It is p. good.Wow, the artwork for this game is fantastic. Is it any good? Looks like it's DS only.
Villager Variety 0.8
by Hazelnut and carademono
This mod adds a huge variety of unique faces and different outfits to all of the villagers living in the Iliac Bay. Whereas vanilla Daggerfall has only 24 distinct villagers, Villager Variety currently adds an additional 720. Villagers' faces also now match their conversation portraits, greatly improving immersion. We will add more variations with every update.
This mod is still a work in progress. If you are a pixel artist and would like to contribute faces, portraits, or additional body variants to the project, please send a sample of your work to me or Hazelnut and we'll welcome you to the team!
Highly recommended: Play with Hazelnut's Roleplay & Realism mod (, which has a new module that places villagers inside houses. Villager Variety should also be compatible with Kamer's excellent VIO mod.
The source code and images are available on our Github:
You can download the dfmod from our Github here: ... y/releases. The source code and png images are also available there.
[MOD] Skulduggery - A Thief Overhaul
Post by Ralzar » Sun Apr 11, 2021 9:17 am
This mod rebalances thief skills, adds and tweaks some of the thief-related mechanics and adds a new item shop in the thief guild.
Current version: 1.0.0
Required DFU version: 0.11.5
Nexus download
This is the current roadmap. Implemented features are colored green. Planned but not yet implemented features are colored red.
Thief Items
- Add a shop function to the thieves guild fence NPC so he both buys and sells items.
- Add items that buff thief skills when equipped in jewellery slots
- Remove level scaling. Chance is based on skill, Agility, Intelligence and Luck.
- Ability to pick magic locks at high level.
- Possible to make more than one lockpick attempt on a door.
- Remove level scaling. Chance based on skill, Agility, Speed and Luck.
- More and better rewards for pickpocket.
- Remove level scaling. Chance based on skill, Agility and Luck.
- You only train Stealth while in sneak mode.
- Crouching while sneaking increases sneak chance further.
- Armor affects Stealth check.
- Mastery halves penalties.
Breaking and Entering
- Moving inside a locked house at night causes Stealth checks.
- Failed Stealth checks causes text indicating you are about to be discovered or guards arriving.
- Taking items from containers requires a pickpocket check, difficulty based on item weight.
- Houses have chances of better loot based on building quality and Luck.
- Guild buildings have thematic loot to steal.
- Banks and Palaces have guards at night.
City Guards and the Law
- Possible to bribe guards before the arrest prompt.
- Crimes are cumulative.
- Debate/Lie options in court should include Intelligence (Debate), Personality(Lie), Luck and your Legal Reputation.
3D animals and beasts (now w/Sketches for critique)
Post by Ninelan » Mon Jul 05, 2021 7:52 am
Here I'll be tracking the progress of the 3Dification of Daggerfall's various critters and beasts.
The initial goal will be to just, for now, make 3D models based on...
Static sprite animals and enemy beasts.
Later, the following projects can be attempted per need. If there will be interest in such mods from modders:
-giving a visual presentation to animals only mentioned via ingredients like unicorns, griffons, basilisk.
-Makings 'new' animals to fill out the wildlife. (antelopes, deer, wolves, ibexes, sheep)(wildlife overhauls? Hunting mods? Massive moving cattle/herds, camel caravans, wild horse herds????)
-Horse overhaul with ponies and draft horses? Regional breeds?
-Dog/cat pets/companions?
-Rideable camels?
The horse is complete? I may always still tweak it or add new animations, but for now, I'll deem it done.
I might post some concept art of the enemy beasts for judging soon?
Current progress tracklist:
Model: 100%
Animations: 100%
Texture: 70%
Model: 70%
Animations: 100%
Daggerfall's 3D models are often of questionable proportions, they will need to be HEAVILY revamped in the anatomy department. Key features will be preserved. (like long-necked and bodied sabertoothed tigers, big-eyed rats etc.)![]()
The horse, for example, was based on the static image, not the 3D model.
Concept: in progress
giant bat
Concept: in progress
Concept: in progress
tentatively 'centaur'
Due to the nature of 3D models, as replacements or entirely new content, I'll open them up to any Daggerfall related projects.
