I find Beast to be more bearable than other companions :totallynotbiasedtowardsdwarves:imo all the companions are rather unlikeable
I find Beast to be more bearable than other companions :totallynotbiasedtowardsdwarves:imo all the companions are rather unlikeable
I actually play "as" Beast. Great character although my inner Tolkien-nerd is triggered from the dwarf+sea combination. TRIGGEREDI find Beast to be more bearable than other companions :totallynotbiasedtowardsdwarves:imo all the companions are rather unlikeable
Grunker what's the problem with Fane and you say to avoid him? I kinda enjoy him so far (but we're moving veeery slowly, the game has humongous amounts of content per area)
It's like having an 14-year-old in your party except this guy is actually written to have the awesome powers and ohmagahd so deep insights which makes him even more insufferable.
I thought Ifan was the "dark, brooding, edgy" representative, but I'm really just in the beginning of the story.Aren't they all teen archetypes, if you squint your eyes? Or it's just this one in particular that annoys you?
Not really, they all have some basic stuff going for them. Ifan actually feels like an adult with a pretty human outlook on things and there's very little DRAMA with him. That in itself is a rare thing in a video game character.
They're not really all that amazing but besides Fane I don't hate any of them. Even Sebille who is certainly edgy is an interesting take on her stereotype
it's like every single line of dialogue the writer has found a way to insert a comment about how he is surperior in every way to everybody and doesn't care about anything
I find that Red Prince is so into himself it's genuinely amusing . I thought I would hate him , but I love him now .I like The Red Prince. They obviously based him on the 'uptight noble' stereotype, but managed to subdue that aspect of him enough that he doesn't become unbearable
Second-guessing the writing: I think if they were aiming for a realistic portrayal of someone who was never socialized, little of what Fane says in dialogue would have been told in dialogue. Much of his impressions would have been inner speech. But I think the writers are going for a much more simple representation, so Fane is intentionally written the way he is.How is it apologism? I literally said that it seems like the deep psychological trauma is missing and acting like a 14-year-old isn't appropriate.
I'm not surprised at how many people can't even play a simple game directed at adolescents, but I'm surprised at how many refuse to read the text or even look at the screen.
And this is supposed to be (have been?) an anti-popamole forum? Which year was that? People can't find an NPC in the center of the town, others are bitching for a "highlight all button" (btw the console controller interface - what a coincidence, huh - has just the thing for you, you press and hold A and it highlights all containers), and yet others need a quest compass to finish their quests and whine when quests are marked as failed.
Revelation for you: quests are not the self-contained fedex shit you are used to doing from your favorite game Skyrim. Get with the game's style already, ffs.
For example, I healed a sick guy, he gave me a playing card, then I went to a few guys playing cards and had the option to play that card, which had me win a big amount of gold from them. Nothing of this was ever hinted in quest log or anywhere. No quest compass either. Explore, improvise, experiment.
I have not had a single bugged quest since the beginning of the game, and we are currently just out of the fort joy and in the wood to the west. I have never opened my quest log for more than to read the text. I have never been confused at what's expected of the party to do.
Also, I really like the music. "Bobby is not a real composer" -- don't make me laugh. Probably that's why he writes music for more and more popular games while you get to be a "critic" on the Codex.
Haven't spotted such a thing yet, but I only have two actual companions, because I'm playing coop.Do companions interact with each other?
I really dont get the hate on the soundtrack. I think its awesome. The main theme is way better even than the one of the first game.
Nope. Only if their quests somehow manage to clash. Only happened to me in prologue when both Sebille & Prince had to talk to same guy.Do companions interact with each other?
Nope. Only if their quests somehow manage to clash. Only happened to me in prologue when both Sebille & Prince had to talk to same guy.Do companions interact with each other?
Isnt Fane the one Chris Avellone wrote?
To clarify - I didn’t design the undead race, only one undead’s backstory, not sure how much survived (not in a bad way).
The undead are too important to be solely left to me, is my feeling, so don't take that as a bad thing - Divinity 2 is amazing, and I admire Swen's force of will to make it Great (capitalized).
Give me a few months, happy to discuss spoilers once the game is out.
To clarify - I didn’t design the undead race, only one undead’s backstory, not sure how much survived
All companions are boring and don't behave like normal or undead living beings. I wish I could just save bear cub and take it travel with me instead.
I would also take grandma commando with grenades.
I am playing witch summoner with black pigtails, noble and undead fetishist called Wednesday, and thought I would make Fane my eternal love slave but I took more liking with Red Prince instead. There is some edgy elegance in the way dialogie is written, as being better than thou noble he still manages to stay galant and honorabru. Fane otoh is just outright... dull. Sadly only Fane bed me so far so I bed him and dumped him. Or at least larped I did.
At least in DOS1 you had man and a waifu and could cautiously larp something between them picking different choices in dialogue.
To clarify - I didn’t design the undead race, only one undead’s backstory, not sure how much survived
Can you respec at some point?
Yeah Larian love to throw idiotic numbers of years and people ackt as if it was yesterday.Everyone knows who asshole Rex was and he is dead for more than a 1000 years.There is a small amount of people who know events from a 1000 years let alone such details.It is like every peasant during the medieval times knew about the Caesar and his military campaigns in details.The writing in the game is a mess at best.It feels like a person with multiple personality disorder wrote it.Fane might act like a 14-year-old edgelord, but he was entombed for thousands of years, so he has 0 social skills. Yeah, acting like a 14-year-old isn't what I picture an isolationist to be like, where is the deep psychological trauma inherent in such a long isolation? I dunno, it seems like what IS missing is more drama, but the good kind.
yes I would find it interesting if it wasn't delivered by some smug teenager who is just way to cool to even be in this video game let alone your party. it's like every single line of dialogue the writer has found a way to insert a comment about how he is surperior in every way to everybody and doesn't care about anything *Fane sits on the toilet seat, leafing through a magazine.* As he notices you, he says: "What? I'm taking a dump in the ancient eternal way you humans couldn't possibly understand the intricacies of an eternal turd."
I feel like every time he talks it's a euphimism for the writer masturbating into my eye-socket going "SEE THIS THIS IS SO COOL I AM THE FIRST MAN TO EVER HAVE PRODUCED THIS WHITE SUBSTANCE SURELY"