It all makes sense now.
Guys where did the other 200+ pages MEA thread go? I want to bathe in the lulz that is the post-release reception of MEA but wanna make sure I'm reading the right thread
Mass Effect Andromeda
"The writing is miserable and its delivery is often stilted or flat out broken, but after investing twenty hours you might occasionally encounter 'fun' moments so I give it a 7 out of 10!" - A Bad Reviewer Who Probably Would Have Given Dragon Age II 8/10
The problem is NOT that all characters stopped looking like super models/porn stars. Yes please, insert average looking people, ugly people along beautiful people, just like in real life.
The problem is that most of the (female) characters look like LGBT rights blog activists instead of someone who could handle himself in a firefight, endure extreme physcial and psychological stress or let alone lead an exploration mission into unknown regions of space.
Why not just take real life as an inspiration for your characters? This is how fighter jet and helicopter pilots look like in real life. Certainly no male underwear models:
Blaine said:Why in the fuck can't I see this thread in the actual forum/subforum structure?
Oh fucking Hell, some butthurt Codex SJW cunt who put me on ignore started the thread, I bet. Well, this IS a BioWare thread, so that's highly appropriate.
ِThe problem is NOT that all characters stopped looking like super models/porn stars. Yes please, insert average looking people, ugly people along beautiful people, just like in real life.
The male Ryder also looks like some sort of hipster fag. These characters not only look like that but also talk and act like some quirky faggots. Biowaru writing xDDThe problem is that most of the (female) characters look like LGBT rights blog activists instead of someone who could handle himself in a firefight, endure extreme physcial and psychological stress or let alone lead an exploration mission into unknown regions of space.
Oh my God go and watch some footage form this game, especially some ending clips, on JewTube. This is so fucking bad, I literally cannot grasp it, it's ten times worse than ME3 in every way. Oh God .
This I can't understand either. Even in the original ME, the main default characters looked kinda badass, both the male and female Shepard. But here the default characters are like whiney teenagers. It's similar to the trend in movies, where you see less and less 30-40 year old action heroes, but instead the supposedly badass characters are played by young and pretty looking 20 year olds. Who buys that crap?The male Ryder also looks like some sort of hipster fag. These characters not only look like that but also talk and act like some quirky faggots.The problem is that most of the (female) characters look like LGBT rights blog activists instead of someone who could handle himself in a firefight, endure extreme physcial and psychological stress or let alone lead an exploration mission into unknown regions of space.
This I can't understand either. Even in the original ME, the main default characters looked kinda badass, both the male and female Shepard. But here the default characters are like whiney teenagers.
This I can't understand either. Even in the original ME, the main default characters looked kinda badass, both the male and female Shepard. But here the default characters are like whiney teenagers. It's similar to the trend in movies, where you see less and less 30-40 year old action heroes, but instead the supposedly badass characters are played by young and pretty looking 20 year olds. Who buys that crap?The male Ryder also looks like some sort of hipster fag. These characters not only look like that but also talk and act like some quirky faggots.The problem is that most of the (female) characters look like LGBT rights blog activists instead of someone who could handle himself in a firefight, endure extreme physcial and psychological stress or let alone lead an exploration mission into unknown regions of space.
Like in the series 24. Here is the grizzled, old, badass Jack Bauer:
And here is his "successor":
Yeah, totally intimidating.
Guys where did the other 200+ pages MEA thread go? I want to bathe in the lulz that is the post-release reception of MEA but wanna make sure I'm reading the right thread
And here is his "successor":
Yeah, totally intimidating.
The problem is NOT that all characters stopped looking like super models/porn stars. Yes please, insert average looking people, ugly people along beautiful people, just like in real life.
The problem is that most of the (female) characters look like LGBT rights blog activists instead of someone who could handle himself in a firefight, endure extreme physcial and psychological stress or let alone lead an exploration mission into unknown regions of space.
Why not just take real life as an inspiration for your characters? This is how fighter jet and helicopter pilots look like in real life. Certainly no male underwear models:
This is funny...Don't know how big a deal Giant Bomb is but here's a podcast of an Irish guy listening to three of their reviewers totaly shitting on the game...
Just look at the guy on the left of the screens reaction face at the start of the clip...
...I've listened to about 20 minutes or so of the three guys who have played it, coming out with more and more they hated from the game, you think they're going to stop and then another guy rembers some more shitty stuff, like the throwaway lines during combat or driving the not-mako...
"When Ryder lands on an ice planet she says to her companions, we don't know what to expect out here, so stay frosty."
"When Ryder is driving the Mako (or whatever) two of her companions start arguing and Ryder says if you guys don't quit it I'm turning this car around."
"Ryder says to one of her companions an off hand comment...The snark is strong with this one."
The guy on the left fucking hates the game, he was supposed to review it but he couldn't stand any more than 15 hours or so, so he played Wildlands instead.:D
It seems that most gaming sites have turned a corner and are really hating this, even IGN and Polygon find it impossible to rate any more than 7.5 or 7.7...
The metacritic score is being artificially inflated by unknown nobodies who write Spanish blogs, one guy gives it 95! Just take a look for yourself at the highest scores across all the platforms on metacritic, if you could select a top critics button like on rotten tomatos the score would drop to 7 or below
Have you seen the people working at BW? This is their revenge for non-hideous girls laughing at their attempts at romantic advances. Remember that femRyder flirting with a redhead video? Yeah.Yeah, I feel you man. Hell, many average, everyday (I mean, not from a tv show or anything) army girls, as well, look hot in a normal way, or normal in a hot way. FFS. Why nobody at bioware ever bothered to google up "girls of IDF"?
you see less and less 30-40 year old action heroes, but instead the supposedly badass characters are played by young and pretty looking 20 year olds. Who buys that crap?