If any modder is interested in playing around or implementing/merging these models with their project. Send me a PM~.
Look how freaking cute it is!
Sketches are for critiquing! Considering anatomy is being altered, opinions on how faithful it may be may vary!
Most altering has been done on the face, while the lanky body, curved neck (almost makes it look like a noodle homotherioum?) I kept about.
A larger rework. The bear always looked very cute in the face in all honesty. I have a version of a sketch with a more intact body but it's not good.
The cow wip! Udders still missing! oops!
Pfft, It was a good call to repurpose the horse armature for this xD Have you seen a cow with a strut?
Sabertooth tiger wip with it's temporary texture to try out it's fancy new stripe placement.
[MOD-WIP] Bestiary
Post by Shapur » Mon Jul 19, 2021 3:08 pm
2021_07_19_13_53_50.jpg (207.02 KiB) Viewed 374 times
I have been working on a mod that reintroduces a bestiary as can bee seen in this demo: ... rfall_1020
The only thing it does is adding that menu (press B to open it), so it isn't really useful for anything, but it's a thing. It is also my first mod for DFU so if you wish to try it out, proceed with caution.![]()
Before releasing it, it would like add some things and I'm not sure how:
- What is the best way to implement hotkey assigning (allow the user to pick the key they want to use to open the menu) using mod settings? I was thinking about letting the user enter a character through the text box and than use a lot of ifs to convert that character into a KeyCode.
Something like:
if (enterredKey == "a" || enterredKey == "A")
openMenuKeyCode = KeyCode.A;
else if (enterredKey == "b" || enterredKey == "B")
openMenuKeyCode = KeyCode.B;
But that doesn't seem too elegant. Is there a better way?- The other thing I don't know how to do is making pictures of monsters respect other mods replacing the vanilla textures and using the modded ones instead.
Example: When I load the mod along side D.R.E.A.M., I would like the pixelated original texture to be replaced with nice upscaled ones. And if it was loaded with a mod that replaces all spriggans with Todd Howard, I want the spriggan texture in the menu to be replaced with Todd Howard.
[WIP] Detailed City Walls
Post by Cliffworms » Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:05 pm
Detailed City Walls
Detailed City Walls fills the otherwise empty rooms that are found along the city walls and guard towers. Inside, you will find guard barracks, warehouses, training rooms, gate controls, break rooms and even the city jail.
This project started as a way to learn more about world data editing and to test Uncanny Valley's editor, which then evolved with the testing of Hazelnut's upcoming World Data Editor.
In addition to decorating the walls' interior, there will be 3 quests available that specifically target those buildings so that the player may have a reason to visit other than curiosity.
Detailed City Walls will affect the walls' exterior as well by adding guard towers on each side of the city gates and, for Wayrest/Sentinel/Daggerfall, banners of these kingdoms.
In terms of progress, the interiors are done and I've moved to the exterior. I'm trying to come up with interesting details to add on the walls' walkways or near them.
I'll let the screenshots fill out the rest.![]()
Last edited by Cliffworms on Tue Jul 20, 2021 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[MOD-WIP] Mighty Magick - A complete magic overhaul
Post by kiskoller » Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:47 am
Daggerfall's Magic system is a mess. But thanks to the modding capabilities of DFU, we might be able to change it. This post is similar to meritamas's "there could be more to magic" mod, with one notable differences. I don't want to add anything new to the game, first I want to tweak the numbers to balance magic gameplay out a little bit. So I think there is a place for both mods in this game and we can work side-by-side.
I plan on making a magicka overhaul mod called Mighty Magick which does not add new spells, effects, quests, or any content like that, just "tweaks the numbers".
Let's write down the issues of Daggerfalls magic system point by point, so we can focus at one at a time and design a solution.
This might be too much at once, which is why I've tried to separate these things to bullet-points. I'm planning to mod to solve the issues I've described here, but I need some help designing the solutions. If you have any advices or ideas, feel free to share them.
I am primarily focusing on a destruction-based pure mage gameplay. So on a char that works similarly to a warrior, he sees an enemy an enemy he blows it up then moves on. He uses other magick spells as buffs and utility. I know there are other ways to play pure mages in this game (like using invisibility, pacifying) but I only really have gaming experience with the destro-mage variety.
