IncendiaryDevice said:
Well it occurs to me, from what you're saying, that if you want to challenge yourself then you can try and find the hardest setting possible for a Religious win that doesn't involve killing everyone. Should be a good few hundred hours of sandbox fun there. ?
Like I said, there's plenty of shit to do if you just want to bumble around. Religion is a bit like a game within the game, but from what I saw it's pretty shallow (even though you will see a shitload of options, some of them
look like they could be useful in some borderline circumstances). You only get to play with like three units? Missionary, Apostle, Inquisitor.
You can also try and play archeologist (England seems nicely suited for that with their high capacity museums), there's plenty of shit to dig up on the map: ruins, shipwrecks, this shit is all over the place.
It can even be a nice challenge how to get to some of the locations and stay peaceful.
I' still getting around to it, as I got weary of the game myself, but I'm thinking that a domination run should be fun on a large map.
With the current warmonger penalties, It could be a nice balancing act not to get gangbanged.
Or, failing that, it could actually provide some sort of a challenge.
I noticed that the AI is all over dat stonehenge. Only way I managed to get it reliably on higher difficulties was with wood chopping,
though on higher difficulties, it seems that Arabia is the go-to nation if I want to have a shot as this whole religion thing.
And those "surprise" attacks really make me do an eye-roll, still, I welcome them because it gives me something to do and I actually like the modern civ combat (difficulty aside).
How's AI expansion on top difficulties? So far it looks like they're not doing a lot of it.
So if you conquer AI then you will sit on a lot of faith income, but no religion! Remember, districts can't be sold or destroyed, only damaged. (AFAIK)
I've yet to toy aroung with nukular wepunz, but thus far it seems they are in fact indestructible, apart from razing the city.
But wait, there's more, once you designate a location for a district, it's there to stay, even if it isn't built yet.
There was an idea to capture and AI city, shit all over its good tiles with districts, then give it back to them.
I actually managed to prevent the introductory sneak attack one time. It was with Cleopatra whose agendas are quite easy to fulfill (have a decent army, kill barbarian camps).
I Immediately sent a delegation after meeting, cause otherwise they never seem to accept it. I also gifted her a luxury resource I didn't need (I might as well cound, the AI never gave me anything close to a fair deal).
I'm guessing, buttering up the AI like is the only way to squeeze something out of diplomacy in this game, because otherwise they all turn sour after a while. The only time I saw the AI semi-actively seeking to make friends
was with the peaceful civs: Elizabeth, Roosevelt and Gandhi.
Also, a few tips I picked up along the way:
1. City States seem to be lagging behind in technology, often having warriors to defend from AT wielding barbarians. It seems to help when you levy their troops and disband them. They will then make more era-appropraite stuff.
2. It seems capturing towns is a big no-no. I had the brazilian guy bitch about it for the whole game, and I only took one of his cities as a result of a war he had started in the first place.
I would have to test it out, but it seems that the expected course of events is to dick around the town pillaging stuff untill the AI officially cedes control while negotiating a peace treaty.
3. Speaking of which, the exploit I remember from civ 5 is still around, you can keep shooting at a city with archers for eternity to max out their exp.
The AI usually just folds once you kill their initial assault, so you have all the time in the world. I never felt the need to use battering rams or artillery (though modern day 3 range arty looks pretty kinky).
4. Trade routes are the shit, not sure if the AI uses them as much as they should, but they are pretty instrumental in instantly developing your cities. Internal routes to cities with industrial districts give +4-6 hammers and a bit of food,
just pop 1-2 traders in a newly built city and it should take off on its own after a few turns.