Hello, this is Naoki Yoshida, Producer and Director of FINAL FANTASY XIV.
I would like to thank you for your interest in Crystalline Conflict, the new 5v5 PvP content implemented in Patch 6.1.
However, we are receiving an unprecedented number of reports concerning uncooperative/lethargic or taunting behavior during matches. Thus I’d like to warn against such behaviors by reviewing the main types of prohibited behaviors.
1. Uncooperative/Lethargic behavior
All PvP content, including Crystalline Conflict, is intended to be a battle/contest of skill between players. Participants must bring their best to the fight, and for this reason uncooperative or lethargic behavior is prohibited. Let’s strive to do our best even in situations where defeat is imminent, regardless of whether or not you’re interested in the rewards.
2. Taunting/Abusive behavior
Taunting, abusive, or slanderous language on chat is prohibited not only in Crystalline Conflict, but in all PvP content. The following examples of target marker/emote usage and other behaviors are also considered taunting behavior and fall under prohibited activities.
・Repeatedly using the Quick Chat phrase "Nice job!" during a disadvantageous situation
・Repeatedly using the Quick Chat phrase "Good match!" before the outcome of the match has even been decided
・Excessively repeating a particular Quick Chat phrase
・Persistently placing a negative target marker on another ally player
・Using and repeating an emote on top of a downed opponent
・Setting off fireworks on top of a downed opponent
・Using Tell or other methods to directly harass/criticize a player outside of a duty after a match has ended
・Slandering other players through means outside of the game, such as social media.