Prime Junta
"ugh we were so poor so I had to sell my ferrari"
It was a red Ferrari though.
"ugh we were so poor so I had to sell my ferrari"
It's interesting to read how developers put some actual thought into "how to encourage people to read" method. And it worked.Russian translation of above-posted article has pretty lively discussion in the vein of HOW KURVITZ DID IT???
So... is it good? 168 pages, it must be at least intriguing.
Also, what stats are usueless here? What is the Swimming of Disco Elysium?
Every stat has at least one skill that's really common and at least one that pops up infrequently. The ones that pop up infrequently tend to have much bigger impact though (Shivers for example).
IMO Motorics is the least interesting of the stats. It is probably the most efficient however -- it'll let you solve some problems in a really cool way or just shortcut past things. (You do need a few pips in Perception however, otherwise you'll just walk obliviously past a whole bunch of stuff.)
What's that?Ginger Questiön
Because some people enjoy that.