1. Magicka pool and resource management. Daggerfall uses a D&D-like system where magicka pool is supposed to be big and you are supposed to manage your magicka bar not just during combat, but during a whole dungeon crawl. I am not sure this system works with this particular type of game, there is a reason it was changed in Oblivion. However, let's try and keep this type of spellcasting in the game but let's write down it's issues, then try to solve them.
1A. Small magicka pool: The biggest issue is that without the use of exploits, a mage's magicka pool is way too small. You can easily burn through half of your magicka bar even with high skill and maxed out int, spamming the most efficient destruction spell to kill a single enemy. Solution: lets grant spellpoints every level based on Int, similar to how HP is granted.
1B. Easy to regen magicka via rest: However at the same time you can just rest after each fight, which is not just silly but also ruins this whole magicka management mechanic quite a bit. Solution: Currently one hour of rest restores 1/8 of your magicka. We should change this to one week of rest restoring your whole bar. This will make resting in dungeons not feasible thanks to the time limit and other magicka regen options will be more desirable. Of course this means a pure mage will need to have enough magicka to clear a whole dungeon or means to regen it. Current status: Regen from resting is halved, you need 16 hours to fully regen.
1C. Magicka enchants give you too much magicka. Without the ItemMaker a mage has 300 spell points. With the item maker he can easily have more than 5 times that. There is really no cap and there is too big of a jump between the prowess of a mage with and without this tool. This alone wouldn't be a problem if enchanting had any progress baked into it, but currently the moment you unlock it, you can grab a loan and spam a lot of enchants. Later on your enchants do get more powerful thanks to using souls, but even soulless enchants raise your magicka pool too high. Solution: Magicka gain from Enchanting lowered from 75 to 35.
1D. Magicka potions are too weak. These potions could be a solution to the magicka management issue, but they are just way too weak. Solution: The potion refills the whole magicka bar. With the changes in 1A and 1B this might be too OP, I am not sure.
1E. Enemies resist spells far too easily. This results in the mage wasting sometimes his full magicka bar against a rat due to unlucky rolls. Sometimes the spell does not even connect. Solution: Magic resistance should lower incoming damage instead of sometimes completely negating it. Currently this module adds together all the resistances and weaknesses. Immunities give 100% reduction, Critical Weaknesses give 100% increase (meaning destro spells do double the damage) and regular weaknesses and resistances give +-50% each. Spell resistance also gives a % reduction which is additive to all the rest. Todo: change the math so instead of the various weaknesses and immunities being additive, they should be multiplicative. Two 50% resistances should yield 75% resistance, not immunity I think.
2. Exploits. There are a few exploits that are really easy to find and use that breaks the magicka resource management system, making mages way too OP.
2A. Re-absorb your own spells: Casting fireballs close to you with spell absorb will reabsorb the spell, giving you back the magicka and damaging the enemy for free. Solution: For aoe spells only give back a fraction of the cost, since you aren't absorbing the whole thing. Should it be like 1/5th? With the raised cost of AOE spells, killing one guy would be more efficient with just on-touch spells. Status: This can only be (properly) fixed by changing the source code of the game to expose absorb logic to mods. There is a feature lock currently in place, so we will have to wait for the release 1.0 before fixing this.
2B. Spell cost calculation past 100 skill. If you have enough +skill enchants to jump over the 100 point barrier, every spell will cost 5 points.
Solution: each point past 100 should lower the spell cost by 1%. So with say 130 skill the spell would cost <cost at 100> * [(99/100)^30]. This way there is no 0-cost hard cap.
2C. Spell absorb is too powerful. Pick 3x int SP and spell absorb during char creation, make sure you have a spell that burns your magicka (like a high cost shield) and you've become immune to magicka. In later games you had a similar birthsign to this advantage, but it only gave you 50% chance, stunted your magicka regen and was still OP. Solution: The advantage only gives you 50%? 33%? chance spell absorb.
3. Spell Chance.
3A. Spell cast chance is unrelated to spell magnitude and is tied to another attribute of the spell during spellmaking is an issue. The player is forced to find a sweet spot of chance/cost when making the spell, but that is unrelated to the duration or magnitude. All this does is adding more micro-management to the already tiresome spellmaking process.
