Always wanted to do a CON build, pimped with implants up to the gills. Easier to go with party to compensate for lack of offensive power
All seven implants, all overclocked and fully upgraded. Also the party came out really nicely for exploration, got all 10 in Bio, Comps, Electro and for the fucking first time got 10 Lockpick, although on Faythe
Since I am not running with 12 DEX, my choice was between shotguns and pistols. Shotties are better, but I already did three runs with them, so pistols. Handcannon is good
For a change I specced the party for full defense and tanking too, plus everyone got as much implants as they could. They still couldn't grow enough armor skill so they walk around with shitty plastic helmets until the end
100% thermal on all characters, smoke is our friend
Stuck to Protectorate all the way, was almost filtered by last wave in the Courtyard until I remembered that I have 7 stasis grenades waiting for use
Very good fight, all three waves have very high skills, gear and almost maxxed resistances