It's too hard to judge the entire game on a demo that is 5% of the game, anyway.
Fair enough, though at $60 this is pretty much the only taste that most of us will get. And we didn't choose what was in the demo, the people that want me to give them $60 choose what was in the demo.
I bought D1 and D2 and enjoyed them for what they were, but that was a long time ago and now there are a lot more game options. With the explosion of independent companies I can't see ever getting bored enough to pay for D3. If I really want to play an aRPG I can buy a whole bunch of different games for $60... Path of Exile taunting me with their $10 beta entry, or Krator with their $16 beta entry, etc, etc...
In all honesty, I think D3 is exactly what it should be. I only downloaded it to try it. I never had any allusions that it was going to speak to me.
The vast majority of people that will play it will enjoy it. They don't want a challenge. They don't want some difficult hardcore game. They just want something that looks cool and works and has lots of flashy colors and achievements. More power to them and to Blizzard. D3 will make an endless pile of cash. I can't really fault them for that.
There was a time when I would have really resented what I would call the mainstreaming of PC games, as there was a long drought of games that spoke to me. It was frustrating to watch game play take a back seat to fancy graphics and the mass marketing of games.
I would maybe buy 1 game a year. Maybe. And a lot of times that game didn't actually do much but make me miss old games.
There was an actually correlation between the growing interest from the mainstream in computer games and my growing frustration with the lack of actually interesting and challenging games.
But I actually think things have been improving in the last two years, and Kickstarter shows that there is room for both D3 and the crowd that will love D3, and the crowd that would rather play AoD for example.
Recently, I have bought and played a lot of interesting games that I actually enjoyed. Crazy.
So while I didn't really find much in D3 that interested me, I can see that it will serve the massive amount of people that do like that sort of thing well. It worked, it looked good, it was easy to understand, it was easy to play. Hell, the things that I would change would only piss off most D3 gamers.
Anyway, this is my long winded way of saying, that while I could take a bunch of pot shots at D3, I won't. (well, other than the cheap shot I already took 2 posts up).
Live and let live.... as long as I am allowed to enjoy some niche games that actually make me think then I am perfectly fine with the fact that millions of people are going to have a great time with D3.