Yeah but these guys on Twitter are Americans. I disagree with their politics but a game made by Chapo Trap House types would probably be entertaining as hell. I don't know if Kurvitz belongs to that group exactly but he seems similar.
:sincerity alert:
Speaking as someone who is pretty far left as politics go, from the mainstream perspective anyway, but hovers somewhere along the blurry line between revolutionary Communism and mainstream-ish revisionist/reformist Eurocommunism (largely depending on how angry I am on any given day), I can give you my perspective.
Communists, generally speaking, know just how far in the margins they are. We know what regular people think of us. We also know that ever since the USSR went (whatever date you want to slap on that -- for some it's 1991, for some it's 1953, for yet others it's as early as 1928) the prospect of a Communist revolution, globally speaking, looks pretty remote. Victories are few and far between, and the best we usually get is some particularly odious reactionary (person or party) getting knocked down a peg or two, only to see a wishy-washy-soft-left party continue doing more or less exactly what the odious party was doing, except with better optics. (<cough> Trudeau <cough>) And this whole thing with Communism suddenly being cool again is kind of ... unsettling actually. At least for me it is.
Lots of us also need to try to reconcile some fundamentally irreconcilable things. Most of us aren't full-time professional revolutionaries sacrificing their all for the cause and the Party in the Leninist ideal. (No, not even many of the ones who pretend to be on Twitter.) We live lives in a fundamentally immoral, amoral, and exploitative system, cogs in the great capitalist machine just like the rest of you, and some of us are actually pretty successful at it. Attempts to deal with this fundamental dissonance -- as humour, or through art, or through writing, or whatever -- can yield interesting results.
That means that you need a certain amount of self-awareness and self-irony to cope, which makes it difficult to tell exactly how serious any given comrade is being at any given time.
:end sincerity alert, back to shitposting: