I recommend you to git gud first though.
Thief was dumbed down by developer's own admission. It was "narrower in focus in an attempt to fund Ultima Underworld 3".
That doesn't mean it is not good, nor that Dishonored isn't, but they are quite literally half the games they used to put out and were designed to reach a wider audience. And lets not forget Thief was a first person medieval bow shooter until the last 6 months of development. Check out the Ultima Underworld 1 & 2 discussion thread here on the Codex to see how obsessively attentive to detail they can be in gameplay systems, then ask where's it all gone in Thief?
Eh, I don't think a narrower focus means that it's more simplified. I don't think Thief ever needed to have statistics, skills and stuff. The advantage of having a narrow focus is that everything can be more polished and there's a stronger focus.
The main thing I want with Dishonored 2 is a harder sequel. Dishonored was piss easy even on the hardest difficulty mode (both stealth and guns blazing, even without bone charms or runes) and, while the DLCs had better patrol setups with more stuff to be mindful of, it was still very easy overall.
WRT stealth, what I'd really love to see is player silhouette taken into account, so you can't hide in a patch of darkness even if the wall behind you is brightly lit and the AI can't see you. I don't think this has been done yet (or I'm not aware of it).
Because last time i`ve played i died a lot
Expecting a guard to think that the bottle which flew from behind his back to a wall in front of him and not having the guard inspect the direction it came from like a real person would is just plain retarded in itself. It could work on dumb/drunk/tired guards, but the key to good AI in stealth games is that you should be able to accurately predict how guards are going to act and respond, and predict when the guard becomes too unpredictable. The only reason players would expect the guard to behave in an unrealistic manner is because they never had high hopes for realistic behavior in video game AI in the first place. Usually we use 'normal human being' as a standard for AI, so guards should act like human beings in a similar situation.Regarding AI talk...
In stealth games, or in this case games with prominent stealth element, AI must be limited by design. People ask for better AI, yet they ignore how much of standard stealth gameplay would be downright impossible if AI acted in a realistic manner.
For example, one of Eidos Montreal designer talking about AI and one of familiar stealth game tropes:
"Roy's tone gets more serious. "If it's a life simulation, we discovered that it's not fun because you feel the game is not fair." He describes tests in which they would throw objects to get a guard's attention. The AI programmers would celebrate when the guard cared more about where the bottle was thrown from than where it landed, correctly interpreting the location of the player. Getting worked up again, Roy throws a water bottle across the room and pretends he is the guard, describing the AI's potential thought process in this scenario. "OK, this is the room, and there's the bottle. And it's f***ing stupid because the room is empty, and probably the bottle is coming from this direction!" Still pretending to be the guard, Roy moves to where he would know the player was and makes a stabbing motion. "Boom, you're dead!"
But that's not the behavior the player expects, and it destroys the purpose of why the bottle is initially thrown--to distract the guard and avoid detection. "
Stealth game must create illusion of lifelike AI, and that is where artistry is. Realistic AI and typical stealth gameplay don't go together.
Why are they hiding the gameplay?
Why are they hiding the gameplay?
Yeah, just like DooM.Because it's shit ?