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Divinity Divinity: Original Sin 2 Armor System Discussion

Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
"armor suxx"
"btw the best way to beat the game is to beat your head against extremely high armor enemies that you have no other way to deal with because I'm a retard who thinks mixed-damage parties are bad"
how do you guys put your pants on in the morning?

4 magic damage dealing characters will melt any and all magic armor in early/mid game easily, just because of how much damage spells can do with the right combos compared to physical damage abilities, so it's literally the path of least resistance, even if they have lots of magic armor (which in itself is not that common, enemies during early/mid tend to favor physical over magic armor).

The opposite is true for late game when enemies start getting 50+ percent resistance to elements and your party starts getting massive AoE Source-fueled powers that deal physical damage for which there is no resistance. In fact, by having magic damage dealing characters in late game, you're actively gimping yourself. You'd think someone who "beat the game multiple times" would know this.
"if you just throw roleplaying out the window and respec your characters anytime you fail at banging your head against the wall, you can beat the game no problem!"
ok munchkin
can't possibly fathom why you guys hate armor, really gets the noggin joggin


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
"if you just throw roleplaying out the window and respec your characters anytime you fail at banging your head against the wall, you can beat the game no problem!"
ok munchkin
can't possibly fathom why you guys hate armor, really gets the noggin joggin

"The game encourages a mixed party"
"No it quite literally punishes you for having one, here's why"

Lmao, fuck off, retard. :lol:
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
"if you just throw roleplaying out the window and respec your characters anytime you fail at banging your head against the wall, you can beat the game no problem!"
ok munchkin
can't possibly fathom why you guys hate armor, really gets the noggin joggin

"The game encourages a mixed party"
"No it quite literally punishes you for having one, here's why"

Lmao, fuck off, retard. :lol:
Yes, I'm the retard for not wanting to abuse respeccing. You got me.
Keep banging your head against the wall then go change your entire party when it stops working.

Might as well use cheats while you're at it.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
It's extremely obvious you should go only one damage type the moment you realize your physical-based character is up against physical armor when the mob is at 2 hit points and 0 magic armor. It punishes you for playing the build you want unless it synchronizes its damage type with the rest of the party. Truly mind-boggling design.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
It's extremely obvious you should go only one damage type the moment you realize your physical-based character is up against physical armor when the mob is at 2 hit points and 0 magic armor. It punishes you for playing the build you want unless it synchronizes its damage type with the rest of the party. Truly mind-boggling design.
How hard is it to attack the target with low physical armor using the guy that does physical damage?
Are you people braindamaged?

Even fucking fantadomat understands this, come on.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
That's not the problem, though, is it? Maybe it's a boss with no adds, but that's besides the point. It simply punishes you for having a balanced party. It doesn't matter how much armor they have when the game encourages pure damage builds anyway.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
That's not the problem, though, is it? Maybe it's a boss with no adds, but that's besides the point. It simply punishes you for having a balanced party.
How is being able to respond to diverse enemy setups "being punished"? There's only a handful of encounters in the entire game that don't have a mixture of unit types.
You're being punished if you stack all of the same damage type.


Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
Yes, I'm the retard for not wanting to abuse respeccing. You got me.
Keep banging your head against the wall then go change your entire party when it stops working.

Might as well use cheats while you're at it.

OK, let's keep this really simple for you.

1) The respec option is there. It's not something that was modded in. It's not some preorder exclusive, it wasn't added post-release. It can be used at will, with absolutely no cost or penalties whatsoever. It's the integral part of game design.

2) During the first 2/3rds of the game, magic-focused type of party is objectively superior, and significantly so, to other types of parties while a physical-type of party is again objectively superior during the final third or so of the game. Aside from modding it, you can't change this, regardless of what your builds, tactics, setups etc. are. No matter how good you are at the game, a purely physical-damage party will never be able to output the amount of damage and CC that a purely magical-damage party will earlier in the game, and vice versa for later in the game.

Now, knowing this, answer the question: does the game design encourage having a mixed party?


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Because it makes half your party useless in the majority of situations, depending on who wins initiative.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Yes, I'm the retard for not wanting to abuse respeccing. You got me.
Keep banging your head against the wall then go change your entire party when it stops working.

Might as well use cheats while you're at it.

OK, let's keep this really simple for you.

1) The respec option is there. It's not something that was modded in. It's not some preorder exclusive, it wasn't added post-release. It can be used at will, with absolutely no cost or penalties whatsoever. It's the integral part of game design.

2) During the first 2/3rds of the game, magic-focused type of party is objectively superior, and significantly so, to other types of parties while a physical-type of party is again objectively superior during the final third or so of the game. Aside from modding it, you can't change this, regardless of what your builds, tactics, setups etc. are. No matter how good you are at the game, a purely physical-damage party will never be able to output the amount of damage and CC that a purely magical-damage party will earlier in the game, and vice versa for later in the game.

