I know I'm wasting my time but you are another deluded guy who knows the absolute truth. The thing you and retards with
sullynathan have is common is complete lack of common sense.
it's ironic you calling anybody a retard when you're more stupid than... well, anybody itt
Artificial difficulty examples in DaS3:
- Walls don't exist for many enemies attacks.
you mean exactly like in all previous Souls games?
- Some enemies have poise enabled. You don't. Almost everything can stunlock you with each hit.
and you can stunlock almost everything as well. it's one of the main reasons why PvE is so fucking boring
- Some enemies have infinite stamina/FP. Can you stop being retarded and at least admit this?
you mean exactly like in all previous Souls games?
- Some enemies have almost instant attacks with short wind up movements. Black knights. Archers and so on.
huh? does your brain have some sort of lag or something? are visual stimuli processed by your one lonely neuron with the speed of a dead goat?
- Some enemies have insanely accurate homing missile attacks. Too many to mention.
- Some enemies have insanely long reach attacks. Those black knights.
you mean exactly like in all previous Souls games?
- Some enemies have attacks designed to one-shot you like the perfect grabs from Ghru jumpers.
did you play all the time with 5 vigour?
- Some enemies move with ridiculous speed - see the spastic dances of the croco wolves. Also the teleporting Grave Warden Skeletons.
crocowolves i admitted are bullshit, but it seems "redding is t3h h4rd" for you. teleporting grave wardens? do you have
any sort of evidence of that, or will you post more videos of enemies absolutely
not teleporting by any reasonable definition of the word to support your non-argument?
- Some boss enemies implement anti-pattern methods to impede combo memorization from the player. Just as an example: in one figth the Dance will spin 7 times and none in the next one. Then sometimes bosses perform crazy combos just because. Your fight might be several times harder to win that the fight of another user.
while i already said previously itt that some bosses (and mooks) have some really ott shitty, spastic combos, saying that enemies (and bosses in particular) are
less predictable is a "bad thing" and "artificial difficulty" are an excellent proof that you're an incredible moron who definitely doesn't have more than one functioning neuron (and i'm starting to doubt the existence of that one)
- Some boss enemies have confidential information and extra resources. They will become aggressive when you are low on hp/stamina and they will try to punish every heal/roll. Somehow they always have that stamina when they need just one hit to kill you.
that's not "artificial difficulty". like, at all. it just means that you're playing like a spastic retarded child
Now you mention 4 retarded enemies like they are the only offenders in the game while you completely ignore the other bullshit mechanics that are implemented. If you are so stupid then just shut the fuck up.
it seems you don't even understand
why i mentioned those 4 enemies in particular and not any other (than one DaS2 special offender). i don't think i will cheer for you at the next special olympics. you're too retarded even for the 'dex
For you. For me TNK is the final push-over before an anti-climactic ending. The lore is simply non-existent and the fight is boring.
are you seriously so illiterate? he has definitely an above-average amount of lore.
I chose the wrong word. I meant to say "slow paced tactical combat" as in DaS1/DaS2 instead of "R1 spamming" like in DaS3. Now, you got me. I will never recover from this.
yes, i got you. you're stupid and don't know the meaning of the words that you use. stop embarrassing yourself
Imbecile. You are missing the point. I was not complaining about losing in pvp, I was pointing out the fact that the entire invasion mechanism is rendered useless by the changes they implemented. There is no point in it. It's a travesty on the same level as the poise feature.
waaah waaah, people heal when you
invade, boohooo.. go cry some more like the pathetic little illiterate invertebrate child that you are