It must've been a coincidence.most of the (female) characters look like LGBT rights blog activists
Yeah, I feel you man. Hell, many average, everyday (I mean, not from a tv show or anything) army girls, as well, look hot in a normal way, or normal in a hot way. FFS. Why nobody at bioware ever bothered to google up "girls of IDF"?
you see less and less 30-40 year old action heroes, but instead the supposedly badass characters are played by young and pretty looking 20 year olds. Who buys that crap?
The part i find hilarious is that the premise and concept of the character doesn't actually change to fit the actor.The result is a character with tons of experience and expertise who had time to develop multiple careers ,retire and have a long standing history with the story's villain yet they look like a teen barely out of highschool whos biggest concern until yesterday was who kissed Jessica under the bleachers and weather or not hes gonna flunk that one chemistry test.
I don't think I've ever seen this posted here, I don't know how I feel about this scene, this is on a Tali sings level cringe which I would find hillarious on most occasions, but the game is so bad and this scene is just such utterly awful fanfiction, with forced shitty quirky writing and everyone gets a turn to speak and show off how cool and crazzzzzy they are.
It shows zero self awareness of the sheer awfulness of the product that they have produced, in fact it feels so self indulgent and like the developers are patting themselves on the back, that my emotions on watching it go from blank faced disbelief, to despair, to disgust, to rage and back again.
The problem is NOT that all characters stopped looking like super models/porn stars. Yes please, insert average looking people, ugly people along beautiful people, just like in real life.
The problem is that most of the (female) characters look like LGBT rights blog activists instead of someone who could handle himself in a firefight, endure extreme physcial and psychological stress or let alone lead an exploration mission into unknown regions of space.
Why not just take real life as an inspiration for your characters? This is how fighter jet and helicopter pilots look like in real life. Certainly no male underwear models:
I don't think I've ever seen this posted here, I don't know how I feel about this scene, this is on a Tali sings level cringe which I would find hillarious on most occasions, but the game is so bad and this scene is just such utterly awful fanfiction, with forced shitty quirky writing and everyone gets a turn to speak and show off how cool and crazzzzzy they are.
It shows zero self awareness of the sheer awfulness of the product that they have produced, in fact it feels so self indulgent and like the developers are patting themselves on the back, that my emotions on watching it go from blank faced disbelief, to despair, to disgust, to rage and back again.
I don't think I've ever seen this posted here, I don't know how I feel about this scene, this is on a Tali sings level cringe which I would find hillarious on most occasions, but the game is so bad and this scene is just such utterly awful fanfiction, with forced shitty quirky writing and everyone gets a turn to speak and show off how cool and crazzzzzy they are.
It shows zero self awareness of the sheer awfulness of the product that they have produced, in fact it feels so self indulgent and like the developers are patting themselves on the back, that my emotions on watching it go from blank faced disbelief, to despair, to disgust, to rage and back again.
Look at the girl's face at 3:37. If you hit up the dictionary at uncanny valley, this is the illustration you find there. Zero human emotions, it's just a plastic doll. She doesn't even blink in that scene at all. Not the the other characters are any better.
That's with every Spiders game, at least it has charms.Technomancer is crap. It has some charm - the setting, atmosphere and audio/visuals are imo very cool but the game is horrible (a lot of recycling and repetition).
Just like Inquisishit or even some ME3 enemies (banshees).Bossfights are already uploaded by some player on you tube.(gamerrZombie)
Bulletsponges with no interesting abilities.
Dead Rising 3 has ugly natural charactersThing is, you can have ugly characters in your game still look human.
BioWEAr just cannot into it.
there should be more uggo's in games
Wouldn't you like to play America XVIII farmer simulator?Why?
Lol I'm just imagining the outcry over what would be essentially (in the south anyways) a slave management game. Make sure not to let the slave happiness meter get too low!Wouldn't you like to play America XVIII farmer simulator?Why?
Mars War Logs was like this but shorter (around 10 hours) so with Technomancer I was hoping they would invest more resources to make the gameplay more varied, interesting, more boss fights, just few quests but memorable etc. Instead it's just a bloated version of Mars with a few new featutes (different fighting styles for example). It could be way better imo if they decided to go for quality instead of increasing playing time (I finished it in 20-something hours but with al the boringl sidequests it supposedly takes 40). It was a fuck up imo and a dumb way to make a sequel that was supposed to be better than the first game.That's with every Spiders game, at least it has charms.
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Something Awful review:
"The writing is miserable and its delivery is often stilted or flat out broken, but after investing twenty hours you might occasionally encounter 'fun' moments so I give it a 7 out of 10!" - A Bad Reviewer Who Probably Would Have Given Dragon Age II 8/10
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