I am sure you will be able to bless your one rephaite warrior per two turns really well!
Interesting magic or play style.
Is there an interesting nation left?
Maggot - Niefelheim
Anhur - Caelum
Mondblut - Vanheim
Johannes - Ermor
Sqeekoo - Lanka
Shas - Mictlan
coldcrow - Yomi
KoolNoodles - Kailasa
Harpsichord - TNN
Zzz - Pangaea
4th July - Hinnom
Al UW (but the mod is sadly lacking in UW options). Sauro, Mictlan, Pans, Xibalba are still open and they are all "fun". Xibalba particularly so.
Mictlan and Pan taken, but there's Berytos? If there's any way to do coastal start. You got Agartha, Fomoria, TC, Abysia.....what is interesting though?
Interesting magic or play style.