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Game News Colony Ship Combat Demo Released


Iron Tower Studio
Apr 21, 2004
Over the hills and far away
Those of you who experienced it - what are your desktop resolutions? How many monitors do you use? Is DPI scaling on? (Right-click the desktop -> Display Settings -> "Change the size of text, apps and other items" or "Advanced scaling settings" below). If you're running other OS than Win10, please let me know too.

Deleted Member 22431

Those of you who experienced it - what are your desktop resolutions? How many monitors do you use? Is DPI scaling on? (Right-click the desktop -> Display Settings -> "Change the size of text, apps and other items" or "Advanced scaling settings" below). If you're running other OS than Win10, please let me know too.


Windows 7

The rest I will have to look later.


Dec 27, 2017
Win10. Native res at 1080p, had to settle down at 768 in lowest settings to run the game since I've got the shittiest integrated gpu imaginable. Got my text scaling set at 150%. Using the laptop's monitor (13.3").

With that being said, I love how loading times are non-existent. Top notch work my dudes.


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
installed, 36% chance to hit with smg from like 3 meters away, uninstalled

the encounter literally ended like this naked gun scene with me and my opponent shooting at each other from different sides of the same cover and it still took 4-5 rounds to finish. I didn't see an option to throw my smg at him after I ran out of bullets so i had to machete him to death but that was the only difference



Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Oh boy.
"I can't handle small numbers" -whining has begun.


"You just can't handle a strong, independent woman like me!" *sucks her teeth*

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
installed, 36% chance to hit with smg from like 3 meters away, uninstalled
The game has graze chance, meaning you still have a chance to deal some damage regardless of whether or not you roll the actual THC.

But as a preemptive reply to your next reply, here

Git gud, scrublord.

Taka-Haradin puolipeikko

Filthy Kalinite
Apr 24, 2015
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Bubbles In Memoria
installed, 36% chance to hit with smg from like 3 meters away, uninstalled
The game has graze chance, meaning you still have a chance to deal some damage regardless of whether or not you roll the actual THC.

But as a preemptive reply to your next reply, here

Git gud, scrublord.
Worse, it's

lukaszek you might have one of yours here.

Deleted Member 22431

installed, 36% chance to hit with smg from like 3 meters away, uninstalled
The problem is that you are using a gun for close contact from three meters away hiding behind a cover that lowers your THC. The game provides you with plenty of APs to get close and unload your weapon on the dude. You didn't. You went for cover and use the smg as it was a riffle. That what was you did it wrong.
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Dec 9, 2011
the gun ranges will seem incredibly odd for anyone who played any tactical rpg ever. just treat it as AoD with guns.

also some of the early weapons are trash (boltgun for example).

in my opinion, people would like demo more if they would start with Tier 2 weapons with all the unique firing modes and stats.

Deleted Member 22431

in my opinion, people would like demo more if they would start with Tier 2 weapons with all the unique firing modes and stats.
They would beat the first guy by random luck only to be pulverized in the second fight.


Nov 21, 2012
In the first fight it's easier to win than to be hit, it's like a tutorial.
The second already requires some decent moving/positioning, tho.
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Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
installed, 36% chance to hit with smg from like 3 meters away, uninstalled
The problem is that you are using a gun for close contact from three meters away hiding behind a cover that lowers your THC. The game provides you with plenty of APs to get close and unload your weapon on the dude. You didn't. You went for cover and use the smg as it was a riffle. That what was you did it wrong.
One of the keys of understanding VD (though his mind may have changed in the past eight years)

Generally, I'd say that 20% is too low, unless you're fighting someone/something who's way out of your range, and 90% is too much, unless you're fighting someone/something far below your level.

I think that 70% is the sweet spot.

My thoughts on 70%:


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
installed, 36% chance to hit with smg from like 3 meters away, uninstalled
The problem is that you are using a gun for close contact from three meters away hiding behind a cover that lowers your THC. The game provides you with plenty of APs to get close and unload your weapon on the dude. You didn't. You went for cover and use the smg as it was a riffle. That what was you did it wrong.

The 36% was before cover, it was lower after, but I didn't want to stand uncovered with a shit weapon that can't hit anything. i probably should've switched to machete right away and just eat a bullet or two since that's what I ended up doing anyway but I thought "Vince made this, surely charging a guy with a gun when all you have is a machete is a terrible idea."

Nope, BIS made this 20 years ago and nobody thought it was a good idea to improve what was arguably the most ridiculous element of Fallout.

Deleted Member 22431

The 36% was before cover, it was lower after, but I didn't want to stand uncovered with a shit weapon that can't hit anything. i probably should've switched to machete right away.
If you get one block from the guy, your chances would be higher. Each step counts. If you kill your enemy in two turns it doesn't matter that you have no cover. You could also get close, shoot and run back to cover. The game is more flexible than you think. You are afraid of trying different things and making a rushed judgment.


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
The 36% was before cover, it was lower after, but I didn't want to stand uncovered with a shit weapon that can't hit anything. i probably should've switched to machete right away.
If you get one block from the guy, your chances would be higher. Each step counts. If you kill your enemy in two turns it doesn't matter that you have no cover. You could also get close, shoot and run back to cover. The game is more flexible than you think. You are afraid of trying different things and making a rushed judgment.

Bruh I beat him, the issue isn't that I couldn't figure out what to do, it's that I (reasonably, IMO) thought an SMG would have a decent change to hit from a few feet away and it turns out I was playing a stormtrooper simulator. If I wanted to experience what it's like to be a half-blind demented spacefaring geriatric I'd just watch the new Picard series.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
it's that I (reasonably, IMO) thought an SMG would have a decent change to hit from a few feet away and it turns out I was playing a stormtrooper simulator.
And having skill 2 had nothing to do with this at all.


As has been reported nationally, police officers often miss their targets (Morrison, • 2006, p. 332). The NYPD reports hit-rate statistics both for officers involved in a gunfight and for officers who shoot at subjects who do not return fire. Between 1998 and 2006, the average hit rate was 18 percent for gunfights. Between 1998 and 2006, the average hit rate in situations in which fire was not returned was 30 percent. In 2006, the hit rate against subjects who did not return fire was 27 percent.


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
it's that I (reasonably, IMO) thought an SMG would have a decent change to hit from a few feet away and it turns out I was playing a stormtrooper simulator.
And having skill 2 had nothing to do with this at all.


As has been reported nationally, police officers often miss their targets (Morrison, • 2006, p. 332). The NYPD reports hit-rate statistics both for officers involved in a gunfight and for officers who shoot at subjects who do not return fire. Between 1998 and 2006, the average hit rate was 18 percent for gunfights. Between 1998 and 2006, the average hit rate in situations in which fire was not returned was 30 percent. In 2006, the hit rate against subjects who did not return fire was 27 percent.

That's great but average cop accuracy from unspecified range with a handgun (or possibly, a shotgun) has no bearing on hitting a guy from a few feet away with an smg.

This nonsense is still in the game because "that's how Fallout did it". C'mon, it's 2020!

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
That's great but average cop accuracy from unspecified range with a handgun (or possibly, a shotgun) has no bearing on hitting a guy from a few feet away with an smg.

This nonsense is still in the game because "that's how Fallout did it". C'mon, it's 2020!
Have I ever told you that I once missed a mudcrab with my sword? The fucking thing was right there and yet I missed it. To this day I don't know what sorcery it was.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
deterministic system > RNG
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