Does it have a punk soundtrack :D ?
(Also, thought it's going to be an AoD review :D )
The cross where Shebzu spilled his seed and people licked it from the ground.
no offence to anyone who likes those style graphics but no way im playing that in 2016+
Well, some people just cannot stand graphics that are below top-notch and/or just cannot see some art styles as a deliberate design choice, instead seeing it as some kind of "thing of the past".
To be honest, I don't like the art style either. But that has nothing to do with the year, it's just a personal preference.
And there we go with the graphics argument again... I find the graphics and artstyle beautiful, but I always forget that this is the codex, where everyone pretends not to be a graphics whore but somehow graphics must always be the main concern.
or it's because they actually look like shit and you're stupid?
I really love the Gothic series, especially the German versions, for their colloquial dialogue and liberal use of swearwords, it really adds to the atmosphere in those games. But here? Holy fucking shit this isn't "grimier, scarier, nastier" than Fallout, this is just fucking immature. A couple of hardass characters saying fuck all the time? Sure! Having a "fuck you" dialogue option in most conversations? Why not! Basing your entire game around the premise of inserting the word "fuck" anywhere and everywhere possible? I guess I would've loved this back when I was 12 and easily amused.
no offence to anyone who likes those style graphics but no way im playing that in 2016+
maybe if it came out in like 1996 we could talk
e- everything about this game looks retarded/terrible lol
dont know why people think excessive curse words are cool in entertainment, i feel like most people who think that way grew up in rly conservative homes and thats one of the only ways they can be edgy
Compare this:And there we go with the graphics argument again... I find the graphics and artstyle beautiful, but I always forget that this is the codex, where everyone pretends not to be a graphics whore but somehow graphics must always be the main concern.
Futue te ipsum.Yeah but it was in latin, so it probably sounded pretentious as fuck.
Altered destiny looks ugly as fuck while this game is bery beautiful. What so you havre in place of Your eyes? To dicks looking at each other thinking who's the longest? Go fuck yourself pal, and Your mom too while you're there.Compare this:And there we go with the graphics argument again... I find the graphics and artstyle beautiful, but I always forget that this is the codex, where everyone pretends not to be a graphics whore but somehow graphics must always be the main concern.
To another game set in the strange world and released 26 years earlier.
Altered Destiny is graphical consistent. Death Trash looks like bunch of sprites viewed in 1280x1024. Look at this font. I have not used this in graphical modes even when had 320x200 B&W display! Look at small inscriptions and compare them to big! Discrepancy everywhere. They are not big things, but they gradually add to overall cargo cult look. Developers should've started with fucking using proper VGA resolutions!
P.S. Would play if combat is turn-based.
Futue te ipsum.Yeah but it was in latin, so it probably sounded pretentious as fuck.
Combat is abominable .![]()
I really love the Gothic series, especially the German versions, for their colloquial dialogue and liberal use of swearwords, it really adds to the atmosphere in those games. But here? Holy fucking shit this isn't "grimier, scarier, nastier" than Fallout, this is just fucking immature. A couple of hardass characters saying fuck all the time? Sure! Having a "fuck you" dialogue option in most conversations? Why not! Basing your entire game around the premise of inserting the word "fuck" anywhere and everywhere possible? I guess I would've loved this back when I was 12 and easily amused.
Did you enjoy AoD's dialogues? A large part of it felt like that to me (not all of it thank god).