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Editorial Bioware Meltdown Watch - The Burning of Star Wars: The Old Republic


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
I'm a HUGE star was fag but there is nothing on earth that would ever get me to play this. Hell I even played Star Trek Online (which is pretty cool).

But this shit? meh


Lunacy of Caen: Todd Reaver
Aug 2, 2011
I'm a HUGE star was fag but there is nothing on earth that would ever get me to play this. Hell I even played Star Trek Online (which is pretty cool).

But this shit? meh
Played the free trial for about two hours. I think even launch-era Everquest was a more complete game.

Also 25GB to try a free trial, what the fuck was I doing.


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I'm a HUGE star was fag but there is nothing on earth that would ever get me to play this. Hell I even played Star Trek Online (which is pretty cool).

But this shit? meh
I'm almost in the exact same boat, except the prequels and all shit Lucas Arts farts out (Force Unleashed, I'm looking at you) has totally killed my hope that any additions to Star Wars will be any good. I just hope they'll do as little damage as possible and maybe someday a brilliant writer will come along and give it the breath of life.

Wise Emperor

Feb 16, 2010
Mongolian Southern Coast
Hell, I'm too big fan of Star Wars, I can even stomach Bioware crap and my fear of EA, but 25gb of game installation? For what? That terrible graphics? Music? Lines of dialogue? :wtfisthisshit.jpg"


Glory to Ukraine
Jun 8, 2010
Sic semper tyrannis.
I'm a HUGE star was fag but there is nothing on earth that would ever get me to play this. Hell I even played Star Trek Online (which is pretty cool).

But this shit? meh

Played it for about half a year on subscription. I actually kinda liked it, but all the people leaving were making it impossible to raid and then I got a girlfriend so had no more time for MMOs.

Plus I guess I'm no longer all that interested in the "carrot dangling in front of the nose" mechanic that MMOs have to rely on. Ah... to go back to the naivety of thinking EverQuest was the best game I've ever played. I miss you 1999.
Dec 31, 2009
I took one look at the F2P matrix and its crippleware and decided to stay the hell AWAY.

Since I don't believe in improvement, being that improvement is contraindicated by the Laws of Thermodynamics, that's the best it's ever going to be and it's all downhill from there. Entropy always increases.
That's a really shit understanding of the laws of thermodynamics brodude

The first problem being that they only apply to thermodynamics, the second being that they only apply to closed system


Apr 29, 2012
I'm also kind of an starwars fan and gave it a try,a fter 2 days downloading 27Gbs becuase download stoped to a crawl (under 3Kb/s) if left unatended I played a bit of the storyline:

The first thing I noticed is game mechanics were lacking in all aspects, now in MMORPGs I have only playd GW1 and GW2, well to put it bluntly, it had all the skill limitations of GW2 and all the mobility limitations of GW1, the worst of both worlds.

Light side story was bad (only played about half of the tutorial with a Jedi) but it couldn't be any less interesting.
Dark side at least made you chuckle from time to time which disguissed a bit the fact that for everythng else it still was unappealing.
What is worst not only it had inferior story to both KOTORs but it is actually an MMORPG which means that from story to story you actually have to stop story and grind for XP to cope with next chapter, that made the story cumberstome on top of bad.

MORPGs are about multiplaying, in my opinion story and multiplayer are incompatible, when I play MORPGs I don't care about the story I just clcik skip, get it over, and proceed to dungeons or whatever me and my "guild" budies fancy, and yes we don't care about dungeon story either. And this is coming from a guy who is a storyfag in single player rpgs. MMORPGs and CRPGs are two different genres and developers should stop trying to mix them, most people don't want to play 100 hours of super easy content designed as a tutorial and story, they want to learn the game and jump into challenging and rewarding areas. Reduce the tutorial in games to 2-3 hour experience to learn the ropes of the game and once you are out of it you are a max level player who just has to focus on having fun with friends and geting the equipment you fancy.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
You and everybody else.
Then again, I'm not sure. Like 50% of Everquest 2 subscribers are housewives that craft the day away while breastfeeding.
I wonder if that's every MMORPG.


Dec 6, 2012
That's a really shit understanding of the laws of thermodynamics brodude

The first problem being that they only apply to thermodynamics, the second being that they only apply to closed system
Isolated system. Oh you meant the laws, misread it as you meant entropy increase.


Jun 3, 2005
That's a really shit understanding of the laws of thermodynamics brodude

The first problem being that they only apply to thermodynamics, the second being that they only apply to closed system
I don't see them open-sourcing the game anytime soon, so it wil thus remain a closed system devoid of external input for the forseeable future. One cannot mod an MMO, and as such, there is no way for external sources to input into the system. And you will note how when a modder is added to the system, the modder either contributes nothing, or burns out as his entropy is increased to lower the entropy of the system.

So yes, thermodynamics is an entirely accurate model for game development. Just as thermodynamics is ultimately a set of statistics rather than a hard rule, while brief reversals may occur on their own at a microscopic level, the other shoe always drops. Entropy increases. Shit gets worse.
Dec 31, 2009
That's a really shit understanding of the laws of thermodynamics brodude

The first problem being that they only apply to thermodynamics, the second being that they only apply to closed system
I don't see them open-sourcing the game anytime soon, so it wil thus remain a closed system devoid of external input for the forseeable future. One cannot mod an MMO, and as such, there is no way for external sources to input into the system. And you will note how when a modder is added to the system, the modder either contributes nothing, or burns out as his entropy is increased to lower the entropy of the system.
Closed system means something different in a thermodynamic sense than in a computer software sense, believe it or not

Captain Shrek

That's a really shit understanding of the laws of thermodynamics brodude

The first problem being that they only apply to thermodynamics, the second being that they only apply to closed system
I don't see them open-sourcing the game anytime soon, so it wil thus remain a closed system devoid of external input for the forseeable future. One cannot mod an MMO, and as such, there is no way for external sources to input into the system. And you will note how when a modder is added to the system, the modder either contributes nothing, or burns out as his entropy is increased to lower the entropy of the system.
Closed system means something different in a thermodynamic sense than in a computer software sense, believe it or not


What are you studying Herostratus?


Dec 6, 2012
I don't see them open-sourcing the game anytime soon, so it wil thus remain a closed system devoid of external input for the forseeable future. One cannot mod an MMO, and as such, there is no way for external sources to input into the system. And you will note how when a modder is added to the system, the modder either contributes nothing, or burns out as his entropy is increased to lower the entropy of the system.

So yes, thermodynamics is an entirely accurate model for game development. Just as thermodynamics is ultimately a set of statistics rather than a hard rule, while brief reversals may occur on their own at a microscopic level, the other shoe always drops. Entropy increases. Shit gets worse.

First, "entropy always increases" only applies to isolated systems, and there too it only increases up until thermodynamic equilibrium is reached.

So let's make analogies. Consider mass flow is analogous to BioWare hiring people from other games, and energy flow as ideas borrowed from other games. I'm pretty sure BioWare has done both of them, especially the second. So at best, SWTOR's development was a closed system. In a closed system it is not guaranteed that entropy of the system always increases. The entropy of the system may actually decrease (e.g. borrow ideas from Valve's F2P model), but which means entropy of the environment increases more than the decrease in the system.


Nov 6, 2010
25 gb for that pos? In the future kotor wow 3 billion will require an entire death star to run (and it won't be any better graphically and game-wise)


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Expect the actual report around the beginning of February, it takes a month after the quarter/year's end to have the conference.

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