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Divinity Divinity: Original Sin 2 Armor System Discussion

Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
DOS2's generally despised armour system
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
even more, reddit posters protect DOS2 armor system
Sad when r*ddit posters are smarter than codex posters and capable of using teams made up of physical+magic instead of whining when they can't just stunlock the enemy 100% of the game and saying the mechanic sucks
Not sure what I should expect when most of you played it on explorer mode though lol


Dec 9, 2011
even more, reddit posters protect DOS2 armor system
Sad when r*ddit posters are smarter than codex posters and capable of using teams made up of physical+magic instead of whining when they can't just stunlock the enemy 100% of the game and saying the mechanic sucks
Not sure what I should expect when most of you played it on explorer mode though lol
this rusty has gone bad, bring the next one.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
What WAS the armor system in DOS like? For those of us who haven't played it.
If you mean dos2,it was like extra health bar that needs to be lowered to get damaged. You had one for physical attacks and one for magic ones. For the dos 1 i don't remember.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
What WAS the armor system in DOS like? For those of us who haven't played it.

It just decreased incoming damage. For status effects, there was a percentage-based system that relied on character stats, i.e. it was closer to D&D than DOS2's "all status effects work automatically if you drop the appropriate armor type to 0".


Mar 12, 2020
I believe NWN2 Complete includes MotB though, which is a 6/5 game. The OC dragging that down to 4.4/5 seems reasonable enough.
Yes, but the point is that liking a game doesn't translate to liking everything about it, to whatever extent ratings count. I don't know or care about DOS2, but I've seen plenty of complaints about its armour system. And as for BG3, its current controls are NWN2-tier shit regardless of how much its resident cheerleader might protest.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
I believe NWN2 Complete includes MotB though, which is a 6/5 game. The OC dragging that down to 4.4/5 seems reasonable enough.
Yes, but the point is that liking a game doesn't translate to liking everything about it, to whatever extent ratings count. I don't know or care about DOS2, but I've seen plenty of complaints about its armour system. And as for BG3, its current controls are NWN2-tier shit regardless of how much its resident cheerleader might protest.

If I cared about complaints I’d never play anything. Put much more stock into things people like than things they don’t. They could be having a bad day or some shit.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
What WAS the armor system in DOS like? For those of us who haven't played it.
Each mob had extra 'armor'(essentially extra HP but only absorbs that type) of magical and physical. Some mobs only had magical or physical, most usually had both to some degree matching their role. For example, a heavily-armored knight-type enemy would probably have a large amount of physical armor and a small amount of magical armor.
Before you could apply status effects to an enemy or directly damage their HP, their armor of the type of damage/status it was(magic or physical) had to be drained. The game therefore favored a mixed party setup capable of dealing with both physical and magical-heavy armor enemies.
Codexers, being retards, threw a tantrum because they couldn't stack 4 of the same type of damage and steamroll the game by CC'ing everything 100% of the time like in DOS1(which was the reason for the armor change to begin with.)


Jul 16, 2009
What WAS the armor system in DOS like? For those of us who haven't played it.
Typical damage reduction on hit.

The problem is Larian is quite shitty in designing these systems. And they have obsession with level 3 character would just because of high LEVEL obliterate all lower level characters. Thus LEVEL DIRECTLY factors into damage and other stuff.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
What WAS the armor system in DOS like? For those of us who haven't played it.
Typical damage reduction on hit.

The problem is Larian is quite shitty in designing these systems. And they have obsession with level 3 character would just because of high LEVEL obliterate all lower level characters. Thus LEVEL DIRECTLY factors into damage and other stuff.

Who gives a fuck about damage reduction? It about whether your charm arrows work and what not.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
The game therefore favored a mixed party setup

Lolno. Haven't seen a single theorycrafter suggest a balanced party if you want to powergame or have a decent time on Tactician. You either go all in on magic damage to steamroll early-to-mid game, or full physical because enemies in later parts start getting ridiculously high elemental resistances. Splitting does nothing other than ensuring you'll have a harder time actually applying any CC.

