Players face one enemy at a time (turn-based), but while they are fighting their foe, their companions and the barbarians battle amongst themselves. The idea I'm going for is that you aren't a hero or special character, just another fighter in a chaotic skirmish. Representing opposing sides with just a number means I can have battles involve thousands of allies and enemies fighting at once. If you've just started this game, you're not a demigod superman like in most RPGs. You're probably just another peasant with no combat experience at all. You're very unlikely to determine the outcome of a battle you're participating in, even if you're a harderned veteran or a knight you'll have minimal influence on the outcome of a large battle. Winning battles will revolve around having a bigger army, which is done through your diplomacy, reputation and charisma skills. Players don't even have to fight, they can 'rest' their way through the battle and watch from afar as the battle plays out through the turns.
While you're facing your individual enemy, your allies and the other enemies are fighting against each other as well. The more enemies your allies can kill, the less enemies you have to face by yourself.
Once a battle is initiated the player's base damage is calculated by combining his strength, combat experience, weapon type, weapon quality, armor type and armor quality. What are some better skills/calculations for calculating base damage?
When attacking, the damage dealt to an enemy will be your base damage plus or minus a certain number. There's also a 5% chance that you will roll a critical hit (x3 damage) and a 5% chance you'll roll a fumble (0 damage dealt).
The player's hitpoints in a fight is the same as his HP statistic, so if you start a fight when your HP is low you'll be weaker and easier to kill. If you start a fight and realize the odds aren't in your favor you are allowed to surrender or attempt to flee at any time. Your chances of surrendering and being taken captive depend on the type of enemy you are facing, some enemies might decide to execute you. Monsters are the most likely to execute you, followed by criminals, then common folk, then soldiers, and knights/paladins are the least likely to execute you because they have a code of honor. If you're winning a fight then enemies will be able to surrender or flee, and if you capture them you can choose to rob them, execute them or set them free.
My problem is, the combat is extremely boring right now. You can only press Attack, Rest, Surrender or Flee.
I don't want spells as this is a low-magic setting. But I've considered adding abilties like shieldbash and war cry etc etc.
Does anyone have any good ideas?