You can't boil something like 'damage' or 'deadliness' down to a single number anyways. Is a water jet cutter more or less deadly than a hammer? Bullet vs arrow? Etc. Physics and anatomy are complicated, games abstract them for a reason.Quoted for emphasis.Also, damage should work as a measurement. Eg, "this fireball is deadly as a cannon", so i expect that both have a similar damage
You can't boil something like 'damage' or 'deadliness' down to a single number anyways. Is a water jet cutter more or less deadly than a hammer? Bullet vs arrow?
I'm honestly shocked and surprised that people are shocked and surprised that D4 is going to have a cash shop. They couldn't have been more obvious about it when they announced that the game was going to have mounts. BfA has the lowest player activity yet it has made the most money because of the cash shop mounts. Once Blizz tasted that money there was no going back.
I'm of the opinion that if you've sunk hundreds of hours into a game paying an extra 40$ isn't a big deal.
???Cosmetic is fine if it doesn't break style of the game and goes against spirit of the game, and sadly in PoE, it does. The visuals of PoE, a game where you begin as a loli in a dress made of sack with a branch as wand fighting zombies on a forgotten dark shores of Wraeclast eventually turn into wow anime burning illidan winged with 12 auras shooting screens of monsters with flying lazor discs.
My main problem with Diablo 2 isn't even with its inflation, though that doesn't help. But what really kills it for me is how different the atmosphere is. Diablo 1 really nailed it with the NPCs, the village, the music, the enemy design, the spell design, the way magic worked with you having to look for those tomes. A lot of it was really simple and people might say the healer or the blacksmith are hardly the epitome of drama. But that is besides the point, they worked within the setting and worked really well. Diablo 2 never has the same impact with the player, at least it didn't to me. I specially dislike the class selection. The necromancer might have worked, although obviously not as a hero. The sorceress is less interesting as a character than the wizard from diablo 1, which at least looked foreign without looking displaced. The barbarian and the paladin too didn't look like they belonged in the same setting as Diablo 1, altoughI suppose it could have been made to work. The amazon however looked bad, really breaking the gothic atmosphere, but I have a special hatred for the druid because after making it such a big deal the secrets that were supposed buried in the church in Diablo 1, Diablo 2 comes along with a class based on a completely different kind of magic from the one we had seen in the previous game, and this just makes it feel cheap somehow.
yikes - obsidian ring of the zodiac was rarer than hen's teeth, only manged to find one ever... had i been old enough to drink at the time, it would be cause for an epic benderI'm so happy I found this great item in Diablo 1.
Really will go a long way in helping me.
Diablo 4 will have cosmetic microtransactions