Since elves, dwarves and humans are pretty similar baring their shape, I like the idea of ogres to keep the pattern (and I liked the half-ogre in arcanum)
Big: bonus to melee damage, carrying capacity, HP and size generally
Brute: penalty to agility/dexterity, treated like a monster by polite society
Role: The vast majority of all ogres live in the mountains to the north as primative tribesmen. You're one of the minority who's ventured down into civilization. Ogres aren't any worse off than they other three races mentally, but because they're all neolithic barbarians, they (including you) are the equivalent of an irishman in victorian england, everyone assumes you have a child-like intellect and since all of your brethren this far south are bodyguards, leg-breakers or brute laborers, no one takes you seriously as anything but a strong back and a grimace.
On the upswing, you know more about the wilderness than all these weak, civilized men and since everyone thinks you're an idiot, you can get away with a lot by playing dumb. Even if you aren't a better fighter than the 6', 190 lb human fighter, people tend to back down when confronted by a 8' 450 lb ogre. If you go adventuring in the wastelands to the north, you'll have an easier time interacting with the native ogres, humans and orcs because you can (literally) speak the language.
Now all we need is dialog options that actually reflect these differences as opposed to the typical;
NPC: (checks race tag) "Begone, Ogre!"
Ogre: "But I'm a good Ogre"
NPC" (GOTO 1) "Greets Adventurer, would you like fetch my lost ____"
Ogre: "I guess, if you'll pay me...."
NPC: (checks race tag) "Alright ogre, I'm giving you one chance, I've got my eye on you."
Ogre: "Actually I have to leave now, goodbye."