3B. Spell Chance is capped at 100. There is nothing to be gained past 100. Couple this with the scaling nature of chance*<player level> and you end up with a char progression where a higher level mage is casting simpler spells than a mid level mage.
Solution A. Remove spell chance alltogether. Spells have only cost associated to them.
Solution B. Add spell cast chance to the background to every spell. It is dependent on skill, attribute, and spell power (magnitude times duration). Just like in Morrowind.
Solution C. Expand solutionB. Spell cast chance should affect not just the initial casting but the duration as well. Have spells backfire, damage the player, end too soon, etc. Less of an overhaul, more of a mod of it's own.
4. Spell power scaling is tied to char level. Solution: There are already mods for this, "Skilled Spells" and "Unleveled Spells". I'd prefer Unleveled Spells due to it using player attributes like Willpower or Luck when calculating spell power, however Skilled Spells is more stable currently. I will expect my mod to work alongside such mods.
Current roadmap: I will focus on 2A 2B 2C because the solution to those is pretty straightforward and easy to code (I hope). I also think they would be useful to be released on their own.
I've decided to release versions as I develop them, so people can see the progress, playtest it if they want.
I've released what I've done so far ... escription
[MODDING TOOL] GIS Construction Set
Post by carademono » Mon Jun 07, 2021 11:00 pm
GIS Construction Set
by carademono
Daggerfall is really big. Far, far too big to work with conventional modding construction sets like those for Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools, however, are perfect for working at such large scale.
This post presents a QGIS ( project designed to help modders place location prefabs that load into DF Unity with Kamer's World of Daggerfall. Using the Construction Set, modders can individually hand-place prefabs with considerable precision, or they can use QGIS's random and algorithmic point placement functions to place prefabs by the dozens, hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands.
The project currently contains four base maps:
1. Iliac Bay Base Map: The Iliac Bay MapPixel map by Meritamas, included in BadLuckBurt's world data editor (
2. Paper Map: A beautiful Iliac Bay paper map created by Rubikia ( ... iliac_bay/)
3. Travel Map: The in-game travel map.
4. Vanilla Height Map: The height map for vanilla Daggerfall.
It also currently includes seven reference layers:
5. Water: A simple vector land and water map.
6. Regions: A vector map of the Iliac Bay's regions. This can be used to place points within specific regions.
7. Locations: A layer map containing all 15,000+ points of Daggerfall's locations.
8. Basic Roads: A raster map of Hazelnut's Basic Roads network.
9. Roadside - Roads & Tracks: A vector map of the Basic Roads network divided by regions, with polygons extending about a map pixel from the roads. You can use this to place points near roads -- for example, bandit camps and Imperial watch towers placed in this layer will be visible from the road.
10. Roadside - Roads: Like the above, but only includes roads, not tracks. You might place Imperial watch towers here.
11. Roadside - Tracks: Like the above, but only includes tracks, not roads. You might place bandit camps here.
Finally and most importantly, it includes:
12. Prefab Placer: All points created in or copied to this layer will have their locational fields autopopulated with values that can be read directly by the LocationLoader or World of Daggerfall mods. This includes the worldX, worldY, terrainX, and terrainY coordinates. The layer also calculates a unique locationID for every possible point by concatenating its coordinate values. You will need to enter in only name (which does not need to be unique), prefab, and type (more on this below). These can be entered either when adding points individually, in QGIS's attribute table, or in a spreadsheet program after export.
You can download all the project files from my GitHub: It requires QGIS (, and Kamer's World of Daggerfall (which is based on Uncanny_Valley's LocationLoader).
Getting Started: Adding Prefabs
Adding points to the Prefab Placer layer works like adding points to any QGIS layer. Select Prefab Placer in the layer list and click the pencil icon (Toggle Editing) in the top tool bar. Now click the Add Point Feature icon in the toolbar and click anywhere on the map where you'd like to add a prefab. Excellent! You've added a point.
