You can make all kinds of aRPG games but they are not Diablo likes. Diablo likes are made around murdering lots of monsters and getting lots of random loot.
Not true. Diablo 3 is a gauntlet like barbie dressing game. But Diablo 1 and 2 are different.
On pre alfa version of D2, instead of dropping random items, monsters drop organs and you use it to craft items. Unfortunately was considered "too creepy"(in a game with skills like corpse explosion) and was replaced by an worst version of looting, aka monsters drop weapons and armor that they are not wearing. Something that makes no sense. I an not saying that is bad, a lot of people love this "mechanism", but if you look to more traditional RPG's, on VtMB, if you kill someone using an shotgun, he will drop the shotgun, not an baton or an revolver. The same happens on Fallout New Vegas, no deathclaw or similar high level non humanoid enemy would ever drop an anti materiel rifle or explosive .50 ammo. And in medieval RPG's too, On Morrowind is possible to get the best medium armor in the game easily at lv 1 with spellcrafting and a little strategy. On non isometric aRPG's like Dark Souls, certain weapons are obtained by "challenges" like cutting an boss tail. Diablo would be extremely different if wasen't by "too creepy".
I also can beat Diablo 1 and 2 naked without any problem.