While I understand what you are saying and sympathize with your plight - I have several friends in Russia that are gay and I know from personal accounts how tough it is - I disagree with you wholeheartedly. I also have no issues with any SJW´s as long as it is alright for me to disagree. This is not only a case of Russian and English - liberast is a word in Estonian - the language the book "Sacred and Terrible Air" was written in. Language changes in time. Language also has power. Personally I believe that for the change you wish to see in Russian (or any) society - you must allow language to morph and words to obtain new meanings. Liberast is derogatory, sure. But it is in context. And context is everything.Well, there's also the ulterior issue that when you're a left-leaning gay guy living in Russia, finding this discourse reproduced elsewhere, particularly in a supposedly "high-brow" context, is a rather unpleasant experience. But I also honestly believe that it's Runglish in its worst form, and I have some experience with editing Russian-to-English translations, and my English-language texts being edited by native speakers, so I'm not talking out of my ass here.
Now we can count down the seconds before I'm branded an SJW.
EDIT: As I do not author most of the game´s lore, I had to look it up, to be sure. Cursory reading also enlightened me to the fact that "pédérastie" is used in French - and that from and English article here. Reading further I feel my convictions strengthening. Must be minmaxing Rhetoric was a shit idea.
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