Of course, adding points one by one would take a long time if, say, you'd like to add 20,000 rocks to the Alik'r Desert. I'll introduce QGIS's abiltity to place large numbers of points randomly or algorithmically within polygons later in the tutorial. Anything that you can do in QGIS, you can do to the Prefab Placer layer... and QGIS can do quite a hell of a lot.
Export & Data Management
Once you've filled it with one or a million points, you should export your Prefab Placer layer to a CSV file. Right-click on the layer, Export -> Save Features As... and select Comma Separated Values [CSV] from the drop-down list. Choose your file location and save. If you're dealing with a large number of points, this might be a good time to open up the CSV file in a spreadsheet program and mass-enter name, prefab, and type.
LocationLoader locations files are simply XML-formatted text files. In order to actually get the prefabs into the game, you'll need to reshape the CSV into one (or many) of those. I've put together a Python script ( ... that automates the process of splitting and converting your CSV into smaller txt files that World of Daggerfall can load. To use it, simply place the script in the same folder as your CSV file and type at the command line:
python 'input.csv' 100
If you are on Windows and don't have Python, I've created a command-line application ( ... onvert.exe) with similar usage:
gisconvert 'input.csv' 100
This will split the CSV into txts with 100 prefabs each, which is an ideal length for World of Daggerfall. You can find these files in the out folder after running the script. To see your new locations in the game, put the txt file(s) in the StreamingAssets\Locations folder and activate world of daggerfall.dfmod.
Note: Using numbers higher than 100 with is not recommended as it increases loading times and may lead to some prefabs not being placed in-game.
Now for some more specific tutorials on how to use this tool.
Tutorial #1: Adding a dock to Kalunnunu
We'll start with an easy project: adding a single dock prefab to the north side of Kalunnunu.
Let's start up QGIS and open GIS Construction Set.qgz to get started on our first project. If all went well, you should be greeted with something like this:
See the Layers list in the lower left corner? It should have the Prefab Placer layer right at the top. However, we don't want to work directly with that layer -- let's make a copy of it to work with instead. Right-click on Prefab Placer, select Duplicate Layer, activate the new layer by clicking on the checkbox to its left, drag it to the top, and rename it something like "Kalunnunu Docks."
Now let's go find Kalunnunu. It's in the Lainlyn region. If you're not sure where that is, activate the Regions layer for a moment and it will superimpose the region borders on top of the base map. Kalunnunu is right on the coast:
Next we're going to place a prefab! Click on the Kalunnunu Docks layer you created, and select Toggle Editing on the top toolbar (it's the pencil icon). Now select Add Point Feature (the three dots icon) and your mouse should change to a crosshairs. Let's try placing the dock just north of Kalunnunu. Click on the map and a little window will pop up, asking us to us fill in various attributes.
Name can be set to anything (I went with "Docks"), while type has three potential settings in World of Daggerfall:
type 0 smooths the terrain underneath the prefab
type 1 does not smooth the terrain underneath the prefab
type 2 allows prefabs to be placed in map pixels with locations and roads.
Note: World of Daggerfall ordinarily prevents prefabs placed near locations and roads from appearing in the game, as Basic Roads does not currently distinguish between world locations and prefab locations. Because of this, if prefabs are placed too close to a road, players might get pulled off the road and sucked into the prefab. type 2 overrides this limitation, allowing prefab placement anywhere, but should be used with caution. However, if a prefab you've placed isn't appearing in-game, you should try setting it to type 2.
Because the Kalunnunu dock is very close to the city of Kalunnunu itself, we will need to set type to 2 in order to see it in the game. Finally, the prefab field is where we specify which specific prefab we want to place. Let's go with WA_Poor_Docks_North_00 from Kamer's World of Daggerfall mod. Click OK. There's now a pink prefab symbol where we placed the dock.
Now that we've placed a prefab, it's a good moment to check out the Kalunnunu Docks layer's attribute table. Right-click on the layer and select Open Attribute Table. If everything went right, you'll observe that worldX, worldY, terrainX, terrainY, and locationID have all been autopopulated with the correct values:
Click Toggle Editing again to turn off editing and save your changes to the layer. We're ready to export our new docks to a CSV file. Right-click Kalunnunu Docks and select Export -> Save Features As... Change format to Comma Separated Values [CSV], give the file a name, and hit OK. You can close QGIS now, saving your work first, of course.
