fix most of the annoyances, there's also a very high lethality, especially when you're not familiar with the combat mechanism or never retreat (or pick some unbeatable legendary contracts with legends like too many white wolves).
I recommend trying again, i didn't like it at first either.
Also, do yourself a favor and if you find it on sale, buy all the DLC and then after you're familiar with the mechanism, play with the
Legends mod wich adds legendary monsters, a lot of perks, legendary contracts, multiple origins, new interesting backgrounds for your mercs, a lot of QoL improvements, crafting recipes, runes, ...
If you want mages or just want to play a grown up pokemon, add
Magic Origins, either for the mage trio or the Hexe origin.
Bottle Brothers don't simulate armor well, no spells, and they added guns, which cheapens combat. Also they allow only 11 perks per character max + level limits. They don't simulate weapon damage, it's ad hoc numbers... And then there is that problem with scaling danger to your party level.
So nice for few days, but they should spend more effort.
See above, Legends adds veteran level-ups (+1 perk every 5 veteran level but every two for starting main character(s)) + Magic Origins, cool spells for mage backgrounds, permanently charm any unit (some are way harder to get) to add it to your mercs.
AC_mod (Accessoiry Companions) allow you to tame beasts (wolves, bears, snakes, nachos, hyenas, even legendary ones) to use them like regular dogs and they even level up.
For squad-based tactics:
Dungeon Rats (highly recommend, can be played solo or with party)
Expeditions: Conquistador
Dead State
Colony Ship (early access, can be played solo or with party. great game so far)
OpenXcom mods: XPiratez and the X-com Files
All classics, Dungeon Rats combat is just great, if you like tactical combat, it's amazing and Colony Ships is setting the bar even higher, right on top of the RPG galaxy.
Warbanners -medieval fantasy with sieges.
Vigilantes -crime fighting, modern setting.
Seconded, there's other mods than piratez, which is to my opinion quite autistic.
Warbanners doesn't get enough love, it's a Fantasy General like game with new mechanism like day, night and light affecting accuracy, siege battle on both sides of the catapult, huge battles with allies, some heroes to recruit...
Vigilantes offer good close combat and gunfight, a bit grindy on higher difficulties though so i recommend easy/normal on a first playthrough.
I'll add
Voidspire Tactics, weird UI, it's jrpg like but it's good tactical combat where you can freeze water to walk on it and other cool mechanisms.
Knights of the Chalice 2 is going to be officially released soon (backers already completed it multiple times) and
KotC is older but go and grab it if you didn't already.