Liber Cryptis
The Liber Cryptis is an ancient tome revealing the secrets of the most mysterious and hidden places of the world. Forgotten tombs, ancient crypts, the deadliest dungeons, ruins of distant aeons, and even stranger locales are detailed within.
Its location is unknown, and many of its pages were lost to the winds of time - but on occasion, a lucky few may come into possession of scraps from this book.
And today is just such a day, as a lone thief finds a mysterious parchment during a lucrative burglary stint on a nobleman's manor house.
A map leading to... the Vault of Vanzynea!
Liber Cryptis is my entry in the
#lowrezjam2016, where the theme involves only using a 64 x 64 pixel screen size.
I'm a hobbyist developer and this will be my first game jam. I have limited free time to work on this and got a late start, but I hope to complete as much as I can by the deadline, and learn from the experience. I'm using the Godot game engine.
Liber Cryptis will be a retro-style first-person 2D dungeon crawler RPG, inspired by classic 80's computer RPGs such as Wizardry, Might & Magic, and The Bard's Tale. For this jam, I'll be creating a small introductory module with a single playable character, and a simplified set of game mechanics considering the limited development time frame. Eventually I plan to expand this to include full party creation and a full set of CRPG game mechanics.
Currently in progress... with much work to be done. I'll post more details and screenshots soon!