Now, knowing this, answer the question: does the game design encourage having a mixed party?
"mixed damage parties are bad because all physical damage parties are bad"
alright I'm done, you guys are fucking braindead


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
It's extremely obvious you should go only one damage type the moment you realize your physical-based character is up against physical armor when the mob is at 2 hit points and 0 magic armor. It punishes you for playing the build you want unless it synchronizes its damage type with the rest of the party. Truly mind-boggling design.
Or you could give a low-damage (or CC) magic skill to your physical-based characters and a low-damage (or CC) physical skill to your magic-based ones. Medusa Head and Chloroform work wonders on a physical guy, while Summoning and Necromancy have plenty of physical damage skills.
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Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
It's extremely obvious you should go only one damage type the moment you realize your physical-based character is up against physical armor when the mob is at 2 hit points and 0 magic armor. It punishes you for playing the build you want unless it synchronizes its damage type with the rest of the party. Truly mind-boggling design.
How hard is it to attack the target with low physical armor using the guy that does physical damage?
Are you people braindamaged?

Even fucking fantadomat understands this, come on.
Are you talking about dos2 ?? If so,then you could win the game pretty easy with a balanced party.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
No, it doesn't matter how well the mobs are balanced in the context of armor, the actual situation is that it makes the damage type which loses initiative useless. You never want to spread your damage around, you want to burst dangerous mobs, so half your party can't contribute if you are going with a balanced one.


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
Because it makes half your party useless in the majority of situations, depending on who wins initiative.
Almost every fight in the game has some enemies with low magic armor and some enemies with low physical armor. I've played with 2 and 2, and I've never found myself saying "oh no, now this character can't do anything because he has the wrong damage type".
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Because it makes half your party useless in the majority of situations, depending on who wins initiative.
Almost every fight in the game has some enemies with low magic armor and some enemies with low physical armor. I've played with 2 and 2, and I've never found myself saying "oh no, now this character can do nothing because he has the wrong damage type".
It's not worth the effort, they're actually retarded.
It helps to remember that this is a guy who thinks human sexes don't exist.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Because it makes half your party useless in the majority of situations, depending on who wins initiative.
Almost every fight in the game has some enemies with low magic armor and some enemies with low physical armor. I've played with 2 and 2, and I've never found myself saying "oh no, now this character can't do anything because he has the wrong damage type".
It happens to me constantly and I have 2 physical, 1 summoner and 1 magic. This is exacerbated by the fact physical characters have to move more, so managing to get past the frontline in order to get to the archers in the back becomes a trap maneuver. You have almost killed the archer with your rogue, but now it's the magical people's turn unable to finish the job. What you are left with is half-dead mobs that continue to wail on you. The AI is shit though.
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Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
No, it doesn't matter how well the mobs are balanced in the context of armor, the actual situation is that it makes the damage type which loses initiative useless. You never want to spread your damage around, you want to burst dangerous mobs, so half your party can't contribute if you are going with a balanced one.
You sound like a fucking authist. Nobody care if you will get +5 more damage if your whole party is pyromancers or some such shit. Dos2 is extremely easy game and all that garbage is irrelevant. Fuck i am "replaying" it on the hard and it is rare to see a fight that manages to get past the armour.


Oct 24, 2019
Because it makes half your party useless in the majority of situations, depending on who wins initiative.
Actually the game allows you to build mixed damage party quite well thanks on how some of their skills work. For example, a Mage can invest 1 to 2 points on necromancy to obtain powerful spells that deal physical damage and scale with INT, while also infliciting very useful status effect to enemies without physical armor. Warriors can use Medusa's Head from Polymorphy to deal Magic Damage that scales with STR, with the addition of granting great CC. Furthermore, there are numerous Mixed Spells (the ones that you get by combining Magic Spells with Physical Skills) that allow you to do magical damage with physical attacks, like Venom Coating. Archers can use elemental arrows plus other skills to deal high elemental damage that scales with DEX. The flexibility and utility of a mixed party I think is greatly understated, you can cc every type of enemy easily while still removing any kind with armor

Edit: Also forgot to add Scoundrel's skills like Chloroform, scales with DEX, removes Magic armor, and Sleeps. Just 1 single point on Scoundrel too, quite good.
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Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
How is being able to respond to diverse enemy setups "being punished"?

Because a 4-man magic damage party will burn down 300 points of magic armor faster than a 4-man physical party will burn down 100 points of physical armor earlier in the game. Magic damage abilities outclass their physical damage counterparts by a ridiculous margin at that point, ergo if you're not LARPing and just going for pure combat effectiveness, there is objectively no reason whatsoever to have physical damage dealing characters. The opposite being true later in the game.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Weird how the same exact people who hate the armor mechanic think stacking 4 characters with the same type of damage is a Good Idea.
Really gets that noggin joggin.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Ugh, it's not about difficulty, it's about design.
What about design? It is generic TB combat lol. You waste 10 minutes on a meaningless battle with slow animations and move on to experience the rest of the game. Who the fuck cares if you could min-max it by having party of single type of magic users lol?!

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