But yeah, first impression is, whole different game and, so far, I'm not having as much fun as with BB.
I couldn't possibly imagine going from BB to Souls. From Souls to BB is definitely a less jarring experience, but there are times when it feels a lot more button mashy and 'popamole' than Souls. Just a huge change in your mindset from going to almost purely reactive in Souls to being able to win through sheer aggression in BB.
Been doing The Old Hunters content, and have done everything but The Fishing Hamlet so far. Maria was far and away the easiest boss fight imo. The first 3/4 of the fight I literally traded with her blow for blow with the Whirligig Saw, which was only +8 at the time. When she enchants her sword with both Fire AND Blood (ooOOo Symbolism) was the only time I really felt in danger because of how powerful Rally can be. And even then it was only that 1 Charge Attack that hits you from across the entire arena that was particularly dangerous.
Living Failures frustrated the ever living fuck out of me because no matter how many attacks I would dodge or bait out, the fuckers would extend their combo by 1 hit EVERY TIME I decided to attack. The only time I felt I could safely get more than 1 hit in a row was when they summon their Meteor Shower. I know for my first attempt I underestimated the shit out of them, then saw how much life and physical defense they have and realized I was in for a long fucking fight.
Laurence was just a load of fucking bullshit all around. You can't rally the cocksucker because every. Mother. Fucking attack has the goddamned explosion effect to hit you twice and remove the rally bar. Or you dodge and the goddamned explosions hit you regardless of when and where you dodge. Then Phase 2 happens and the fucker breathes fire while standing on a rotating pedestal because he can fucking spin like he's on sale at a car show. And of course he shits lava that you walk into just while swinging your weapon. Just a gigantic pain in the ass all around, but somehow less frustrating than fucking "Ax'thulu" right before him. Fuck those guys with a rusty sawblade.
Ludwig is by far my favorite boss of the DLC so far. The song, the arena, the transition at 50%, everything. Of all the bosses, he felt the most fair when it came to difficulty, with the exception of him being able to trap you between his appendages and just endlessly wail on you while you're helpless because of shitty collision. Only happened to me twice when I was trying severely under leveled, though. Rather nice of From to put the Old Hag + Bloody Zombie combo right before him for a free 5 Blood Vials too. Especially since most deaths to Ludwig usually happen because of a fuck up and dying from 100% to 0 immediately and I never really used many vials per fight.
We'll see how Orphan of Kos shapes up with his Lightning Storm and KFC Drumstick bullshit.
As much as I love all of the games, I really need the series (Souls and BB) to just die already and From can branch out a bit. Maybe go back to trying their hand at a turn-based game like Enchanted Arms again because the entire time in the DLC I felt reminded of something else. Research Hall reminded me of the Library from DS1, Abyss Watchers phase 2 wasn't even trying to hide being similar to Maria, Ariandel was Laurence-lite. And this isn't even counting things like comparing Hemwick to the Undead Settlement. It's getting depressing how out of ideas they are.