Some of their recent published games are actually ok, such as Prey. But their own the hell do their elder scrolls games have so much bugs even after so much unofficial patches?
You are just parroting what you hear. The main dude on the unoffical patch just recently figured out that -not- cleaning the dirty edits of the offical files is for the best after 15 years of saying otherwise. Those guys are clueless. There is a reason Bethesda didnt invite a single one of them to work on their Creation Club mods. I have more crashes and issues with the unnofical patches on Skyrim and Falllout 4 than without. I played Skyrim a couple years back umodded to get a dose of nostalgia. Played for 150 hours, no fast travel anywhere, completed damn near everything, not one crash. I had to reload once on the quest Blood on Ice when Calixto ran into a wall and wouldnt stop. Oblivion is in need of patching, quite a bit actually. New Vegas was made by Shitsidian and was easily the worst of the bunch. Its the only "Bethesda" game I had unmodded that had the save corrupt. The fact you like Prey confirms my words will fall of deaf ears. Seriously though, name the first bug that comes to mind without using google in an Elder Scrolls game.
This is fake news.
Anyone who has played Bethesda games for a significant amount of time should easily be able to list numerous engine bugs without googling, which are basically Bethesda screw ups. Most of them have been fixed by the "clueless" community.
For the longest time Oblivion would literally corrupt your saves if you played more than about 100 hours or so because it would run out of forms because it had a bug where it wasn't reusing them. Luckuly it was patched. There is a bug that exists to this day where all animations will slow down and the only way to fix it is to update a value in your save file manually. I have experienced both of these bugs personally and they are so common most mod managers contain automatic fixes for them.
Oblivion contains various other engine issues as well. Try casting paralysis on an NPC as they travel between zones.
I have also experienced the infamous
"Skyrim naked guard bug" first hand.
The Fallout3/New Vegas engine runs at 64 frames per second internally, but renders at 60, dropping the last 4 frames, which is why you get microstutter, which was fixed by the New Vegas Stutter Fix (and superceded by NVTF).
Not to mention the engine has no error checking whatsoever and just completely crashes rather than failing gracefully. Missing a master? Instant crash. Try to add items to an inventory of a deleted actor? Instant crash. Try to write an out of range value? Instant crash. Load more than about 80-150 plugins (it's system dependent), all custom assets no longer work and the game crashes soon after starting. (By the way, virtually ALL of these issues are fixed by NVSE patches made by the modders you think are clueless - NVAC, ESP Limit Fix, NV Tick Fix)
New Vegas specifically is a game that went from a crashy, barely functional mess on release to a game that now (thanks entirely to the modding community) runs pretty stable, rarely crashes, and can support an absolute abundance of mods.
I could go on for pages about all the engine level fuckups that modders have had to fix over the years, but I feel I have made my point. You basically have to be either insanely misinformed or lying to pretend that Bethesda has any idea at all what they are doing or makes games that are even remotely stable.
There is ABSOLUTELY valid criticism to be made against unofficial patches. Some of them make questionable gameplay changes (especially Mission Mohave, which luckily has been effectively superceded by YUP), but to just blanket categorise all unofficial patch developers as clueless is the worst take in the history of bad takes, possibly ever. Especially when their alleged screw up has absolutely nothing to do with the numerous bug fixes and engine/level improvements they have contributed over the decades.
You don't have a single piece of evidence other than "REEE my game apparently crashed more when using unofficial patches but I have no data" to support your insane conspiracy theory that the unofficial patches make the games less stable. Across Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Skyrim, there are hundreds if not thousands of quest bugs that can break in numerous ways and make the quest (or the game) uncompletable. The unofficial patches fix virtually all of them. To say these people have no idea what they are doing shows extreme ignorance on your part. And all of it because, what, someone said it's okay to remove a few identical to master records in some DLCs and turned out to be wrong? That's stupid. Meanwhile they have decades of use and a lot of extremely well documented bug fixes. There's no debate to be had here, you're simply objectively wrong and you should change your opinion immediately because it's discordant with reality.
Given the precedent set by Fallout 4, will the next TES title have a voiced protagonist? Would be pure decline.
Taking literally any feature from Fallout 4 is decline. They should just pretend that game doesn't exist and move on.