'Course, you can just subvert this problem by having 4 Summoners who can adapt from physical to magic damage as needed. +M
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
The game therefore favored a mixed party setup

Lolno. Haven't seen a single theorycrafter suggests a balanced party if you want to powergame or have a decent time on Tactician. You either go all in on magic damage to steamroll early-to-mid game, or full physical because enemies in later parts start getting ridiculously high elemental resistances. Splitting does nothing other than ensuring you'll have a harder time actually applying any CC.

'Course, you can just subvert this problem by having 4 Summoners who can adapt from physical to magic damage as needed. +M
I've beaten it multiple times on tactician without a single issue using a mixed party.
"theorycrafters" in a single player game, lol.


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
What WAS the armor system in DOS like? For those of us who haven't played it.
Typical damage reduction on hit.

The problem is Larian is quite shitty in designing these systems. And they have obsession with level 3 character would just because of high LEVEL obliterate all lower level characters. Thus LEVEL DIRECTLY factors into damage and other stuff.

Diablo-style design to keep you pressing that lever for the pellets. Makes both games get old about halfway through.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
I've beaten it multiple times on tactician without a single issue using a mixed party.
"theorycrafters" in a single player game, lol.

Congrats, you beat a Larian game. Truly a feat only ELITE PRO GAMERS are capable of.

What I'm talking about, in response to you, is that no, the game does not, in fact, encourage a mixed party (at least on Tactician, I haven't played other difficulties). You can beat it with one, sure, but a party focused on one damage type will pretty much always be more powerful (as mentioned, magic for early-to-mid game and physical for late).


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
The game therefore favored a mixed party setup

Lolno. Haven't seen a single theorycrafter suggest a balanced party if you want to powergame or have a decent time on Tactician. You either go all in on magic damage to steamroll early-to-mid game, or full physical because enemies in later parts start getting ridiculously high elemental resistances. Splitting does nothing other than ensuring you'll have a harder time actually applying any CC.

'Course, you can just subvert this problem by having 4 Summoners who can adapt from physical to magic damage as needed. +M

You get the four or five dominant skillz on each toon and do whatever you want by midgame.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
I've beaten it multiple times on tactician without a single issue using a mixed party.
"theorycrafters" in a single player game, lol.

Congrats, you beat a Larian game. Truly a feat only ELITE PRO GAMERS are capable of.

What I'm talking about, in response to you, is that no, the game does not, in fact, encourage a mixed party (at least on Tactician, I haven't played other difficulties). You can beat it with one, sure, but a party focused on one damage type will pretty much always be more powerful (as mentioned, magic for early-to-mid game and physical for late).
"armor suxx"
"btw the best way to beat the game is to beat your head against extremely high armor enemies that you have no other way to deal with because I'm a retard who thinks mixed-damage parties are bad"
how do you guys put your pants on in the morning?


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
I've beaten it multiple times on tactician without a single issue using a mixed party.
"theorycrafters" in a single player game, lol.

Congrats, you beat a Larian game. Truly a feat only ELITE PRO GAMERS are capable of.

What I'm talking about, in response to you, is that no, the game does not, in fact, encourage a mixed party (at least on Tactician, I haven't played other difficulties). You can beat it with one, sure, but a party focused on one damage type will pretty much always be more powerful (as mentioned, magic for early-to-mid game and physical for late).

Lol you’re like Porky in P:K but you’re not retarded so you figure out how to actually tank and gank Hargulka. There’s an easier way.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
"armor suxx"
"btw the best way to beat the game is to beat your head against extremely high armor enemies that you have no other way to deal with because I'm a retard who thinks mixed-damage parties are bad"
how do you guys put your pants on in the morning?

4 magic damage dealing characters will melt any and all magic armor in early/mid game easily, just because of how much damage spells can do with the right combos compared to physical damage abilities, so it's literally the path of least resistance, even if they have lots of magic armor (which in itself is not that common, enemies during early/mid tend to favor physical over magic armor).

The opposite is true for late game when enemies start getting 50+ percent resistance to elements and your party starts getting massive AoE Source-fueled powers that deal physical damage against which there is no resistance. In fact, by having magic damage dealing characters in late game, you're actively gimping yourself. You'd think someone who "beat the game multiple times" would know this.

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