No need to edit the CSV file -- we already filled out all the necessary fields in QGIS. Let's convert it to an XML-formatted txt file. Assuming you have Python installed, place the script in the same folder as your CSV file and type at the command line:
python 'Kalannunu Docks.csv' 100
Kalannunu Docks.txt will appear in the out folder. Place the file in your StreamingAssets/Locations folder. Boot up DF Unity and fast travel to Kalunnunu...
Pretty darn good placement! We can edit the txt file to get it just right. The docks are a few meters too far to the north so try changing terrainY from 9 to 5...
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Tutorial #2: Launching a Crime Wave
Let's suppose that we decide there's been a prison break in Arkmoth End, and now the hills are full of bandits. Let's randomly place 30 bandit camps in a polygon around Arkmoth End.
The first thing to do here (after duplicating the Prefab Placer layer again and renaming it Prison Break) is to draw a polygon around Arkmoth End. To do this, we'll need to create a new polygon layer. Select Layers -> New Shapefile Layer... from the menu. Set the layer to have a Polygon geometry type, name it whatever you'd like, and hit OK.
Select the new layer, select Toggle Editing, and select Add Polygon Feature. You can now draw the polygon by clicking in a circle around Arkmoth End (give it any id number).
Once you've made your polygon, it's time to fill it with bandit camps. Go to Vector -> Research Tools -> Random Points inside Polygon in the top menu. In the popup box, specify that you want to add 30 points. Set a minimum distance of .3 between them so that they don't spawn right on top of each other, and hit OK.
Your polygon will now be full of points, but all on a new layer called Random Points. Select this layer, hit Toggle Editing, right-click on it and open its Attribute Table, and select all the points by shift-clicking the numbers 1-30 on the left side.
Then select Edit -> Copy Features in the top menu. Select your duplicate Prefab Placer layer, hit Toggle Editing for this layer too, then Edit -> Paste Features.
Note: Random placement might place your prefabs right on top of cities, dungeons, and other locations. You should do a once over and remove points that are right on top of locations on the map.
Your bandit camps are now placed! Go ahead and export the layer as a CSV file. Open the CSV file in a spreadsheet app and finish filling out the empty columns. As before, you can put any value in the name column, and they can all have the same name. We want terrain smoothing, so type should be 0. Finally, we're going to use the WA_Daggerfall_BanditCamp_01, 02, and 03 prefabs from Kamer's World of Daggerfall.
Save the CSV, convert it to an XML-formatted txt file using, put it in your StreamingAssets/Locations folder, and fire up DF Unity....
Tip: Modders who are accustomed to games like Morrowind or Skyrim might have some trouble adjusting to the sheer scale of Daggerfall. For comparison, the small, approximately 7x6 MapPixel polygon we drew around Arkmoth End is larger than the island of Vvardenfell! From that perspective, 30 bandit camps doesn't seem all that excessive.
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Tutorial #3: Dropping Rocks in the Alik'r Desert
How can we use the GIS Construction Set to cover the Alik'r Desert with rocks? We'll be doing much the same thing as before -- filling a polygon with random points -- except that the Alik'r Desert is a much, much bigger polygon. We're going to need a lot of rocks. Lets try 20,000.
First, we need to select our polygon. No need to draw a new one, as the Alik'r Desert polygon can be found on the Regions layer. Activate and select the Regions layer, click the "Select Features by area or single click" icon from the top toolbar, and click on the Alik'r Desert. It should light up in yellow like this:
Once again, select Vector -> Research Tools -> Randomly Add Points to Polygon. Set the function to generate 20,000 points (or alternately, play with the point density field).
Copy your random points to the duplicate Prefab Placer layer, and export to a CSV file. Open the CSV in a spreadsheet program. We can name all 20,000 rows "Rocks," and as we don't need smoothed terrain for rocks, we can set all the types to 1. The prefab column will take a bit more thought: after all, it would be a bit strange if we were to just see 20,000 instances of the same rock in the Alik'r Desert. You can make a rock prefab mix using simple spreadsheet tricks. Remember that these randomly generated rocks are in totally random order, so this strategy will have the rock types nice and mixed up. Save the CSV file.
Split and convert the file using That accomplished, we drop the txts into StreamingAssets/Locations and fire up DFUnity...
Congratulations! You are now ready to transform the Iliac Bay.
(397.33 KiB) Downloaded 14 times
The primary limitation is that, at least at present, the GIS Construction Set can only place prefabs. It can't modify World Data or Daggerfall's blocks. Prefabs are terrific for bringing life to the wilderness between cities, but they can't integrate with the quest system (at least, not yet).
Future versions of the GIS Construction Set will hopefully include the following:
- A Python-based QGIS plugin to import Locations txt files, allowing for an easier circular workflow between the editor and the game.
Can you help me with any of these things, or have a different idea? Please submit a PR!
- A community-maintained repository of tested, high-quality prefabs, along with SVG symbols for QGIS that show modders their outlines and dimensions, allowing for perfect placement every time.
Have fun, everybody!
[WIP] Detailed City Walls
Post by Cliffworms » Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:05 pm
Detailed City Walls
Detailed City Walls fills the otherwise empty rooms that are found along the city walls and guard towers. Inside, you will find guard barracks, warehouses, training rooms, gate controls, break rooms and even the city jail.
This project started as a way to learn more about world data editing and to test Uncanny Valley's editor, which then evolved with the testing of Hazelnut's upcoming World Data Editor.
In addition to decorating the walls' interior, there will be 3 quests available that specifically target those buildings so that the player may have a reason to visit other than curiosity.
Detailed City Walls will affect the walls' exterior as well by adding guard towers on each side of the city gates and, for Wayrest/Sentinel/Daggerfall, banners of these kingdoms.
In terms of progress, the interiors are done and I've moved to the exterior. I'm trying to come up with interesting details to add on the walls' walkways or near them.
I'll let the screenshots fill out the rest.![]()
Bourn in Wood Chapter 1 - A New Daggerfall Book by Ted Peterson
For anyone unfamiliar, Ted Peterson is one of the original developers of The Elder Scrolls series. Ted was the lead designer of Daggerfall and author of several of that game's books. His early creative influence is still present in the series to this day.
Ted has been very supportive of Daggerfall Unity and offered many encouraging words since discovering us a few years ago. Today, he offers some more words in the form of a whole new Daggerfall book to be included as part of Daggerfall Unity.
This book is set after Lord Woodborne's death in the main story of Daggerfall. Ted has asked that I share these with you before the books are included in game as he "would like some criticism before they’re sent out. Basically anything I got wrong on lore etc."
It is with great pleasure that I can share with you the first new Daggerfall book for a new era of the game, written by none other than Ted Peterson himself.
Please click through to the forum link below, where I've posted the full contents of Chapter 1 and will update with more chapters as they become available. If you have feedback, please respond here or on the forums. I'll link both to Ted so he can read your replies.
Daggerfall Unity 0.12.1 Beta
Engine Update
Daggerfall Unity has been updated to Unity 2019.4.28f1. This is now available for general testing in a stable build to help modders identify any problems. Based on feedback from modders using 0.12.0 pre-release, compatibility with engine update has been very good. Mods previously compatible with 0.11.x should work normally with 0.12.1.
Note: Mods built specifically for 0.12.1 or later will not be backwards compatible with older versions of Daggerfall Unity.
Main Quest Fix
This release fixes a regression with 50% chance of causing main quest not to start. Anyone using releases 0.11.5 through 0.11.7 are encouraged to update to this version as soon as possible before starting a new character. If you started a new character under these versions and have been affected by this issue, see this forum post for workaround. If you didn't start a new character under these versions, or main quest has started successfully, you can ignore this workaround.
General Fixes & Improvements
- Fix placement of quest NPCs - corrects a regression in 0.11.5-0.11.7 where main quest has a 50% chance of not starting correctly when creating a new character #2187
- Allow to ask about individual NPCs in some quests #2188
- Implement full Baltham Greyman questline for public testing #2189
- Fix dialog not displaying when adding a face #2192
Daggerfall Unity 0.12.2 Beta
Getting Started
If this is your first time installing Daggerfall Unity, please visit Installing Daggerfall Unity and Other Information for help getting started.
