Thanks for the feedback
mustawd. nitpick all you want, as I do it with my own game
1. Bit confused though, was it the AI that couldn't do anything, or was it one of your units that couldn't do anything?
It was like it was my turn, but I couldn't do anything. Just stood there. Then at some point randomly the enemies starched attacking me and combat resumed normally. Almost as if game was waiting for my guy to not be stunned anymore? I dunno. I'll try to recreate it if I can.
5. 3 Questions here:
- Could I get your PC specs?
Lol. Don't laff.
Windows 10, Intel i5 3.2 Ghz, 8GB RAM, Nvidia GT 1030
- Also at what points did it drop to 28, was it during the equipment menu and attack animations?
Just at the very beginning. So I don't think it's an issue. See screen below. You can see the minimum is 30, but it's quite literally at very beginning.
- What would you rate performance, obviously there is more to optimise, but was the playable enough in this current state?
It worked fine. No issues for me.
7. Also, could I get your opinion on combat? I will get around to do better guides for it, but what do you think about it in its current state. Is it too convoluted, hard to grasp, fun/challenging, easy but has depth?
Well seeing that there's no documentation, I just went in blind and fucked around. I'd prefer a tutorial in the full game to explain \combat and stats, etc. I will say some specificity in terms of animation for different types of attacks would be nice. Unless i missed something, all attack whether going for the head, body, helmet, armor, etc look the same. But that's ideally. It's not a game breaker for me.
So a bit more feedback on the UI. See image below
A few things.
A. There are two panels (top and bottom) with fighters. Which one is the one with fighter sin reserve and which one is the one where fighters are entered into combat? I have no idea. And I accidentally went into combat with one dude in this fight lol.
I think there's two solutions to this:
1. Label the panels
2. When you go to combat there can be a message that shows the fighters going into combat and giving you an option to accept or to go back to the screen and repick your party.
B. Speaking of going into combat, the only way to get off this screen is hitting the x button, as far as I know. What if I changed my mind and don't want to go into combat? There should be a "enter combat" and a "cancel" button or something to that effect. Also, Xing out of the window should also be Cancel if you're gonna have the X there. Because i'm used to thinking that means the window is gonna be closed (thanks microsoft).
C. When you mouse over the stats it brings up a description. Which is good. However, it only comes up when you mouse over the bars, and not the icons. I'd extend it to make sure when you mouse over the icons the description also pops up.
D. WOuld be nice to have similar descriptions pop up over nthe wepaons. Doesn't need to be verbose, but just basic weapon info would be nice. Es[ecially if I need to choose between fighters, knowing what they're carrying at a glance is helpful.
E. Dragging the portraits to the bottom or top panels IMO isn't intuitive enough. Either find a way to indicate better that's what we should be doing, or just simply have a system where you can click on a portrait and click on an arrow to move the party members back and forth.
F: What's that blank panel in between weapons and stats? Is it going to be used for something else? Not a big deal, just looks random.