You've seen Cora and Vetra sex scenes, now share my pain and look at this weird shit. Looks like a discounted Avarar sex scene. But this time instead of space cats they are having sex with pink space rabbits:
If enough people get excited by the latter system, and it seems like they do, it's hard to say that it isn't working at its intended purpose.
But it isn't like "romance" is something completely impossible. It just another tool in the toolbox.
getting the girl makes you more of a protagonist,
Yup. I like to see it in games tho, it just adds something else of interest
The incentive might be the extra role-playing options it brings. It adds more options to roleplaying your character.
Romances are okay
I don't mind a little sex in RPGs
I hope you assholes are happy. Look at your posts and look at that shit videoclip. YOU are why we can't have nice things.
Oh and to remind everyone:
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