moon knight
Matt7895's alt
Ha...I just noticed in the poster "Style over substance" that the car has 2 front wheels, which have no actual use and are there just because "style"
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I'd drive it tbhHa...I just noticed in the poster "Style over substance" that the care has 2 front wheels, which have no actual use and are there just because "style"
They apparently also removed multiple apartments and apartment and car customization?And yeah they removed childhood heroes.
"V wird nur ein Apartment haben und auch dort bleiben. [...] Du hast eine Wohnung und kannst verschiedene Fahrzeuge in deine Garage stellen. Aber es gibt leider keine Möglichkeit, deine Wohnung zu dekorieren."
"V will only have one apartment and remain there. [...] You have one home and can place different vehicles in your garage. But there is unfortunately no possibility to decorate your home."
Two different cultures. Style over substance and Necessity over style
Two different cultures. Style over substance and Necessity over style
So adding color till brain aneurysm = style?
Nice work CDPR! Now everyone will remember your game as "that game with Keanu Revees".
Also, can't wait to be lectured by Johnny Silverhand on why corporations are evil on my "corporate" playthrough.
So adding color till brain aneurysm = style?
I'm sure, in that case Johnny will start preaching to V. The only hope is that Keanu is playing several childhood heroes.Nice work CDPR! Now everyone will remember your game as "that game with Keanu Revees".
Also, can't wait to be lectured by Johnny Silverhand on why corporations are evil on my "corporate" playthrough.
the dynamic could be interesting, going against what he wants us to do, because he obviously will push us against the corporations, and im curious if taking corpo lifepath will change how he sees us.
Any features cut now will certainly make it back with the enhanced edition that will launch with the next Gen of consoles.
So adding color till brain aneurysm = style?
I watched interview where one dev talked about it, they developed few different art styles to differentiate the social groups and dictricts; kitsch (the image above), entropy, neomillitarism and glamour.
Any features cut now will certainly make it back with the enhanced edition that will launch with the next Gen of consoles.
Wasn't case with Witcher 3, doubt will be case here also. Doubt is all I have for this game now...
There's no mod support yet (and never will be, mark my words). If there was, there wouldn't be much of a reason to whine about cut features such as true to the original rpg system, customization of characters belongings or different apartments. Or having a necessity to cater to dilaters. They'd do it themselves.Why would you waste manpower of your studio on implementing tranies? Aren't there modders for it?
i saw some community made modding tools last weekThere's no mod support yet (and never will be, mark my words). If there was, there wouldn't be much of a reason to whine about cut features such as true to the original rpg system, customization of characters belongings or different apartments. Or having a necessity to cater to dilaters. They'd do it themselves.Why would you waste manpower of your studio on implementing tranies? Aren't there modders for it?
Them shinny new consoles are set for holidays 2020 I figure. That's a big delay.They'd have to release an enhanced edition once they port it to next-gen consoles. Tho who knows, they weren't very confident on the release date, it could easily be delayed to an eventual cross-gen release...
Nice work CDPR! Now everyone will remember your game as "that game with Keanu Revees".
Also, can't wait to be lectured by Johnny Silverhand on why corporations are evil on my "corporate" playthrough.
I'm sure, in that case Johnny will start preaching to V. The only hope is that Keanu is playing several childhood heroes.
Imagine an RPG where you have only one companion and he is biased af.
Karma-wise, Vergil is a blank slate. And you can kill him. I seriously doubt that CDPR will allow to get rid of Keanu.I'm sure, in that case Johnny will start preaching to V. The only hope is that Keanu is playing several childhood heroes.
Imagine an RPG where you have only one companion and he is biased af.
Arcanum technically. Vergil is really the only follower with anything to say once they start following you. He has some very set in allegiances and opinions. Aside from Magnus (whose quest is opaque as hell and doesn't do anything when completed) he's the only one with a quest that's not just becoming your follower after helping them.
I suppose you could also say Dawnguard, but Skyrim's hardly an RPG
hello my fellow internet black person, I am also an internet black person
I really didn't get it at first why someone is posting some randumb Leddit person, but that's actually Mike Pondsmith: my fellow internet black person, I am also an internet black person