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Dark and Darker

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
If I’m not mistaken the last time Dark and Darker was on steam it had around 120-150k players. I hope I’m wrong but Dark and Darker looks like it could be the next Marauders.
Yeah, that was peak hype before all this Nexon lawsuit bullshit happened. Of course the playerbase is going to drop after the hype has dissipated AND all the platform confusion happened. Just because it's not hitting those numbers now doesn't mean it's being forgotten. I just think you're being a little dramatic is all, especially considering the number of problems they've run into since the initial hype. "Gamers" are extremely temperamental in this day and age, and any hint of dramatic change is going to scare off a lot of people. It doesn't mean a game is dead.


Jun 16, 2010
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
You could easily make the argument the other way around, however. 25k players on steam after such a long hiatus could very quickly drop down, and if there's only 5-10k people left playing after a few weeks, the game very much is forgotten considering the initial hype it recveived (and deserved). My main issue with the game is still that any PvP extraction game needs better cheat protection, because no one likes losing their epic and legendary gear to a cheater equipped in white and grey trash.


Feb 26, 2016
"Gamers" are extremely temperamental in this day and age
Can someone get this man a bag of dicks to suck, please?
Considering the dumb shit the gaming industry keeps pulling off to suck more and more cash out of people, I would say that "gamers" have been pretty submissive cunts so far.

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
Can someone get this man a bag of dicks to suck, please?
Considering the dumb shit the gaming industry keeps pulling off to suck more and more cash out of people, I would say that "gamers" have been pretty submissive cunts so far.
I'm confused as to why this triggered you so hard, but why don't you go sift through any of the steam forums to get an idea of what I mean.


Feb 26, 2016
Can someone get this man a bag of dicks to suck, please?
Considering the dumb shit the gaming industry keeps pulling off to suck more and more cash out of people, I would say that "gamers" have been pretty submissive cunts so far.
I'm confused as to why this triggered you so hard, but why don't you go sift through any of the steam forums to get an idea of what I mean.
I don't need to, you made a general statement about gamers behavior, and that's what I'm addressing here.

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
I don't need to, you made a general statement about gamers behavior, and that's what I'm addressing here.
So you got mad and countered it with another general statement about gamers? There's no submission necessary in this particular situation. The game is free. It's just shocking that saying something like gamers are fickle would upset you so much. They fucking are.


Feb 26, 2016
I don't need to, you made a general statement about gamers behavior, and that's what I'm addressing here.
So you got mad and countered it with another general statement about gamers? There's no submission necessary in this particular situation. The game is free. It's just shocking that saying something like gamers are fickle would upset you so much. They fucking are.

Telling you to suck a bag of dicks doesn't necessarily mean I'm upset over your stupid statement, there is a fair chance that I honestly believe you are the sort of person that just deserves to suck a bag of dicks with no strings attached, desperately trying to push the notion that people are mad for pointing out that you said something silly, doesn't necessarily undermine their point.

“Gamers” in general, don't just tolerate more than they should, they even go as far as sucking corporate dick all over the Internet as they get exploited by them, we got to a point where these mothers fuckers legitimately talk about charging players for reloading weapons, thus EVEN IF in THIS specific situation, SOME gamers are being over dramatic about it, I'll still have to politely ask you to suck a bag of dicks while pondering in what fucking "age" gamers were less "temperamental" than what they currently are.

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
while pondering in what fucking "age" gamers were less "temperamental" than what they currently are.
I don't know, like 10 years ago?

We're in agreement that "gamers" by and large are fucking retarded corporate whores, so we're really arguing over nothing. Half the time when they're being over dramatic and complaining, it's about the wrong things. That's mainly what my "stupid" statement was aiming to illustrate.

And yeah, when someone starts throwing insulting language around, it usually indicates to me they're upset about something. I think that's a pretty common assessment of such situations.


Feb 26, 2016
while pondering in what fucking "age" gamers were less "temperamental" than what they currently are.
I don't know, like 10 years ago?
10 years ago? Around the time of "That retarded horse"? Where people were getting kicked out of guilds or being refused to join raids in World of Warcraft for spending extra cash on some dumb mount? Around the time of "horse armor" where they shit on and memed on Bethesda for releasing a cosmetic DLC for Elder Scrolls? Around the time where people would greet you with a "Go play in the highway and die with cancer" on xbox live without pretty any sort of repercussion? Yeah.... way less temperamental on the good old days, shush now and grab that fucking bag buddy.

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
10 years ago? Around the time of "That retarded horse"? Where people were getting kicked out of guilds or being refused to join raids in World of Warcraft for spending extra cash on some dumb mount? Around the time of "horse armor" where they shit on and memed on Bethesda for releasing a cosmetic DLC for Elder Scrolls? Around the time where people would greet you with a "Go play in the highway and die with cancer" on xbox live without pretty any sort of repercussion? Yeah.... way less temperamental on the good old days, shush now and grab that fucking bag buddy.
That's why I said I don't know? It's not really the point. They've always been similar, except maybe in the early, early days when gaming was much less wide-spread and the internet wasn't involved.

Jesus christ, settle down man. Let me remind you that this was the point I made that got you so wound up that was directly referencing what I meant by gamers being temperamental.

and any hint of dramatic change is going to scare off a lot of people.

where exactly is the flaw in that statement?

