This looks absolutely delightful to me. People with phobias are weird.There's an upgrade at the bottom, could you go grab it for me? I'll use it to enhance your arrow quiver.I have thalassophobia and when I was a teenager I was very scared of going underwater in Morrowind, because the monsters spooked me. So I avoided going underwater at any cost.
(Far Cry 3)
(didn't do it)
Fear of heights isn't a phobia, it's like having a phobia of standing next to bears or lions. It's perfectly rational to fear standing on a ledge with a several hundred meter drop below it.People with phobias are weird.
Are you saying Lillian Boyer was irrational?Fear of heights isn't a phobia, it's like having a phobia of standing next to bears or lions. It's perfectly rational to fear standing on a ledge with a several hundred meter drop below it.People with phobias are weird.
Fuck you guys, I ain't a pussy, you're just dumb (and irrational).
I don't even think this is a confession, it's basically just common sense. I played Elden Ring for maybe 5-10 hours then quit when I realized there's literally nothing new and it's the same fromslop as last time but with an "open" world.dragons dogma and DD2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any from software game after bloodborne
No, peasant, it is not "pathetically faggy". Do not question The Daddy's authority again.Well, this is easily the most pathetically faggy thing I'll read today. Thanks for that I guess.I don't need a "point", and you will not speak to The Daddy in this tone again peasant.
The ending alone was a put off before they retconned it to sell DLC. I even went back to a previous save to add Fawkes to my party before I did the ending just because I figured you needed him in the party in order to avoid the "bad ending" only to discover Bethesda was completely retarded.I loved Fallout 3 on my first playthrough, and think it's a genuinely good game.
Why cheapen the moment? It is your destiny, after all.The ending alone was a put off before they retconned it to sell DLC. I even went back to a previous save to add Fawkes to my party before I did the ending just because I figured you needed him in the party in order to avoid the "bad ending" only to discover Bethesda was completely retarded.I loved Fallout 3 on my first playthrough, and think it's a genuinely good game.
*Trigger Codex with a statement*The ending alone was a put off before they retconned it to sell DLC. I even went back to a previous save to add Fawkes to my party before I did the ending just because I figured you needed him in the party in order to avoid the "bad ending" only to discover Bethesda was completely retarded.I loved Fallout 3 on my first playthrough, and think it's a genuinely good game.
The "two weeks later" cinematic at the beginning of the DLC was a vanilla asset and IIRC some people theorized that Bethesda would retcon the sacrifice with a DLC, which they did.The ending alone was a put off before they retconned it to sell DLC. I even went back to a previous save to add Fawkes to my party before I did the ending just because I figured you needed him in the party in order to avoid the "bad ending" only to discover Bethesda was completely retarded.I loved Fallout 3 on my first playthrough, and think it's a genuinely good game.
Supposedly, the original intent was that you'd play your character for that character's entire life, because that would be cool? That's why it starts with your birth and why they force you to kill yourself at the end. But it's not a cool idea. It never was. It sounds cool, until you think about it. I'm guessing Bethesda didn't think about it ever and just realized that they couldn't sell the DLC if you were dead.The "two weeks later" cinematic at the beginning of the DLC was a vanilla asset and IIRC some people theorized that Bethesda would retcon the sacrifice with a DLC, which they did.
Gentlemen, I am glad to say that a blemish on my Codexian record has been purged.Oh, and I didn’t finish Underrail due to restarting and trying different builds too many times….wait, maybe I could…*unzips pants and downloads Underrail*
Nigger this isn't "trigger the codex" thread.I had sex for the first time before I masturbaited for the first time. I am also still with the woman I lost my virginity to(and took hers in the process).
It's cool that you're close with your sister, but this is a RPG thread.
- PS:T sucks and would've been better as a VN or short story. I'd rather play Might & Magic 1 though.
- The best part of Arcanum is the manual.
- Arkane Studios has produced exactly 0 good games.
- BG1 is better than BG2, just as KotC1 is better than KotC2, and Fallout is better than Fallout 2. Sometimes less is more.
- There's a good chance I played World of Warcraft for more hours than every Steam game I have combined.
- 3.5E is the best edition of D&D.
- The best mainline Final Fantasy is 6, but the best cinematic Final Fantasy is 8.
- Chrono Trigger is pretty cool.
- I believed Molyneux's horse shit about the features Fable would have on release. "It's going to have growing trees! Holy fuck!"
- Part of the reason I hate ME2 and DA2 so much is that I thought DA:O and ME1 were awesome.
- I was lurking the Codex since about 2006 but finally registered because I wanted to post about DA:O which was about to release.
Nigger this isn't "trigger the codex" thread.I had sex for the first time before I masturbaited for the first time. I am also still with the woman I lost my virginity to(and took hers in the process).
It's cool that you're close with your sister, but this is a RPG thread.
- PS:T sucks and would've been better as a VN or short story. I'd rather play Might & Magic 1 though.
- The best part of Arcanum is the manual.
- Arkane Studios has produced exactly 0 good games.
- BG1 is better than BG2, just as KotC1 is better than KotC2, and Fallout is better than Fallout 2. Sometimes less is more.
- There's a good chance I played World of Warcraft for more hours than every Steam game I have combined.
- 3.5E is the best edition of D&D.
- The best mainline Final Fantasy is 6, but the best cinematic Final Fantasy is 8.
- Chrono Trigger is pretty cool.
- I believed Molyneux's horse shit about the features Fable would have on release. "It's going to have growing trees! Holy fuck!"
- Part of the reason I hate ME2 and DA2 so much is that I thought DA:O and ME1 were awesome.
- I was lurking the Codex since about 2006 but finally registered because I wanted to post about DA:O which was about to release.
Tell us something that make you want to commit seppuku.
Over the years I have come to hate Bethesda Fallout more and more and more...The ending alone was a put off before they retconned it to sell DLC. I even went back to a previous save to add Fawkes to my party before I did the ending just because I figured you needed him in the party in order to avoid the "bad ending" only to discover Bethesda was completely retarded.I loved Fallout 3 on my first playthrough, and think it's a genuinely good game.
Can't recall the last JRPG I've played besides soulsgames, tbh.I never finished any JRPG and i barely (almost never?) play them.
Are they tabletop rpgs, or maybe live action, you freaking imbecile?!Souls games are ok but they aren't crpgs.
Are they tabletop rpgs
I've always wondered, are Souls Games considered to be JRPGs or WRPGs?Are they tabletop rpgs, or maybe live action, you freaking imbecile?!Souls games are ok but they aren't crpgs.