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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


May 18, 2004
The second link you made in that other post leads to some furry B&W animation.


Oct 16, 2005
Cognitive Elite HQ
Yes, if you put them in the wrong order and pretend I'm talking about the same link you can have tons of fun rolling your eyes. What a dumbass. And, by everyone, it seems I was mistaken. It's just you, Dongle. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


Jan 20, 2006
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: iiaaa :cool: aaaaaa :cool: aaaa :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
:cool: aaaaaaaaaaaaa :cool: aaaaaa :cool: aaaa :cool: aaaaaaa :cool:
:cool: aaaaaaaaaaaaa :cool: aaaaaa :cool: aaaa :cool: aaaaaaa :cool:
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: iaiaa :cool: aaaaaa :cool: aaaa :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
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:cool: aaaaaaaaaaaaa :cool: aaaaaii :cool: aaaa :cool: aaaaiia :cool: aaaaaaaaaaiiaaaa :cool:
:cool: aaaaaaaaaaaaa :cool: aaaaaii :cool: aaaa :cool: aaaaaii :cool: aaaaaaaaaiiaaaaa :cool:
:cool: aaaaaaaaaaaaa :cool: aaaaaii :cool: aaaa :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: aaaaa :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:


Oct 16, 2005
Cognitive Elite HQ
How to play RPGs

Sovy Kurosei

Dec 29, 2004
If I recall if you take the treasure you kill the baby chicks because their nest falls down and their mother comes out and starts a random ATB fight you.

It is too bad that the idea of choices and consequences in a jRPG are usually a choice and non-choice. Do it or don't do it. There is no third option to appoach taking the damn treasure.


Jan 23, 2006
kingcomrade said:
Yes, if you put them in the wrong order and pretend I'm talking about the same link you can have tons of fun rolling your eyes.
Must be pretty bad when you can't even follow your own fucking posts, much less anyone else's. . . . :lol:


Oct 16, 2005
Cognitive Elite HQ
Must be pretty bad when you can't even follow your own fucking posts, much less anyone else's. . .

Someone please tell me that I'm in an alternate dimension where dongle really is this stupid and show me the door back to the real world.


