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CDPR Group update - 5 Witcher games, Cyberpunk 2077 sequel and new IP in production.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
"Long-Term Product Outlook"

Do they even realise just how fucking unappealing it is when they're using language like that to communicate about their next game(s)?
Those annoucements were directed at inverstors, not gamers. They are at https://www.youtube.com/c/CDPROJEKT_IR/videos which is "the investor relations channel of CD PROJEKT GROUP". They've probobaly dumped all those announcements at once, to show their investors that they are not going down. Good timing, their stock started to go up with Edgerunners release and now most probably it will go further up.

I know, but it's symptomatic of a bigger issue.

I'm seeing a developer producing videos aimed solely at investors, focusing on financial results, long-term project outlook, and group strategy. And sure, big companies being what they are, they have to do that, this much I understand.

But that's the problem. A relatively small dev team working on their passion project—which is more often than not the kind of team who creates the best video games—doesn't exactly do that, or more precisely not like that. Rather, that's stuff on the level of EA or Ubisoft; and after the Cyberpunk 2077 debacle, watching CDPR trudge that path of too-big-for-their-own-good companies is not pretty sight.
That's because CDPR went public years ago, sometime before TW3 release. Since then, it became a globohomo muh stakeholders muh shareholders muh quarterly reports soulless corpo like the others you mentioned.

TW3 worked because it was already being developed during this transition period from a private to a publicly traded company. After that you got Gwent, which was a money sink and nobody cared about, and later CP2077, and we know how well that went. The talent behind the original Witchers left the company after TW3, and most of these guys were responsible for the Red Engine, which CDPR is now leaving behind, not because it's bad, but because the current developers at CDPR are too incompetent to maintain it. The amount of bugs in CP2077 is also tied to this reason, since there are no competent people left that know how to properly use their own creation. So simply outsource your game engine to Epic and adopt Unreal Engine.

Just look at these photos, it's not a meme:

The Witcher 3 Developers Team

Contrast of the development teams before/after globohomofication

Cyberpunk 2077 Female Developers

Now look at small devs, like the Factorio developers, and notice how they look a lot like what CDPR used to be. It's not a coincidence who makes the better games.
Are you saying that CDPR doesnt have a single male developer anymore, because I cant see one man in the new photos,, after having many male developers in 2012?

Somehow I find that hard to believe, I dont think these photos are accurate if thats what they supposed to tell us


Oct 1, 2022
Pursuing ESG has got to be a violation of fiduciary duty given how often it tanks profits. Disney and the recent MCU releases are perfect examples. The only way this shit is going to end is if investors revolt and sue over the corpos blowing their money for daddy Fink's approval


Head Codexian Weeb
Nov 14, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Are you saying that CDPR doesnt have a single male developer anymore, because I cant see one man in the new photos,, after having many male developers in 2012?

Somehow I find that hard to believe, I dont think these photos are accurate if thats what they supposed to tell us

IDtenT Any chance you could put your newfound skills from playing Hitman to use in this case?


Dead game
Glory to Ukraine
Apr 15, 2020
"Long-Term Product Outlook"

Do they even realise just how fucking unappealing it is when they're using language like that to communicate about their next game(s)?
Those annoucements were directed at inverstors, not gamers. They are at https://www.youtube.com/c/CDPROJEKT_IR/videos which is "the investor relations channel of CD PROJEKT GROUP". They've probobaly dumped all those announcements at once, to show their investors that they are not going down. Good timing, their stock started to go up with Edgerunners release and now most probably it will go further up.

I know, but it's symptomatic of a bigger issue.

I'm seeing a developer producing videos aimed solely at investors, focusing on financial results, long-term project outlook, and group strategy. And sure, big companies being what they are, they have to do that, this much I understand.

