Sorry, but when I see several paragraphs of a man trying to mansplain sexism to me, my eyes just go to the back of my head and I tune out.
Ah, right, so when you don't have an answer, you can just ignore the argument because it's "mansplaining". The fact that I have a penis gives you the right to dismiss my arguments without engaging them, because it's "mansplaining". Your whole counterargument is "you have a penis, you argument is invalid".
And that is not sexism, because....?
Again, I find your sexist attitude offensive, and kind of hypocritical. You don't get to claim sexism as a tool of power for just one gender, it applies to both. If you don't have any actual counter-argument, you're free to give in. Don't pretend "that's sexist!" is an argument in and of itself, it's not that easy.
Also, when a bunch of jerks attack you, the response shouldn't be "I should really try to find the root cause of why they would do such a thing!"
If you're a company where community interaction is a big deal, then yes, it should. It's not fun, but it's part of your job. BioWare's attitude is censor, ignore and attack. That doesn't work.
"Wah, how dare she work in the industry when she's a bad writer who hates playing games! It should be me!"
No one said "it should be me". I don't want her job. I think plenty of her criticasters don't. They want someone better to have her job.
Refuses to do any kind of research, spreads propaganda anyway.
I'm not writing an article, again. I'm not posting in a capacity as a game journalist. We all make statements based on cursory research. And what's even better, my point isn't even related to the whole "gay sex" thing, that's a thing I said "is fine", you decided to hammer on it. It's pretty irrelevant to the point overall. So sure, she doesn't prefer gay sex. It doesn't matter.
Her other one at least tries to look like a facsimile of armor, fits the setting, and has an attempt at justification
There is no real justification. The game says it's "to let her skin breath" and contains a segment where she's advised to use it to distract men. It is sexist, no less sexist than that promo image. Please stop this absurd misogyny-internalizing shit.
That video was good until right at the very end, "The only thing she's likely to have good taste in is food". Oh, she's fat? Wow, we never noticed!
Yip. There is a point in there, and there are people who can state it calmly, but people only weaken it when they feel the need to point out Hepler is a woman, fat, or ugly, all things anyone can see, all things irrelevant to what actually upset people in this "controversy". It's a shame, because it made it so easy to dismiss. And because people being assholes and piling on one individual is always painful, especially for that person, but painful to watch too.