Feb 22, 2007
<aweigh> the first image that springs to mind whenever i think of that book is the protagonists mother telling ghost stories from the shitter to her two daughters
<aweigh> and the feeling of being inside a grave as if it was a womb
<SolInvictus> aweigh reads faggy goth books.
<SolInvictus> go slit your wrists, fag.
* Veloxyll has joined #mistresslair
* ChanServ sets mode: +v Veloxyll
<ChanServ> [Veloxyll] <Pho> Can I call you Sexiest thing on the internet?
<Sereki> That's not nice Sol
<aweigh> i found a fan portrait of rowan mayfair: http://talamasca.msjekyll.com/images/Rowan.gif
<aweigh> it's pretty fucking good
<aweigh> but she looks too young in it, too innocent
<SolInvictus> aweigh isn't a nice person. He thinks the holocaust is funny. I don't have to be nice to ihm.
<aweigh> where would you get that, SolInvictus?
<Sereki> Hair needs to be darker
<z> in a rare feat of agreeing with exit, I agree with <SolInvictus> aweigh reads faggy goth books.
* Sereki has quit IRC (*.net *.split )
<SolInvictus> Looks like your only friend left, aweigh.
* Sereki has joined #mistresslair
<aweigh> what's this about the holocaust? are you talking about the post on the codex?
<aweigh> obviously you don't understand what an ironic comment is
<z> everytime I masturbate i think of it as a holocaust'
<SolInvictus> Obviously, you don't understand that certain subjects musn't be broached under a certain, say, ironic light.
<SolInvictus> That's not nice, KobraKiller. You should know better than to say things like that.
<Sereki> Chill kiddies
<aweigh> do you think anyone likes you better because you pretend to care about the holocaust?
<z> each and every one of those sperm could create a life under the right conditions
<Sereki> Where the hell have you been Sol? He ALWAYS says things like that
<SolInvictus> Do you think anyone likes you better because you act all 'edgy' like NL and Patrick? No, most people think they are idiotic.
<SolInvictus> Fucking 17 year olds.
<z> all those potetntial lives either down the drain or in the trash
<aweigh> it was the jewish slave-traders that cemented the negro's plight in the early colonization periods. 28 million chinese civilians died during the invsaion of mainland china in world war 2. the entire indiginous population of the americas was practically exterminated
<Sereki> Eww
<aweigh> why don't you pretend to care about those?
<aweigh> using the holocaust as some moralistic crutch is cliched
<z> although I suppose my chances of getting laid are low enough that it hardly matters if my seed is wasted :(
<SolInvictus> The subject was about the holocaust, not about any of those other plights.
<SolInvictus> You made a joke about the holocaust, calling it funny.
<aweigh> they weren't plights, they were genocide
<SolInvictus> I responded to you, on that subject.
<aweigh> there you are wrong again, i never made a joke
<aweigh> i made an ironic comment
<aweigh> why don't you stop making up things?
<SolInvictus> If I had responded to you in regards to the plight of the early colonization periods or what have you, it would have been construed as a straw man argument.
<aweigh> you mean like your desperate belief that everyone who even utters the word holocaust is morally decrepit?
<aweigh> you'd fit right in with the japanese, they love that sort of white-washing
<SolInvictus> Not the word, aweigh, but to actually make light of it.
<aweigh> making an ironic comment doesn't mean you're making light of anything.
<z> while the jewish are gods chosen people, unfortunately its chosen-to-be-fucked-with
<aweigh> it's an acknowledgement.
<SolInvictus> That's what Naked Lunch says every time he makes a holocaust joke.
<SolInvictus> He's being "ironic". Oh yeah, every single time.
<Veloxyll> z speaks truth. And damn it, why'd you have to go and lose your ops, you could've banned them both and things would be much quieter.
<SolInvictus> Shut the fuck up already.
<SolInvictus> So we get it, you're an "offensive" person, because being a 17 year old outcast in high school doesn't help the ego much, does it? That's no reason to be a total dickhead on the internet.
<SolInvictus> GG anonymity.
<z> vel: i probably should have known something was up with agreeing with jt
<Ariane> Sigh.
<aweigh> what's up with the 17 year old with an outcast comments?
<aweigh> are you 17?
<SolInvictus> No, but I think you are. Aren't you?
<aweigh> what's this obsession with 17 year olds and their social status
<aweigh> i'm 22
<SolInvictus> You sound like Patrick, NL and Nicolai.
<SolInvictus> You totally fit in.
<aweigh> you're insane.
<SolInvictus> Then act your age, please.
<aweigh> you should lay off IRC for a few months, get your head together.
<aweigh> teh internet drama has warped your fragile little mind.
<z> (it was warped before that. lelwelwlelwelwlelwelwlelwel!)
<SolInvictus> Heh, sure Z.
<Sereki> Lol I love that, Sol you say "That's no reason to be a total dickhead on the internet." Yet NEWSFLASH you're the one being the total dickhead. You blast in on a conversation that had nothing to do with you, nothing to do with the fucking holocaust that has got your undies in so much of a twist you'll be sterile for the next 5 years and start insulting people. Maybe YOU should grow up.
<SolInvictus> That was a very long sentence.
<aweigh> vicky's just really good at nursing grudges.
<aweigh> he's just mad because way back in september i made fun of Oblivion
<z> why is it whenever someone refers to me with z` they either capititalize it, take out the `, or both
<Sereki> I know, So. At least I remembered to use full stops this time :P I'm tired. Been driving all day.
<Veloxyll> to confuse you
<SolInvictus> You should go back to being KobraKiller.