But that's the problem. A relatively small dev team working on their passion project—which is more often than not the kind of team who creates the best video games—doesn't exactly do that, or more precisely not like that. Rather, that's stuff on the level of EA or Ubisoft; and after the Cyberpunk 2077 debacle, watching CDPR trudge that path of too-big-for-their-own-good companies is not pretty sight.
That's because CDPR went public years ago, sometime before TW3 release. Since then, it became a globohomo muh stakeholders muh shareholders muh quarterly reports soulless corpo like the others you mentioned.

TW3 worked because it was already being developed during this transition period from a private to a publicly traded company. After that you got Gwent, which was a money sink and nobody cared about, and later CP2077, and we know how well that went. The talent behind the original Witchers left the company after TW3, and most of these guys were responsible for the Red Engine, which CDPR is now leaving behind, not because it's bad, but because the current developers at CDPR are too incompetent to maintain it. The amount of bugs in CP2077 is also tied to this reason, since there are no competent people left that know how to properly use their own creation. So simply outsource your game engine to Epic and adopt Unreal Engine.

Just look at these photos, it's not a meme:

The Witcher 3 Developers Team

Contrast of the development teams before/after globohomofication

Cyberpunk 2077 Female Developers

Now look at small devs, like the Factorio developers, and notice how they look a lot like what CDPR used to be. It's not a coincidence who makes the better games.
Are you saying that CDPR doesnt have a single male developer anymore, because I cant see one man in the new photos,, after having many male developers in 2012?

Somehow I find that hard to believe, I dont think these photos are accurate if thats what they supposed to tell us
That picture with womben only was taken on wombens day but of course only trannies and WOMBEN work there now :(


Aug 20, 2022
"Long-Term Product Outlook"

Do they even realise just how fucking unappealing it is when they're using language like that to communicate about their next game(s)?
Those annoucements were directed at inverstors, not gamers. They are at https://www.youtube.com/c/CDPROJEKT_IR/videos which is "the investor relations channel of CD PROJEKT GROUP". They've probobaly dumped all those announcements at once, to show their investors that they are not going down. Good timing, their stock started to go up with Edgerunners release and now most probably it will go further up.

I know, but it's symptomatic of a bigger issue.

I'm seeing a developer producing videos aimed solely at investors, focusing on financial results, long-term project outlook, and group strategy. And sure, big companies being what they are, they have to do that, this much I understand.

But that's the problem. A relatively small dev team working on their passion project—which is more often than not the kind of team who creates the best video games—doesn't exactly do that, or more precisely not like that. Rather, that's stuff on the level of EA or Ubisoft; and after the Cyberpunk 2077 debacle, watching CDPR trudge that path of too-big-for-their-own-good companies is not pretty sight.
That's because CDPR went public years ago, sometime before TW3 release. Since then, it became a globohomo muh stakeholders muh shareholders muh quarterly reports soulless corpo like the others you mentioned.

TW3 worked because it was already being developed during this transition period from a private to a publicly traded company. After that you got Gwent, which was a money sink and nobody cared about, and later CP2077, and we know how well that went. The talent behind the original Witchers left the company after TW3, and most of these guys were responsible for the Red Engine, which CDPR is now leaving behind, not because it's bad, but because the current developers at CDPR are too incompetent to maintain it. The amount of bugs in CP2077 is also tied to this reason, since there are no competent people left that know how to properly use their own creation. So simply outsource your game engine to Epic and adopt Unreal Engine.

Just look at these photos, it's not a meme:

The Witcher 3 Developers Team

Contrast of the development teams before/after globohomofication

Cyberpunk 2077 Female Developers

Now look at small devs, like the Factorio developers, and notice how they look a lot like what CDPR used to be. It's not a coincidence who makes the better games.
Are you saying that CDPR doesnt have a single male developer anymore, because I cant see one man in the new photos,, after having many male developers in 2012?

Somehow I find that hard to believe, I dont think these photos are accurate if thats what they supposed to tell us
That picture with womben only was taken on wombens day but of course only trannies and WOMBEN work there now :(
I wonder how many original body type 1s are still working there? Have they been replaced by body type As or are body type As mostly hired for new positions resulting from CDPR's growth? Can't help but notice the lack of people who identify as African American - any plans to correct this?


