Just the little things, like having to levitate up Tel Aviv, or exploring one of those underwater dungeons with those bastard crab Dreugh or whatever they are called, or the verticality of the dungeons.
Agree, this things were fine, also I quicly got bored by senseless walking, and also failed in game - if you play with max difficulty slider, at some point you will met enemies that impossible to beat. Maybe because I leveled too fast dunno.
It doesn't excel at anything but it has a better character and combat systems as well as the side quests (i.e. 90% of quests in a sandbox game) than ... Fallout 4
Strongly disagree. F3 was a heap of garbage that pretended to be RPG, while its role system didn;t work at all, quests I saw was a garbage (also I am ready to admit that there are good quest) and more than that worldbuilding was complete garbage too with Megathon and Moira Brawn that survived nuclear explosion and the like shit.
On the other hand, F4 had more arcade "role system" that work definitely better, and don't pretend to be RPG, had cool inventory (yay they finally played System Shock 2 or Alien Trilogy dunno) and decent graphics.
though I guess even this bastardized version of Fallout system offers some variety of builds
No. I played ~100 hours, cleared half of map with melee-unarmed character, but that was because I used one of the first mods that tried to change role system into something where role system do matter. Original game's rs is a complete shit, I also played with it.
What I liked about FNV was quest design, C&C, faction play, writing and music and that was enough to carry me through the game. I didn't really like anything it inherited from Fallout 3 (engine, combat, character creation system etc.
Yep, but even that wasn't enough to finish game with its boring shooter-like expierince.
Codex nightmare scenario: Desert island. You can take one game, only from the list of aforementioned shit. Which popamole would you choose?
Instead I'll take roguelikes, I think I can pack in 1 Gb all decent roguelikes. If no - I'll take ADOM, if no - STALKER Misery mod or STALKER NLC 7. Not a RPG but better than F3 in every way.
HR could also turn into a game without challange if you used takedowns and typhoon explosives a lot.
I got every fucking single enemy with takedown and where it was possible (when two patrolman came close to each other) did double takedowns.
I fucking hate it, it isn't "without challange" at all when you want tobe like ghost.
Also I heard they did same stupid thing when takedowns rewarded more then kills right?