I finally got summoned once as a blade of darkmoon & aldritch faithful after 100+ hours in this game.
toro mobs don't have infinite stamina. stop saying that. what mobs are teleporting and have instant attacks? The only ones I know with homing attacks are the sorcerers that shoot fire or the fat one with the gnawing miracle.
The bosses don't know you're on low health, it just seems like that if you try to heal with low health. Gwyn and Artorias did the exact same thing. If you've played the game for over 100+ hours, you should be able to tell every bosses moveset by now.
If you want to succeed in PVP, get a great hammer, ultra greatsword or greataxe and poise through attacks. Someone mentioned it earlier, but when two handed, these weapons can't be parried.
The Dark Knights have infinite stamina and almost instant attacks. Their stamina is not emulated and they simply take a break from attacks. If you are too stupid to realize this then you should not talk about it.
Dogs are teleporting and guess what ... most enemies teleport the second you don't watch them!!!
The bosses know when you are low on HP or stamina. In fact they become very aggressive exactly when you cross some threshold line. But that is not something a Dark Sword scrub who killed all bosses on 1st try could know.
You are so far gone that you will not admit something is wrong with the game even if Miyazaki releases a statement saying so. Indeed, your input is valuable ... to someone.
how is that teleporting? he is doing charge attack of the fucking stairs no wonder he "levitates" for a split second in the air. i could understand your complaints if that was instant teleport to backstab you like some pvp lagstabs bullshit but this? lol at dark knights instant attacks. they are slow as fuck unless you are blind and paraplegic. irithil outrider knights are faster than those slow ass darkwraiths.
bro you did not give DS3 second chance. You gave it 4 fucking chances
Why put up to 175 hours if game was known to be shit after like second playthrough? Just 1162 more and you will be at Celerity level
The most fleshed out locations are: High Wall of Lothric, Undead Settlement, Lothric Castle, Cathedral of the Deep, Grand Archives and Archdragon Peak. I honestly enjoyed the first 3 of them and I recognize the last 3 are good even if I did not enjoy them too much.
so half of the game locations are cool while other half is mediocre or shit? Sounds like every other game in the franchise
They are polished and they are somewhat complex however the world is no longer a dangerous place as in the previous games. The world doesn't have a consistent tone and it feels as disjointed as DaS2 vanilla and I don't know how that is possible.
actually this is the most consistent thematically world next to BB. Which is also its weakness without unique locations like Dragons Aerie or Shrine of Amana or even Blightown.
It's like they created separate levels and then they glued them all in the end. This process is betrayed by the non-sensical placement of bonfires - I think there is one place with 3 bonfires in vicinity.
That sounds exactly like DS2 vanilla not DS3. You think or you are certain? Aside from Dragon Slayers Armor/ Grand archives double bonfire i dont remember any jarring bonfire placement. Cathedral of the deep has single bonfire same with Irithil Dungeon/most of the profaned capital.
This is not inherently bad but I think they could have done much better. Am I the only one who expected something like Blightown or The Gutter? Cause Farron Keep ain't one of those.
yes please, thats exactly what we need after valley of defilement/ blightown/gutter. give us another fucking swamp arena so people can complain about lack of creativity and fucking deja vu.
- There is no location which leads to more than one exit and the amount of dead ends is really annoying. Overall DaS1 world design is head and shoulders above this crap and even the retarded cousin DaS2 is better than this.
high wall of lothric leads to 3 different locations. Road of sacrifice leads to two other locations same with catacombs of carthus and irithil.
Disregarding the fact that some weapons are OP and you can simply stun and kill a mob before he can react, the thing is you never know what will happen when you encounter a mob.
This bullshit is more pregnant when dealing with the bosses: it happened more than once that I died because suddenly the boss decided to perform a combo out of his ass. Yeah, I know I suck cause I cannot predict the future but I need to live like this.
some weapons are Op and make most of the encounters trivial?
is this your first Souls games or what? they are full of that shit. let me remind you of zweihander and drake sword in DS1 or crescent falchion in DeS.
Boss does shitty combo out of his ass? Its not like Artorias never gets stuck in his spinning shit attack patterns or Ceaseless Discharge spamming his shitty AoE. You sound like you got butthurt cause you cant circle-strafe bosses anymore once you learned their easily foreseeable patterns and now have to react on the fly to their moves.
Special credits to the Nameless Cretin boss: half of the fight is with controlling the camera. I actually had him teleport out of the camera and then kill me in one hit without any chance of dodging. Cause the fucking AI knows when you are low on HP or stamina.
learn2play unlocked faggit
PvP is shit agreed. Better than DS1 but worse than DS2. Still DS2 needed about year, 10 patches, 3 dlcs and re-release to get to the point it is now.