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
"Long-Term Product Outlook"

Do they even realise just how fucking unappealing it is when they're using language like that to communicate about their next game(s)?
Those annoucements were directed at inverstors, not gamers. They are at https://www.youtube.com/c/CDPROJEKT_IR/videos which is "the investor relations channel of CD PROJEKT GROUP". They've probobaly dumped all those announcements at once, to show their investors that they are not going down. Good timing, their stock started to go up with Edgerunners release and now most probably it will go further up.

I know, but it's symptomatic of a bigger issue.

I'm seeing a developer producing videos aimed solely at investors, focusing on financial results, long-term project outlook, and group strategy. And sure, big companies being what they are, they have to do that, this much I understand.

But that's the problem. A relatively small dev team working on their passion project—which is more often than not the kind of team who creates the best video games—doesn't exactly do that, or more precisely not like that. Rather, that's stuff on the level of EA or Ubisoft; and after the Cyberpunk 2077 debacle, watching CDPR trudge that path of too-big-for-their-own-good companies is not pretty sight.
That's because CDPR went public years ago, sometime before TW3 release. Since then, it became a globohomo muh stakeholders muh shareholders muh quarterly reports soulless corpo like the others you mentioned.

TW3 worked because it was already being developed during this transition period from a private to a publicly traded company. After that you got Gwent, which was a money sink and nobody cared about, and later CP2077, and we know how well that went. The talent behind the original Witchers left the company after TW3, and most of these guys were responsible for the Red Engine, which CDPR is now leaving behind, not because it's bad, but because the current developers at CDPR are too incompetent to maintain it. The amount of bugs in CP2077 is also tied to this reason, since there are no competent people left that know how to properly use their own creation. So simply outsource your game engine to Epic and adopt Unreal Engine.

Just look at these photos, it's not a meme:

The Witcher 3 Developers Team

Contrast of the development teams before/after globohomofication

Cyberpunk 2077 Female Developers

Now look at small devs, like the Factorio developers, and notice how they look a lot like what CDPR used to be. It's not a coincidence who makes the better games.
Are you saying that CDPR doesnt have a single male developer anymore, because I cant see one man in the new photos,, after having many male developers in 2012?

Somehow I find that hard to believe, I dont think these photos are accurate if thats what they supposed to tell us
That picture with womben only was taken on wombens day but of course only trannies and WOMBEN work there now :(
I wonder how many original body type 1s are still working there? Have they been replaced by body type As or are body type As mostly hired for new positions resulting from CDPR's growth? Can't help but notice the lack of people who identify as African American - any plans to correct this?
Its unlikely there would be many black developers in Poland so I generally consider representation to resemble demographics?

It would be interesting to see accurate numbers of men vs women who work at CDPR because I dont believe you will find mostly women working there?


Dec 9, 2018
Lower Wolffuckery
Can't help but notice the lack of people who identify as African American - any plans to correct this?
Why do you thing they are moving development to America?
Availability of developments skills and its the US, who wouldn't want an office there?
So much great RPGs, especially from AAA developers, from the US in the last 5-6 years, of course you will want to move development to that meritocracy epicentre of skills and quality.
Number of great American RPGs lately is only eclipsed by number of good movies Hollywood produced in last 5 years.

Don't get me wrong - this is not some anti-American sentiment, but something happened to creativity in American entertainment industry, which was second to none.
Just compare the titles from the 2000s, years of decline, and compare them to today, post-kickstarter-bubble woke drought.
Movies, TV shows, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, video games, RPGs, whatever.

But then again, CDPR doesn't give a flying fuck about RPGs or their customers, so it will be fine.
In the end, they are slowly moving to US for the same reasons Sony Playstation became more American than Japanese company in the last 15 years.