<SolInvictus> z is a letter.
<z> itd be confusing if there was someone named Z
<Sereki> Sol*
<z> having a letter` nick is like being a nudist
<SolInvictus> Well, I suppos you area right, Sareki. It was an unnecessary outburst.
<SolInvictus> *suppose *are
<aweigh> how is it like being a nudist, z`?
<aweigh> your nick makes me think you're wearing a beret
<Veloxyll> because he's not wearing any clothes while he's posting
<z> as you cant judge a nudist by their clothes, you cant judge me by my nick
<aweigh> except for a little beret
<z> also because what vel said
<SolInvictus> For that, I apologise. However, I must state that aweigh's posts on the Codex did strike me as being rather 'adolescent', hence my demeanor towards him.
<Sereki> Of course you can't judge nudists by their clothes (THEY AREN'T WEARING ANY!!!)
<aweigh> sol, don't try to sneak insults in your fake apology
<aweigh> don't be a douche
<aweigh> if you're going to apologize for something, be honest about it
<z> just like you cant jhudge me by my nick cause I technically dont have one
<SolInvictus> Your perceptions deceive you, aweigh. Are you always this distrustful?
<z> as a bonus I get to make tons of calculus jokes when my nick is stolen
<aweigh> right, whatever. how's being insane working out for you, vicky?
<Sereki> So I'm tired, driving all day sucks sorta.
<SolInvictus> Vicky?
* Ariane gnaws on Velo
<SolInvictus> Nobody calls the "Vicky" but Spazmo. Oh, this is one of those Codex fads, isn't it?
<aweigh> yes, that's your pet name in the codex. i explained last time as well.
* Veloxyll is digested
<aweigh> it's rather cute.
<Veloxyll> :( what were you doing Sereki/ Aside from driving obviously
<SolInvictus> That's kind of fucked up. If you want to start acting your age, my suggestion would be to drop the nonsense.
<Sereki> We were down in Wanaka for 4 days, 3 nights
<z> i con someone else into driving all day if its required
<aweigh> argueing with you is like baking jews, vicky. senseless.
<SolInvictus> There you go again, with the holocaust humor.
<SolInvictus> Oh, you were being ironic again.
<SolInvictus> Right.
<SolInvictus> Are you sure you're 22?
<aweigh> no, i'm 48 and really a lutheran priest in disguise. ask ExMonk.
<SolInvictus> So how long until you get out of high school?
<z> lutherans dont have highschool, they have hats
<aweigh> i'm not going to keep this going if you're going to go back to the same stock comments, vicky. anything else to add that doesn't have to do with nubile teenagers?
<Sereki> We brought fresh fruit back, sooooooooo good
<Veloxyll> :)
<aweigh> what kind of fruit?
<z> i bet petor is a fresh fruit
<z> and theres no need to drive a day to eat him
<Sereki> plums, greengages, nashi pears and nectarines
<Sereki> wtf z`?
<aweigh> nashi pears? what are those
<aweigh> is this one? http://www.amspw.org/spw/alimentacion/i ... ispero.gif
<z> i'd imagine pears that originated in nashi
<aweigh> i love nisperos, i think it's the same thing
<Sereki> Nope
<Sereki> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nashi_Pear
<Sereki> mm gonna save the last two plums for work tomorrow
<aweigh> they look tasty
<aweigh> what did you think of the queen of the damned movie, sereki
<Petor23> [18] <z> i bet petor is a fresh fruit
<Petor23> wuh?
<Sereki> Not that impressed, liked Interview with the Vampire better
<aweigh> of course, interview was a million times better
<aweigh> the actors in queen of the damned couldn't've looked more bored if they'd tried
<aweigh> and aaliyah was just retarded
<Sereki> They've done one in 2001 of The Feast of all Saints, but I haven't seen it
<Sereki> They also did a comedy of Exit to Eden in 94, storyline the same except for the 2 cops that go undercover at the resort
<SolInvictus> You jack off to Anne Rice novels don't you aweigh?
<aweigh> whoa they did an adaptation of feast of all saints? where?
<aweigh> where what who
<Sereki> http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1808496873/info
<Sereki> Directed by Peter Medak
<aweigh> argh they don't list who played who
<aweigh> just actor names
* Ariane has quit IRC (Quit: FEAR THE DOUGHBOY!!!!1111 )
<z> i played them all
<aweigh> must've been tough, changing your skin color
<z> i'm a mad playa' like that
<Sereki> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0255730/
<Sereki> There you go
<aweigh> i wanna get down on my knees and start pleasing Jesus <-- some Christian song
<SolInvictus> Bullshit.
* Gangor has joined #mistresslair
* ChanServ sets mode: +v Gangor
<z> my pants are all gingerale-ly now
<SolInvictus> So how many people have you offended today, aweigh? Do you keep a tally? Oh let's see.. the Jews, and now the Christians. Yeah, way to go man, you're so cool in your edgy ways.
<aweigh> vicky why don't you just /ignore me? honestly, it'd save everyone a lot of grief.
<aweigh> wow that's a murderous review of the adaptation on IMDB, Sereki
<SolInvictus> You know, Spazmo's reasoning behind calling me Vicky was that women are 'inferior' to men, therefore their names can be used as putdowns. That's classy, aweigh.
<aweigh> well since you won't let it go vicky, i'll use the ignore function.
* Added SolInvictus!*@* to ignore list


May 18, 2004
Have you tried getting that PSX emulator running KC? Know any good sites and guides for that or other console emulators? I've got old console games I wouldn't mind playing on the PC.


Oct 23, 2005
Lonely Vazdru said:
The_Nameless_Prick said:
Having no life is a wonderful thing.

Seeing your location, I guess you're the unborn then.

If you think that's bad, wait till you see Higher Game's location.

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