He hasn't posted here for three years now, but, apparently, he is still one of us.
That just happens to be the SJW Modus Operandi. Most of their beliefs can be boiled down their understanding of human character - namely, that they need to believe that people do not change so they can identify and characterize any person they want by any action they did at any point in the past. Attended a fund-raiser for a moderate republican who later turned right-wing? Racist for supporting him, because he clearly was racist back then already. Made a comment 50y ago about how theres only 2 genders? Bigot. Discussing age of consent? Pedophile. Arguing that men have more muscle mass and thus make better athletes/construction workers? Misogynist. Their entire culture relies on labeling anything they cannot or do not want to argue with something bad, so they can justify not having to engage with it. Its the equivalent of a kid sticking their fingers into their ears and yelling "LALALALALA" because they pretend they cannot hear you when they do that. It's the only response their emotionally immature brains can come up with.
This is why it is so incredibly easy to make them tear each other apart, or why people who feel like they belonged to that part of the group can quickly became the scapegoat for one minor comment they may have made. Introduce any sense of neutrality or nuance into a discussion of theirs, and you'll get banned for even considering to step outside the group-think. Which naturally happens as more and more extreme views become the new norm and non-retarded people eventually realize how dangerous that slippery slope is.
Critical thinking and analysis, openness to opposing thoughts and genuine debate and discussion are not things they want or feel the need to engage in. Just label any opposition a racist or bigot or any of the other terms that carries a negative connotation with it, have a few of your buddies do the same, tweet and like each others posts, and they can make anyone a pariah for something they said 20y ago. That way they never have to step outside of their bubble.