Aug 28, 2022
Cyberpunk 2077 was an absolute POS that launched in a completely broken state and wasn't finished. It wasn't only the bugs and frame rate that were the issue, it was also the s*** ton of promises that weren't kept. it sold on hype alone. The idea that they will develop a sequel to that debacle and expect people to bite again is beyond asinine. They should have ran away from it as far as they could and not announced any new games until they were in a presentable state with less than a year left until the anticipated release. They are making the exact same mistakes all over again and I highly doubt that the people that were suckered in last time off hype and Witcher 3 will fall for it again.


May 26, 2022
CDPR is polack Bethesda. This was probably their end goal from the start, so congrats......I guess? However, with this being the case, they get a vote of no-confidence from me.

- Smart people don't buy your games at launch, or won't buy it at all.
- Many people will wait 2-3 years for the game breaking bugs, and performance/optimization issues to be resolved by you or by someone else.
- And will either pirate the game, or will buy a cheap steam key from a Russian key (re)seller on one of the grey market key websites for $5 or less.

With that being said, I have no doubts that there's plenty of iphone soy cuckolds who will preorder this shit, and the next Witcher or Cyberpunk games will sell millions of copies. And the purchase defenders will cope with their shitty products, and consume like retards, the same as they always do.
Dec 17, 2013
A lot of stupid opinions in this thread, so let Porky bring a heavy dose of reality to the unwashed masses:

- Witcher 3 was a masterpiece, one of the greatest games ever made DESPITE having some very serious flaws. This can be clearly seen by how uncool it is to praise it here on the codex, and how much the edgelords shit on it and YET, it came in in the top 15 on the all time list.
- Witcher series as a whole, while uneven, is one of the great series in gaming history.
- Cyberpunk 2077, once the major issues have been ironed out, is likely the best RPG/game to have come out in the last 2-3 years. That's not saying much, I know, but still, it is a good game with a lot of issues but is fun overall.

So given this, criticize CDRP all you want, but they are one of very few candle-lights in the long winter of modern gaming. All of these games they just announced might very well turn out to be shit, or not, but I, for one, am looking forward to learning more about them.


May 26, 2022
A lot of stupid opinions in this thread, so let Porky bring a heavy dose of reality to the unwashed masses:

- Witcher 3 was a masterpiece, one of the greatest games ever made DESPITE having some very serious flaws. This can be clearly seen by how uncool it is to praise it here on the codex, and how much the edgelords shit on it and YET, it came in in the top 15 on the all time list.
- Witcher series as a whole, while uneven, is one of the great series in gaming history.
- Cyberpunk 2077, once the major issues have been ironed out, is likely the best RPG/game to have come out in the last 2-3 years. That's not saying much, I know, but still, it is a good game with a lot of issues but is fun overall.

So given this, criticize CDRP all you want, but they are one of very few candle-lights in the long winter of modern gaming. All of these games they just announced might very well turn out to be shit, or not, but I, for one, am looking forward to learning more about them.

Consume.....cope.....repeat ad infinitum

Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
A lot of stupid opinions in this thread, so let Porky bring a heavy dose of reality to the unwashed masses:

- Witcher 3 was a masterpiece, one of the greatest games ever made DESPITE having some very serious flaws. This can be clearly seen by how uncool it is to praise it here on the codex, and how much the edgelords shit on it and YET, it came in in the top 15 on the all time list.
- Witcher series as a whole, while uneven, is one of the great series in gaming history.
- Cyberpunk 2077, once the major issues have been ironed out, is likely the best RPG/game to have come out in the last 2-3 years. That's not saying much, I know, but still, it is a good game with a lot of issues but is fun overall.

So given this, criticize CDRP all you want, but they are one of very few candle-lights in the long winter of modern gaming. All of these games they just announced might very well turn out to be shit, or not, but I, for one, am looking forward to learning more about them.
I have an important question related to this, would you be willing to answer it?
Dec 17, 2013
A lot of stupid opinions in this thread, so let Porky bring a heavy dose of reality to the unwashed masses:

- Witcher 3 was a masterpiece, one of the greatest games ever made DESPITE having some very serious flaws. This can be clearly seen by how uncool it is to praise it here on the codex, and how much the edgelords shit on it and YET, it came in in the top 15 on the all time list.
- Witcher series as a whole, while uneven, is one of the great series in gaming history.
- Cyberpunk 2077, once the major issues have been ironed out, is likely the best RPG/game to have come out in the last 2-3 years. That's not saying much, I know, but still, it is a good game with a lot of issues but is fun overall.

