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4X Distant Worlds 2 - RTwP 4x space strategy sequel

Mar 3, 2010
that feels like the description of a pretty horrible game.
It could become good right now, not so much.
Start as pre warp, you will have nothing to do at all for a good 15 min. Then when you can get a few shitty explorer ships warping out , it's like a very slow paced stellaris but with better economics and plenty of little ships flying around . However i have not noticed scarcity of any ressources , nothing forcing me to be agressive nor make chocies over ship builds , heck i see no reason to fine tune the ship designs. Point of DW2 was to be written in 64 bits, be faster and efficient, its not .
Hardly need of any player input you play the role of the old and senile admiral Hurrr durr , and sometime agitate a little bell for someone to change your diapers .
sorry Wulfric Pinewood , you know what this means.


Jan 20, 2017
wtf, where are my volcanic bugmen.

And no custom races?

oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck the game fucked up my desktop screen settings
Last edited:
Mar 3, 2010
my experience with the game:
check options, rage at the horrible interface, start a game nonetheless, frown at the lack of custom race, go in anyway, remove pause, instant crash.


Jul 5, 2013
Distant Worlds 2 - Aurora Update out now

Welcome back explorers,

The wait is finally over. The Aurora update, the biggest update ever made for Distant Worlds 2, is out now and ready for you to explore.

This update brings new features and improvements to the game, including a greatly upgraded engine, enhanced automation, improved fleet management, and much more. With these new additions, players will be able to experience Distant Worlds 2 like never before.

But that's not all. For those of you who want to know every detail of the Aurora update, a detailed changelog is available at this link. This document outlines all the changes made in the update, from major new features to minor bug fixes. Additionally, a list of highlighted changes since release is also available here for those who want a quick overview.

To celebrate the release of the Aurora update, we have organised a special sale for Distant Worlds 2 and Distant Worlds: Universe.

And if you missed Erik's stream on what's new in Distant Worlds 2, don't worry. You can rewatch the stream here.

During the stream, Erik Rutins, the lead developer of Distant Worlds 2, previewed the Aurora update and discussed the future of the game.

So what are you waiting for? Get ready to experience the ultimate version of Distant Worlds 2 and take your empire to new heights.

The galaxy lives on


Feb 7, 2006
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Huge patch with tons of fixes and improvements, but we still can't queue orders, and ships still get trapped in nebulaes


Mar 2, 2015
Is this game a straight upgrade over the first one?

In some parts - yeah, it is. With multi-threading and all that stuff that they try to patch now to prevent a myriad of potential sources of crashes.

But in some other parts it was a downgrade coming from strange design choices, i.e. they moved everything to 3D, so you can check that there are indeed textures at the bottoms of the ships, but at the same time they apparently had to get rid of planets rotation. And the 3D, except for the eye-candy, doesn't benefit the game at all - everything still happens in one plane and you can just as well still look at everything from top-down view and it won't make a difference.


Sep 30, 2012
Codex 2013
Have some of the more glaring problems been fixed in updates yet?


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
"Game" feels like the software developers gathered together, devised to create simulation, and only after most of the stuff was fleshed out they thought out how to implement human into all of this, obviously its a pretty terrible idea to add a substantial design choice far into the project[newsflash, you can't, you would have to rewrite your program or make it feel like a haphazard mash]. Just my observation.

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