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
You could easily make the argument the other way around, however. 25k players on steam after such a long hiatus could very quickly drop down, and if there's only 5-10k people left playing after a few weeks, the game very much is forgotten considering the initial hype it recveived (and deserved). My main issue with the game is still that any PvP extraction game needs better cheat protection, because no one likes losing their epic and legendary gear to a cheater equipped in white and grey trash.
Have you been playing all along, Saark? What's your favorite class these days if so?


Feb 26, 2016
That's why I said I don't know? It's not really the point. They've always been similar, except maybe in the early, early days when gaming was much less wide-spread and the internet wasn't involved.

Jesus christ, settle down man. Let me remind you that this was the point I made that got you so wound up that was directly referencing what I meant by gamers being temperamental.
I got that you don't, but as you may kind of guess "maybe 10 years ago" probably isn't the correct answer.

I'll say it again, "gamers" as you put it, have never been as submissive as they are right now, they just don't tolerate it, but they will defend the company behind it harder than their own mothers in a COD game "10 years ago".

where exactly is the flaw in that statement?
...in the part that I previously quoted as you should have guessed by now.

"Gamers", aren't any more temperamental in "this day and age" than what they used to be, even though they have far more and better reasons to be so.


Jun 16, 2010
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
Have you been playing all along, Saark? What's your favorite class these days if so?
I basically stopped playing about a month after they had to swap to distributing the game through the torrent. I mained Wizard in our team, we typically played Ranger/Wizard/Thief because it was the most fun one to PvP with in HR and could still easily take down bosses. Plus, it handled the barb-meta of the early days pretty well. I've checked in again on this release, but quickly realized that not much had changed. Removing the circle is a very bad change, because the reason I/we played was mainly for the PvP.

We stopped playing back when we did because HR lobbies were filled with game-crashers, speedhackers and other kinds of cheaters that were infuriating to play against. Reporting does very little, and we noticed that even people we submitted reports about with video evidence, were still playing weeks later. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand why people get banned in batches, not individually, but this has been a problem in Tarkov before, and it remains a problem in Dark and Darker, as HR lobbies really are the only fun lobbies if you enjoy the PvP aspect the most, and even most HR lobbies were cakewalks when you had an organized group.

With RMT being a fairly common thing in games like these, cheating becomes a big problem because we would spend days farming multiple gearsets, then lose most of them in a single day to cheaters. With an economic gain behind cheating, not just one of "haha cheating is fun", this issue needed to be addressed in some way a long time ago, and nothing IM posted in the last year on the matter has convinced me that they are capable of doing that. In fact, it seems to be a very small blip on their radar.

The game is still very fun initially, but once you get better gear, meet well-geared groups, and end up watching them all die to the same hackers, or dying to them yourself, the fun stops and it sours the entire experience. While it doesn't happen as often with HR now being locked behind the 30$ purchase, it still does happen. The unfortunate reality for us was that LR lobbies are not as enjoyable, even if there are way less hackers there, because the players there are just not as good or experienced at the game, so any PvP situation ended with us not being challenged at all, and that's what we were playing the game for.

It's a shame, because the game and concept still has great potential. My hope is that a bigger studio picks up the genre and does it well.

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
It's a shame, because the game and concept still has great potential. My hope is that a bigger studio picks up the genre and does it well.
It's too bad you got turned off the game by the cheaters. I'm about to try it out again with some bros for the first time in a long time, so I'm hoping we don't see to much of that happening.

Do you think you'd ever return to it if that got the cheating issues under control?

Also, I'm assuming you seen this definitely-not-a-Dark and Darker-clone?



Jun 16, 2010
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
Do you think you'd ever return to it if that got the cheating issues under control?
Definitely. It's such a fun gaming concept, especially with them continuing to develop more maps, bosses and classes. It's rare for a multiplayer/PvP game to tickle my fancy like that, so I'm hoping they'll figure out a way to combat cheaters more. The game is still very enjoyable in many other ways, even with the cheaters. Whether it's playing solo against mostly duo or trio groups and trying to make it out alive/killing multiple people all by yourself in a fight, or just trying to get to the bosses as quickly as possible after each season's wipe, there's lots of fun to be had. But the most fun happens with playing with friends, and both of mine who I played with the most, who I've played co-op and MP games with for almost 20 years at this point, won't touch the game again until there's an anti-cheat that isn't dogshit.


May 1, 2024
I do hope Ironmace can fix the game, removing multi-classing is a good start. If people are looking to find games that sort of scratch the DaD itch and are worried about cheaters I’d recommend Barony.


Mar 30, 2016
tried it out few days ago its a solid game would benefit from a bigger studio added more game modes and stuff. Right now even after playing it 3-4 hours with friends its quite repetitive. As for getting rid of cheaters good luck online fps attract them the most why I play other genres for my competitive gaming needs like company of heroes 2.


May 1, 2024
Ok so after a few days of playing DaD I’ve come to this conclusion (I played earlier playtests) it’s a great game and tons of fun but the community and devs need to decide on how balance will go moving forward. Streamers need to stfu. Will this game be balanced around primarily trios, duo, or solos? You can’t have every class good at solos duos and trios, there has to be some classes better than others in those categories, just like some classes are better in close quarters or at range.

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