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Decline Deus Ex: The Fall - released on PC


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
I haven't had any of the bugs mentioned above. Only 3 hours in though.

My summary would be the same as before, it's a real Deus Ex game which is pretty amazing to me considering its origins. In order to enjoy it however you're going to have to put up with it being an obvious tablet game, which a lot of you won't be able to I am sure. Once I finish it I'll write a real review, assuming Infinitron still wants one.


Jan 14, 2014
I haven't had any of the bugs mentioned above. Only 3 hours in though.

My summary would be the same as before, it's a real Deus Ex game which is pretty amazing to me considering its origins. In order to enjoy it however you're going to have to put up with it being an obvious tablet game, which a lot of you won't be able to I am sure. Once I finish it I'll write a real review, assuming Infinitron still wants one.
Is there a chance that you're being too open minded?


Mar 20, 2010
Yiffing in Hell
I haven't had any of the bugs mentioned above. Only 3 hours in though.

My summary would be the same as before, it's a real Deus Ex game which is pretty amazing to me considering its origins. In order to enjoy it however you're going to have to put up with it being an obvious tablet game, which a lot of you won't be able to I am sure. Once I finish it I'll write a real review, assuming Infinitron still wants one.
Is there a chance that you're being too open minded?

On the codex?




I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
DalekFlay Things you might want to consider focusing on in a review:

How does the game work as a "companion piece" to DX:HR? Does it flesh out the setting in a meaningful way? Does it mesh well with DX:HR's plot, or does it feel like random fan fiction? DX:HR had great worldbuilding and I'd be very interested to know if The Fall has those same qualities.

In terms of gameplay, mechanics and design, what are the differences from DX:HR, beyond the obvious stuff like no jumping? Is there anything that could be considered an improvement? (probably not, but who knows, maybe they learned something from DX:HR and applied it in this game)

Are there any particularly cool levels? Or particularly horrible ones?
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Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Is there a chance that you're being too open minded?

Depends on how you're taking what I'm saying. I'm not saying it's a good Deus Ex game, I'm saying I'm shocked with how it's a real, full Deus Ex experience despite being a tablet game. That's what I'm being positive about. Outside of that it's mostly all negative when compared to Human Revolution.

DalekFlay Things you might want to consider focusing on in a review:

Good tips, understood.


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I am playing it and got to the hub level.

Do not listen to Dalek Flay. This is INCREDIBLY SHITTY. All the Steam reviews are being negative for a reason . Here are a few things of note :

-it is impossible to rebind keys. I have a french keyboard, the only way to play it is to switch Windows' region to USA. I have never, even, had a need to do that in a game, nor should I have to.
-The graphics are worse than what those screenshots look for one reason : the animations. Everybody acts completely rigid. PS1 game is a good comparision.
-The voice acting is incredibly substandard for a 2013/14 game
-The protagonist is unlikable
-The story and dialogs don't make sense at all if you haven't read the book. Only a few minutes in and the characters keep referencing shit and organizations I have never even heard about.
-The game is incredibly insulting : in the first hour of the game, there is an UNSKIPPABLE tip that appears every two seconds. And you might want to pay attention too, because the controls are extremely awkward. This is not the Deus EX HR interface. Beat it.
-Hit boxes/Collisions are buggy as fuck. Everything feels incredibly rigid.
-Sometimes, you click on a button or something (digipad) and nothing happens. A lot of the times, MOUSECLICKS DO NOT REGISTER.
-Weapons have no sense of recoil or reality. This is worse than Wolfenstein 3D in this regard.
-Mouse movement/eyelook is wrong. I can't tell what it is, I can't put the word behind it, maybe it has to do with sensibility or acceleration or something, but it feels incredibly incredibly wrong. Sometimes it skips too.

I'm glad I pirated it. I just arrived to the hub. I will complete it because it's short and fuck, it's Deus Ex, but DO.NOT.SPEND.YOUR.MONEY at least until they face the major technical issues. It might be "alright" for a tablet game, but this is a PC game now. I'm not talking about graphics, this game didn't transition well.
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I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
He makes it sound like those are minor issues and it is actually an okay game. It's not. It's an unacceptable port. By a huge margin.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
He makes it sound like those are minor issues and it is actually an okay game. It's not. It's an unacceptable port. By a huge margin.

Most of your bullet points I already mentioned. Where they cross from "annoyances" into "horrible can't enjoy it" depend on the individual. I don't recall ever saying "you'll like this bros!" In fact I said the opposite, I said most people here probably couldn't get past it being a mobile port. P.S. My mouse aim was perfectly fine, and I never had it be unresponsive when clicking.

Anyway... completed it just now, took me 7 hours according to Steam. I didn't get the "all sidequests" achievement, which baffles me since I go everywhere and click on everyone in these games, but oh well. I'll write a review tonight assuming I am suitably lacking in more important things to do.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Anyway... completed it just now, took me 7 hours according to Steam. I didn't get the "all sidequests" achievement, which baffles me since I go everywhere and click on everyone in these games, but oh well. I'll write a review tonight assuming I am suitably lacking in more important things to do.

Take your time, and try not to write the review as a defensive response to the Codexers who will inevitably say you were too lenient


The protagonist feels underdeveloped, he is a balding whiny-retard with a hook nose and has a bad voice actor. Level design ranges from bad to decent. The AI is retarded. The game has technical problems, the hit detection is shitty and it is also not possible to rebind keys. It is way too easy. The mechanics are somewhat broken. And some more shitty stuff.

It kind of does feel a bit like DX:HR, just a lot shittier. Pick it up during the next steam sale, but only if you're a fan of the series and they eventually fix the technical problems.

Deleted member 7219


TB is a bit of an arsehole but his criticisms are legitimate in that video. I'm glad I didn't waste any money on this crap, I enjoyed HR a lot and was thinking of buying this in the hopes that it was a similar experience.


Apr 1, 2012
TotalBiscuit is an absolute retard at playing video games (he can't even do the simple hacking minigame or shoot behind cover in his The Fall video). Not saying that he isn't probably right on DE The Fall (broken clock and so on), but the only reason you'd look at his videos is if you're a cretinous PC MUSTARD RACE xD kind-of-guy who spends thousands of dollars for glorified tech demoes. Oh noes, the graphicz aren't the greatest ever ergo the game is absolute shit.
I specifically like how he says that Deus Ex The Fall sucks for not having a jump button and then changes the subject when he remembers that Thief didn't have either :stupid:.


May 14, 2008
TotalBiscuit is an absolute retard at playing video games (he can't even do the simple hacking minigame or shoot behind cover in his The Fall video). Not saying that he isn't probably right on DE The Fall (broken clock and so on), but the only reason you'd look at his videos is if you're a cretinous PC MUSTARD RACE xD kind-of-guy who spends thousands of dollars for glorified tech demoes. Oh noes, the graphicz aren't the greatest ever ergo the game is absolute shit.
I specifically like how he says that Deus Ex The Fall sucks for not having a jump button and then changes the subject when he remembers that Thief didn't have either :stupid:.
Yeah, I jumped to 4-5 places in that 30 minute video that was linked. He was bitching about the graphics/textures at all of them. So I guess his commentary would be helpful if you were somehow unaware that this is a console port and had a really short attention span?


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas

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