I agreeYou R'lyeh need to die.
I agreeYou R'lyeh need to die.
[Codex Lore fail] What the fuck is hopw roewur ne
[Codex Lore fail] What the fuck is hopw roewur ne
Well I spent a couple of years using the Codex just as a RPG newsite [gasp], so I guess I missed something. My research so far has been mostly fruitless, but I've found that this is related to Prosper, an episode in Codex History I completely missed. Still, I would like to penetrate deeper.
[Codex Lore fail] What the fuck is hopw roewur ne
Next battle decides whether or not R'lyeh lives or dies. It was fun while it lasted men
Are you even at war with anyone? That one guy in castle doesn't count.What a boring turn. From the looks of it, RIP R'lyeh? Though, you killed a lot.....
Are you even at war with anyone? That one guy in castle doesn't count.What a boring turn. From the looks of it, RIP R'lyeh? Though, you killed a lot.....
Hopefully you aren't bringing any nasty new tricks to the field just yet. He's about to break 3000 kills! Just more maenads please.Are you even at war with anyone? That one guy in castle doesn't count.What a boring turn. From the looks of it, RIP R'lyeh? Though, you killed a lot.....
Hey man, many maenads and shit have died against "that one guy".
Also there's R'lyeh I guess. So no, I'm not really at war with anyone, only myself. Pannic corruption is off the charts.