Whether we're speaking about games, movies, books, etc. everything carrying world-representations (and naturally, bias) is basically political. Everything rewarding the player for conducting one type of action over another is political.
Basically, even Sawyer's system of not penalizing the players for their evil choices is political. It's basically a statement : whether you choose to solve this quest in a good or evil way, you will be rewarded : the only path that carries no reward whatsoever is not resolving the quest, ie : inaction. There's your world representation right there : acting towards a resolution is inherently good, taking a stance is inherently good, while staying to observe outside resolution is basically stagnation. Infer from this what you will.
Take a look at Alpha Centauri's political paradigms for example : would you have translated ecology / fundamentalism / democratic social engineering choices with the same bonus and penalties as Firaxis did?
Translate every game mechanics into a statement and you'll realize they're inherently political.
Now I'm waiting for you fuckers to come with some twisted and fucked-up examples.
I think you misunderstood their points. They're not simply arguing for games to have more political themes, they want the game's writers to take openly take a side and "fight it", and after that "offer solutions". They're claiming that games
cannot evolve without doing so.
Alpha Centauri is about building a society, so it'll obviously be very political, and the developer's biases will show in some way. As far as these games go, SMAC is actually pretty non-committal and objective. Example: a police state with a planned economy has crippling penalties, which are very consistent with real world examples, but the developers still made sure to include a faction that would thrive in it. And you don't have to take a side: you can go Frontier-Simple-Survival-None and do just fine. CivBE had a much stronger political bias and the game wasn't any better for it. If anything, SMAC is an argument
against "overt side-taking".
Since this also involves MCA, what about Planescape: Torment? The universally praised central theme is completely apolitical, and the game doesn't favour sides or offer solutions when exploring any of its core themes. ZA/UM claims PS:T is one of the two main inspirations for their game, but their argument implies the game would've been better if MCA had made it more political, pushed his own political views and offered solutions to political issues.
And what about KOTOR2? The game only explores Star Wars issues and themes, not real world politics, and the narrative doesn't take sides. Here's an example:
Kreia is making an interesting argument against Jedi altruism, which is always taken for granted in Star Wars stories. MCA didn't want to push an anti-charity agenda. He considered it an interesting theme to explore, so even though Kreia herself has a very strong opinion, the game as a whole doesn't take a side. The
player is supposed to answer the questions, not the game.
Anyway, I'm sure MCA didn't know what he was doing. He should be learning from truly superior writing:
For example, Kurvitz explains, suppose there is a black girl selling newspapers at a street corner. One of the lines you can say to her is “You’re black,” to which she will reply “Yes.” This by itself does not yet affect your Fascist counter. However, follow it up with “So what kind of music do you people listen to these days?” and it will go up a notch.