Downloads are below release notes under Assets.
Main Quest Fix
If you're running 0.11.5 through 0.11.7, please update to a new release as soon possible. There's a fix for main quest breaking in those versions.
General Fixes & Improvements
- Fix placed NPCs reverting to home location #2194
- Fix assigned quest places getting re-assigned when setting up places #2197
- Fix questor NPC not hiding when using startquest via console #2200
- Use thiefhome symbol for rumor mill and anonymous tip #2201
- Add console var "talk_npcBehavior" to override behavior in dialogs #2195
- Destroy extant NPC object when placing it somewhere player is not #2202
- Fix "Tell Me About" giving different person locations than "Where Is" #2203
- Improve presentation of quest A0C00Y16 #2199
- Add divide by zero protection to ConditionPercentage property #2215
- Enables K0C00Y06, A0C00Y16 #2216
- Fix badly formed XML comment #2212
- Allow Argonians to get random names in character creation #2222
Daggerfall Unity 0.12.3 Beta
Getting Started
If this is your first time installing Daggerfall Unity, please visit Installing Daggerfall Unity and Other Information for help getting started.
Downloads are below release notes under Assets.
General Fixes & Improvements
- Classic Quests : Suggested dungeon types changes #2193
- Pause Options Dropdown and ListBox changes #2219
- Change protection to allow mod overriding for save/load UI window #2225
- Change protection to allow mod overriding for court UI window #2226
- Fixed custom enemies using ids above 145 not having any sounds #2227
- Expose and virtualize members in Open and Lock magic effects #2231
- Disable interactions during touch-range spell #2234
- Added missing formula override for FormulaHelper.SavingThrow #2235
- Adds kill msg M0B00Y16 #2228
- A0C00Y16: show message popup before hiding NPC #2229
Darklands intellectual property rights were purchased in 2015 by Tommo Inc. and there were recently rumors that some company (NightDive ?) has acquired the source code - so the Darklands situation is unclear.He's a national treasure. A hero for our souls.
Now if only someone could do the same for Darklands.
I couldn't get into the DREAM mod after trying it for a bit. The only visual mods I use are the one for the clock and the one that corrects the paper doll color variants, otherwise I love the way the game already looks.Imagine not just playing with retro mode turned on and enjoying crispy pixels
Eroded and Enhanced Terrain
Post by Freak2121 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 12:35 am
Nexus link.
Hello! It has always been on my mind (since 2011 at least) that a remake/upgrade for Daggerfall would look stunning and beautiful if the primitive heightmap were replaced with a much more detailed and realistic one instead.
For years I toyed around with lots of different software, different methods, different ideas, etc trying to make a good heightmap but I never had the opportunity to test it out. That is, until recently when chtujo contacted me and told me Daggerfall Unity actually draws its height information from WOODS.WLD, rather than a simple heightmap image. I still had FiryWoods around, a tool that lets you edit WOODS.WLD, although chtujo made his own tool which I haven't had the chance to try yet. I also had World Machine installed, as well as my old files for editing the heightmaps. So everything was in place to make this happen.![]()
The process is detailed in short on the Nexus page's description.
The terrain has very natural transitions between areas, is decently interesting without being cartoony, and is fairly faithful to the original. It is also tweaked for and intended to be used with Nystul's Distant Terrain mod. There are some issues, however.
1. The terrain is very noisy/bumpy pretty much everywhere. It just doesn't look good.
2. There's a lot of missing detail. I've replaced the noise map with a high quality version of the heightmap, however, I have no idea how to make it actually reflect on the terrain as extra details. There's a pretty significant difference in quality between the heightmap (800m/px) and the noise map (160m/px) and a lot of details such as river valleys are lost.
3. There are no more lakes. I'm sorry for killing them off.Daggerfall and Daggerfall Unity use sea-level heights to form lakes, water doesn't form on any other height. If I kept it as is, there would be a bunch of massive pits all over the landscape and not only would it look ugly, it would throw the erosion and river simulations off. So I just leveled them with their surrounding terrain.![]()
I hope this interests some of you, I'd love some feedback. If not, at least there's some pretty pictures.![]()
Many thanks to chtujo.