I don't disagree with characters being the most important part of storytelling, but I am not sure that characters are avatars - so to speak - of ideology concepts. Or, to put it in other words, I doubt they are supposed to be literal embodients of ideologies (they do not seem to fit the categories you ascribe to them). If ideology is a diamond, then I'd say characters are more like facets, and there are many facets in each diamond.
I dont disagree with the general idea, however for me there are two extremely important characters for each "guild" or "alignment" in a game. The best possible incarnation of that concept and the worst. Here I called them the paragon and the blackguard. These frame how the game sees the concept, and operating by the principle that everything not confirmed by the game is speculation, show how the ideology or guild acts in this world. Lets say I join the Loremasters in Age of Decadence. The blackguard there is Feng, who immediatly wants me to shiv a rival that is better qualified for selfish reasons (
or the cunt who wants to poison you at the library
My suspiction is the imbalance wasn't caused by developers' intentional political bias. They said in of the interviews that they wanted to not side strictly with one ideology or the other, so they specifically made sure that their work on characters was compartmentalized. If anything I'd claim their writers didn't have good enough experience with right-oriented ideologies (although you did get Rene pretty well) to present them in more nuanced way. Same goes for Ultraliberalism.
I do agree here, the game has a bias towards Communism/Moralism and it shows. I dont think it is an intended bias, since they tried to make other paths viable and to make communism a negative example aswell. However every piece of fiction you write is always influenced by the writers personal beliefs. The writers didnt know jackshit about either European or American liberal theories, and as such the liberal response is usually pretty shallow and doesnt fit the ideology, not even from the perspective of the raging drunk uneducated Tequila. I do not know what shitty theories the nazis use to justify their bullshit but I assume the fascist options dont do these justice either.
Surprise, we agree completely