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Game News Colony Ship Combat Demo Released


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Jan 28, 2011
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Tags: Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game; Iron Tower Studio

Most games only become available on the evening of their launch date, but Vault Dweller sees no point in observing such conventions. The Colony Ship combat beta/demo is available on Steam now. The announcement post on the Iron Tower website comes with a survival guide of sorts. I quote:

As the title says, the hopefully long-awaited combat demo is now available. A public release, even if it's only a combat beta, is a big milestone, as it's the foundation on which the rest of the game will be built. All the key features are there: the character system, increase-by-use skills, the combat system and AI, party mechanics, dialogue, inventory, pathfinding, etc. It's a game in itself, which is why it took so long to get to this stage.


I can talk some more about this journey and its emotional impacts, but instead let's talk about something that really matters - how are you going to survive in the demo? I know, I know. Just the other day you killed three dragons and fifty two ogres, so why should you worry about some malnourished humans coveting what little you have? Well, I think you should, so here are some friendly tips:
  • You'll die. A lot. If that's a deal breaker to you, do yourself a favor and walk away. There's plenty of stress in real life, why add more?
  • The tyranny of numbers: stats, skills, derived stats, feats, weapon stats, attack types, armor, range - anything that has some kinda number scribbled next to it - matter a lot, so choose them with care. If you don't like paying attention to numbers, there's a good chance you won't do well in combat.
  • Your enemies use the exact same system, so if you see something that works well for them, it will work well for you too. Learn from your enemies because at this point they understand the system (via the combat AI) better than you do. Then (and only then) can you have your revenge.
  • Different weapons require different tactics, feats, and gear. If your melee fighter blindly charges at five enemies with machine guns, don't be surprised if they promptly turn your character into Swiss cheese. You need high Evasion, boosted by a Distortion Field generator, you need smoke grenades (ranged penalty is much higher than melee penalty) and ideally thermal vision goggles. They can't hit what they can't see. Keep in mind that your rangers might find themselves on the receiving end one day.
  • Even within the same class, different weapons are designed for different things. Long barrel pistols are designed for range and marksmanship. Revolvers for speed and reaction fire. Multi-barrel pistols are for double shots. So using a multi-barrel pistol in single-fire mode over some range would be a mistake whereas using it to deal with people who tend to get in your face would be a perfectly fine choice.
  • Your THC (to-hit chance) will be low at first. We strongly suggest grabbing a specialization feat to raise your to-hit chance by 10 as soon as possible. It's not a mandatory feat but it will make things easier while you're struggling to survive. Pressing ALT while aiming will expand the targeting info and show the THC breakdown. The five main components that make your enemies hard to hit are:
    • their evasion ability (skill modified by feats, implants, and armor)
    • cover (either flank them or flush them out with poison grenades)
    • gadget (distortion field will make them very hard to hit but the effect doesn't last long)
    • your weapon's range (you lose accuracy with each tile beyond the effective range)
    • penalties inflicted upon your character via aimed attacks, smoke or flashbang grenades (better gear will help you reduce these penalties).
  • There are no difficulty modes but there are 3 different ways to generate Random Numbers used to determine if you hit or miss: truly random (anything goes), lightly adjusted (numbers are drawn like cards from a deck, meaning you can't draw the same number twice under the deck is reshuffled), and heavily adjusted (the number of consecutive misses in a row is limited based on your THC, so no more missing 3 times in a row if your THC is 80%). Keep in mind that your enemies will use the same RNG too and would enjoy hitting the target more often.
  • When in doubt about something, check the tooltips. We did a good job explaining the mechanics and values in tooltips, so if you wonder, for example, why your character has only 15 action points instead of 17 he or she is supposed to have, hover your mouse over the stat in question and you'll see that the armor penalty has reduced your AP by 2 points.
Good luck! Looking forward to your feedback.​

According to Vault Dweller, the combat beta will only be available on Steam for now. So head on over there, push the Download Demo button and give it a try.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Played this far an hour or two. It's quite good. Pretty hard too, feels like it will take a while to get used to the quirks of different weapon types.

Is there a way to modify your gadgets and "equip" cybernetics in this demo? I can't seem to find the correct character/button to do it.

The delay at end of movement to play the "getting in cover animation" is really annoying.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Is there a way to modify your gadgets and "equip" cybernetics in this demo? I can't seem to find the correct character/button to do it.
Click on the gear button next to the gadget to "open it up".


To install implants you need to have said implants (loot from the enemies in the demo, use Biotech skill in full game) and use the medical machine right next to the store.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
To install implants you need to have said implants (loot from the enemies in the demo, use Biotech skill in full game) and use the medical machine right next to the store.
Fair enough, it's a bit weird how it doesn't show up on highlight or change the cursor, but I guess it's a work in progress.
Click on the gear button next to the gadget to "open it up".
I found that, didn't realize the small images were clickable buttons.



Pretty Princess
Feb 6, 2019
There are no difficulty modes but there are 3 different ways to generate Random Numbers used to determine if you hit or miss: truly random (anything goes), lightly adjusted (numbers are drawn like cards from a deck, meaning you can't draw the same number twice under the deck is reshuffled), and heavily adjusted (the number of consecutive misses in a row is limited based on your THC, so no more missing 3 times in a row if your THC is 80%). Keep in mind that your enemies will use the same RNG too and would enjoy hitting the target more often.
any normal person will play with the last option


Dec 28, 2011
Core City
I really wanted to play it right now, but my 3rd world shit connection is saying the game is going to take 6 days and 8 hours to finish the download... Oh well. Usually the connection is not that bad (supposedly my connection is 50mbps), probably the providers are in demand far above what they can handle - and since they weren't good to begin with, they are now even worse than normal.

I guess I will wait then.


May 25, 2006
First bug found already in the main menu: If you have high DPI scaling turned on in windows the game will draw the mouse cursor in the wrong place.


Glittering gem of hatred
Mar 15, 2012
ye olde europe
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Dying proudly for the last two hours. Will call it a night and find new creative ways to die tomorrow!

Thank you for this fine combat demo experience! :salute:

Dr Schultz

Dec 21, 2013

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Vault Dweller: like underground nymph, I can't play the demo at the moment, so I will ask directly to you: Is this video rappresentative of the typical "damage ratio" in CS?
For a game centered around fire arms, the amount of hits that a character needs in order to die seems huge.
I didn't watch the video (too busy) so I don't know if he hit a lot or mostly grazed. You can kill an enemy in 3-4 shots but it can take much longer if you keep grazing him or not using aimed attacks or weapons with high penetration against heavy armor.


Iron Tower Studio
Oct 27, 2006
San Isidro, Argentina
Vault Dweller: like underground nymph, I can't play the demo at the moment, so I will ask directly to you: Is this video rappresentative of the typical "damage ratio" in CS?
For a game centered around fire arms, the amount of hits that a character needs in order to die seems huge.

You can kill an enemy in one turn.

Yeah, you even get his "defensive pool" as an increase to your Critical Strike skill if you kill him before he even acts.

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