Its all fine.
You can keep a guy grappled, throw him prone to the floor, and you are still standing AND grappling him, all of this with your left hand while you keep attacking him with the right hand. And it can even be a Large creature, like an ogre. Either that, or I've misunderstood some of the rules involved (which is possible). Trying to grapple an armed guy doesn't cause an "opportunity attack" either, like it did in 3.5, so you don't really risk much by trying.
After reading most of the PH, I have to say I like the system very much, but maybe they added too many special powers to classes, making it a bit messy to handle.
The sorcery points are an example of this, you already have the magic system and slots, why adding another layer of resources to spend. Not that it's terrible, but as every class has so many special rules/powers in it, it's not as "intuitive" as I had anticipated. for instance, if I introduce an encounter with level 3 rogues, I have to remember that they'll "uncanny dodge" out half the damage they take, as a reaction. It's like a "parallel system" built on top, because there's already the concept of evasion/dodging incorprated into AC. so why not just give them a +2 AC instead, and keep it all inside a more elegant and simple system.