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  • I found your comments and channel on Odysee by accident. Gracious and eloquent as always.

    Honestly I thought that this Keith Woods was another grifter name-dropping class consciousness only to legitimize himself pushing idealist agenda (much like the wokes do). But he gets blamed by the right for being a "commie". Seems that he's a legit nazbol. Cheers.
    Dint understand a word of this
    Twiglard is a retarded communist.
    There's a fair amount of legitimate crossover between Fascism and Communism, the sense that both are decisively against the existing order and have similar critiques of it. The sticking point is on the positive (prescriptive) side of things: the egalitarianism and cosmopolitanism of Communism versus the hierarchy and nationalism of Fascism.
    Found your own peas in a pod thread among my old tabs, actually saved it in my HD. Very good thread and interesting conclusions. Its insane and almost heretical to me, think that more rationality/intelligence can be anything but good/better/superior... and that's why its interesting to me.
    I wrote a longish response to this but it doesn't fit here, I'll attach it to the end of that thread.
    but by English, and then American middle-class White adults buying them in droves. Again, that's the phenomenon that needs to be explained - and the syndrome I'm describing is what the books "tapped into" as the saying goes.
    Interesting observation, i think the described demographic is also the same one that consumes Agatha Christie's novels before HP was published.
    Yeah, also has a weakness for period dramas and that sort of thing. Also things like Inspector Morse - all that cozy stuff that hearkens back to an England long gone. The interesting wrinkle with Harry Potter is the special snowflake power fantasy angle - it seems like what's unconscious is bubbling up closer to the surface there.
    the special snowflake power fantasy angle
    The overcoming your traumas/negative quirks as self actualization/ personal progress arcs, I see that concept proliferate in yippee non fiction like love pray eat.
    Who is blaming Putin?
    I'm genuinely curious about what you are hoping to achieve by engaging in lengthy discussions with the golem. It strikes me as a kind of reverse Christopher Colombus situation in which you're trading gold for glass trinkets.
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    Helps that the guy's quite civil as well. There are worse 'dexers to argue with.
    (((Golem))), gotta write that one down
    Well, that's certainly as good a reason as any other, though when it comes to sharpening a knife a hard stone is preferable to a wet rag ;-) In any event, your replies are always thought-provoking and a pleasure to read, so no complaints on my end.
    Hóngwèibīng You can't have civility without good faith. Khor has a dishonest streak I cannot abide.
    I loved City of Heroes too. That game was a lightning strike that only happens a few times in a lifetime. Serious good times with friends and solo.
    Yep, it was THE most social game I've ever played, and it managed the trick not by leaning on guilds (although it had supergroups too), but somehow, by some weird synergy, making PUGs really fun to be in. I hardly ever played solo, I was always in teams, chatting away merrily and bashing supervillains. A PUG would last for hours, picking up and dropping people as it went :)
    Did you had a rich sex life old man?
    I've had my moments, but I wouldn't say it was especially rich. About average, maybe slightly above, since I was in the music biz.
    is your producing walls of racist shit everyday some sorta last will type of thing given your morbidly advanced age
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