Bioware died after EA, it took some time but right know the founders and most of the old employees are gone from the company only the name remains and that what EA wants brand recognition, as for EA there not going anywhere so what company you guys think the buy next when bioware IP stop been popular?lmao @ people who think this means BioWare or EA are dead
These guys nailed it it a year in advance kudos to them
Im still convinced there is a greater conspiracy behind the games reception. Its a shit game amongs many similar shit games that have fared better in reviews. Could the closure of the BSN have changed things since BW no longer have the large army of perverts to defend them? The SJW shit has stopped paying off for some reason?
They even CUCKED Krogans in Andromeda
I think at this point, Spiders has surpassed Bio, ever so slightly.I played The Technomancer on ps4 and - snip - it's my favourite game for the system so far by some distance.
Point being; she didn't gave a good review: http://www.shacknews.com/article/99465/mass-effect-andromeda-review-in-progress-ruff-ryderWhat is she? 15?
I won't play this for free... Or even for pay. Everything else aside, I just can't handle boring, unrelated fetch quests.I won't touch this game with a ten foot pole - not even if it sells for under five bucks.
They even CUCKED Krogans in Andromeda
Here's the epic punch...
EDIT spoilered gif to stop overheating users with toasters.
Who the fuck animates this shit? Who throws a punch like that?
Basically you can watch any part of this game at any point and find something hillariously bad.