A droglike
Seems to make no sense to borrow PE code.
No sense? Really? You don't want the code for this in a Torment sequel?
I don't want it, no. Keep that shit away like it's antimatter. And using a background is probably pretty easy anyway, that's not something requiring access to Obsidian code.
DnD RTwP was bad enough. Off brand TRwP is likely to be a disaster. Even if it's not, why would I want it to use the same made up game system.
There's also the issue that having a inXile programmers work with Obsidian source code is probably a giant waste of time. Why build off of that when you can build off of what you already made and know? It seems to be highly wasteful and leads to copyright issues.
So I don't think that will happen anyway, it makes no sense to do that.