So given this, criticize CDRP all you want, but they are one of very few candle-lights in the long winter of modern gaming. All of these games they just announced might very well turn out to be shit, or not, but I, for one, am looking forward to learning more about them.
I have an important question related to this, would you be willing to answer it?

Sure: yes, every CDProjektRed game ever has been far better than your favorite game of all time, Fallout 4.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
A lot of stupid opinions in this thread, so let Porky bring a heavy dose of reality to the unwashed masses:

- Witcher 3 was a masterpiece, one of the greatest games ever made DESPITE having some very serious flaws. This can be clearly seen by how uncool it is to praise it here on the codex, and how much the edgelords shit on it and YET, it came in in the top 15 on the all time list.
- Witcher series as a whole, while uneven, is one of the great series in gaming history.
- Cyberpunk 2077, once the major issues have been ironed out, is likely the best RPG/game to have come out in the last 2-3 years. That's not saying much, I know, but still, it is a good game with a lot of issues but is fun overall.

So given this, criticize CDRP all you want, but they are one of very few candle-lights in the long winter of modern gaming. All of these games they just announced might very well turn out to be shit, or not, but I, for one, am looking forward to learning more about them.
I have an important question related to this, would you be willing to answer it?

Sure: yes, every CDProjektRed game ever has been far better than your favorite game of all time, Fallout 4.
Why are you fat?


Dec 6, 2021
Multiple projects at once increases the odds of an individual team accidentally making something good.
Dec 17, 2013
A lot of stupid opinions in this thread, so let Porky bring a heavy dose of reality to the unwashed masses:

- Witcher 3 was a masterpiece, one of the greatest games ever made DESPITE having some very serious flaws. This can be clearly seen by how uncool it is to praise it here on the codex, and how much the edgelords shit on it and YET, it came in in the top 15 on the all time list.
- Witcher series as a whole, while uneven, is one of the great series in gaming history.
- Cyberpunk 2077, once the major issues have been ironed out, is likely the best RPG/game to have come out in the last 2-3 years. That's not saying much, I know, but still, it is a good game with a lot of issues but is fun overall.

So given this, criticize CDRP all you want, but they are one of very few candle-lights in the long winter of modern gaming. All of these games they just announced might very well turn out to be shit, or not, but I, for one, am looking forward to learning more about them.
I have an important question related to this, would you be willing to answer it?

Sure: yes, every CDProjektRed game ever has been far better than your favorite game of all time, Fallout 4.
Why are you fat?

Because I FEAST on your tears... :smug:


May 26, 2022
A lot of stupid opinions in this thread, so let Porky bring a heavy dose of reality to the unwashed masses:

- Witcher 3 was a masterpiece, one of the greatest games ever made DESPITE having some very serious flaws. This can be clearly seen by how uncool it is to praise it here on the codex, and how much the edgelords shit on it and YET, it came in in the top 15 on the all time list.
- Witcher series as a whole, while uneven, is one of the great series in gaming history.
- Cyberpunk 2077, once the major issues have been ironed out, is likely the best RPG/game to have come out in the last 2-3 years. That's not saying much, I know, but still, it is a good game with a lot of issues but is fun overall.

So given this, criticize CDRP all you want, but they are one of very few candle-lights in the long winter of modern gaming. All of these games they just announced might very well turn out to be shit, or not, but I, for one, am looking forward to learning more about them.
I have an important question related to this, would you be willing to answer it?

Sure: yes, every CDProjektRed game ever has been far better than your favorite game of all time, Fallout 4.
Why are you fat?


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